ip multicast iii

IP Multicast III - PDF document

P P P P P P DVMRP (1) (1988-1993) IP Multicast III

  1. ❭ ❪ ❆ P ☛ ☛ P ✌ ☛ ☛ ✄ P ❛ ❪ ☛ ❭ ☛ ❭ ❪ ❪ ❪ P ❪ ✏ ❭ P ✙ ❆ ☛ ☛ ☛ P ☛ ✁ ✌ ✡ ☛ ☛ DVMRP (1) (1988-1993) IP Multicast III �✂✁ ✄✆☎✞✝ ✄✆☎✠✟ ☞✍✌ ✎✑✏✓✒✓✌ ✔✖✕✓✏✗✌ ✘✖✙✚✏✓✒✜✛✢✛✤✣✗✛✞✒✦✥ ✧✆✘★✕★✒✪✩✓✛✬✫✗✭✍✒✪✘★✕✗✣✢✮ ✧✰✯✖✘★✒✪✏✱✛★✎✑✏✲✣✗✳✓✏✓✯✖✴ ✎✓✵✶✏✑✒✪✛✢✛✤✩★✒✪✛★✳✗✏✱✛✢✷ ☞✠✳✓✏✱✳★✸✹✷✬✒✓✌ ✺✑✛✻✙✚✏✓✒✜✛✢✛✤✩★✒✪✛★✳✗✏✗✌ ✘✖✙ ✼✲✽✬✒✪✘✗✳✓✷✬✩✓✳✓✎✑✏✂✾❀✿✢✒✪✕✢✙✑✛❂❁ ❃❄✳✗✎✚✏✓✯✢✛✤❅✚✘✗✎✑✏✚✣★✘★✣★✕✖❆ ✳★✒✂❅✚✕✞❆ ✏✗✌ ✩✓✳✓✎✑✏✦✒✪✘★✕✓✏✗✌ ✙✑❇❈✎✓✩★✯✢✛✢❅✂✛❉✌ ✏✓✯✢✛✤❊❋✽✬●✲❍✲■ 10 June, 2002 1 10 June, 2002 The Computer Communications Course 2 DVMRP (2) DVMRP (3) Initiation Initiation Selective Forwarding Selective Forwarding RPB (Reverse Path Broadcasting): RPB (Reverse Path Broadcasting): ❏✰✯✢✛❉☞✰❑❉✴✍☞✠✛✢✎✗✌ ❇✞✙✱✳✗✏✱✛✢✷❉❑✬✘★✕✓✏✱✛✞✒✂✵▲✘✢✙✚✏✓✯✢✛❂✎✓✘★✕★✒✪✩✓✛▼✙✑✛✢✏✱◆✰✘★✒✑❖ If a packet arrives on a link considered as the shortest one to If a packet arrives on a link considered as the shortest one to ✘★✒✪◆✆✳★✒✪✷✞✎✲✳✦✏✓✒✜✳✖✙✱✎✓❅✦✌ ✏✱✏✪✛✢✷❉❅✂✛✢✎✑✎✑✳✓❇★✛❂✏✑✘✦✳✞❆ ❆✓✳✗✷✢◗✜✳✗✩✓✛✻✙✑✏ the source, forward out on all links besides the received one. the source, forward out on all links besides the received one. ✒✱✘✗✕✓✏✱✛✞✒✪✎✗❘ Otherwise - discard. Otherwise - discard. Enhancement: Enhancement: ❙✂❆ ❆✢✒✪✘★✕✓✏✱✛✞✒✜✎❈✒✜✛✖✩✓✛✻✌ ✺★✌ ✙✑❇❈✳❈❅✂✛✢✎✑✎✑✳✓❇★✛ ✘★✒✪◆✆✳✢✒✜✷❚✌ Using (known) Unicast routing tables, forward packet to Using (known) Unicast routing tables, forward packet to ✷✻✘✗◆❯✙✑✎✑✏✑✒✪✛✢✳✗❅❱✕✓✎★✌ ✙✑❇✤❑✬✿✢✽▼✴ ✘✢✒❲✸❲❑✬✿✢❳✖✵ neighbor only if this is his shortest link towards sender. neighbor only if this is his shortest link towards sender. ❨✢✏✦✌ ✎✲✴❩✌ ✙✗✌ ✏✗✌ ✳✞❆ ❬✖✵✶✳✓✎✑✎✓✕✗❅✂✛✢✷▼✏✓✯✢✳✓✏✂✳✞❆ ❆★✯✖✘✗✎✑✏✱✎✲✘✢✙✚✏✓✯✢✛▼✙✑✛★✏✚✳★✒✪✛ ❅✂✛✖❅✦✔★✛✞✒✪✎✲✘ ✏✓✯★✛✤❅✚✕✞❆ ✏✗✌ ✩✓✳✓✎✑✏✚❇✖✒✪✘★✕✗✣✢❘ 10 June, 2002 The Computer Communications Course 3 10 June, 2002 The Computer Communications Course 4 DVMRP (5) DVMRP (4) ❫✢❴✑❵✗❛★✁ ✿★✒✱✕✢✙★✌ ✙✱❇✤❜❈■✶❆ ❅✦✌ ✙✱✳✗✏✗✌ ✘✖✙✲✘ ✏✓✯✢✛✤✕✢✙✑◆✆✳✢✙✑✏✱✛✢✷✬❘ ❝✆✎★✌ ✙✱❇❈❨✢✭✰❊▼✿✖✫✗✳❂✒✪✘★✕✓✏✱✛✞✒❲◆✍✯✻✌ ✩★✯❂✷✞✛✢✏✱✛✞✒✱❅✦✌ ✙✱✛✢✎✲✏✑✯✢✳✗✏✦✙✓✘ ✯✖✘✓✎✑✏❈✔★✛✗❬✖✘✖✙✱✷❚✌ ✏❈✔★✛✬❆ ✘✖✙✱❇★✎✚✏✑✘✦✏✓✯✢✛✤❅✚✕✖❆ ✏✗✌ ✩✓✳✓✎✑✏✂❇✖✒✱✘✗✕★✣✞✫ ✎✑✛✻✙✱✷✻✎✚✳✦✼✪✣✢✒✱✕✢✙✑✛★❁✂❅✂✛✢✎✑✎✑✳✓❇★✛✤✕★✣✗✎✑✏✓✒✜✛✢✳★❅✲❘ ❏✰✯✻✌ ✎✦✣✢✒✪✘★✩✓✛✢✎✱✎✦✩✗✘✢✙✑✏✗✌ ✙✓✕✓✛✢✎✲✕✢✙✑✏✗✌ ❆✓✳✞❆ ❆✓✎✓✕✗✣★✛✖✒ ✕✗✘✗✕✗✎ ✔✞✒✜✳✖✙✑✩★✯✢✛✢✎✚✳✢✒✜✛❂✛✬❆ ❅✦✌ ✙✑✳✓✏✱✛✢✷ ✒✱✘✗❅❞✏✓✯★✛❂✏✓✒✪✛✢✛✞❘ ❙❡✙✑✛✢◆❀✼✲✽✬✒✱✘✓✳✗✷✻✩✓✳✓✎✑✏✚✾❀✿★✒✪✕✖✙✱✛❂✼✂✣✢✒✱✘✗✩✓✛✢✎✑✎❈✌ ✎❈✌ ✙★✌ ✏✗✌ ✳✓✏✱✛✢✷ ✛✢✺✑✛✞✒✹❬✤✎✓✘✗❅✂✛❂✏✗✌ ❅✂✛✻✫✗✏✑✘✦✳✓✷✖◗✜✕✗✎✑✏✂✏✑✘❈✩★✯★✳✖✙✱❇★✛✢✎❈✌ ✙✚✏✓✯★✛ ✏✑✘✗✣✢✘✖❆ ✘✗❇✓❬✞❘ 10 June, 2002 The Computer Communications Course 5 10 June, 2002 The Computer Communications Course 6


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