ABOUT US & WHAT WE DO A complete solution for the IoMT with early application focus in research, clinical trials and precision medicine. The IO IOMT The Internet of Medical Things refers to the connected system of medical devices and applications that collect data which is then provided to healthcare IT systems through online computer networks. CBDS 2 HEALTH
OUR OPPORTUNITY The he Internet of of Medical l Thin hings (IoMT) ) is transforming how we keep people healthy as the demand for solutions that lower healthcare costs rises. A report by Allied Market Research predicts that the IoMT market will reach $136.8 billion worldwide by 2021. CBDS 3 HEALTH
TECHNOLOGY Management, Data PLATFORMS Capture, Comms & Security CBDS 4 HEALTH
RESEARCH/CLINICAL TRIAL MANAGEMENT (CTMS) The CBDS Health CMTS platform is a customizable software solution that modularly composes clinical trials with the benefit of avoiding disjointed technologies. Borrowing from the computer science world, where an “Integrated Development Environment” allows developers to collaborate worldwide using shared, standardized tools that provide process and data integrity, the CMTS platform brings these capabilities to the medical and scientific research communities. For the first time ever, researchers have the ability to reproduce entire clinical trials at the click of a button. CBDS 5 HEALTH
REMOTE PATIENT DATA CAPTURE (IOMT) CBDS Data Capture “Standard Sleep Lab” Configuration CBDS 6 HEALTH
ONLINE/MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS (MHEALTH) SNS Research estimates that the mHealth market accounted for over $23 Billion in 2017 alone. Despite barriers relating to regulation, patient acceptance and privacy concerns, SNS Research estimates further growth at a CAGR of more than 35% over the next three years. The CBDS Health online/mobile communications platform enables multi-party screen sharing, file sharing, video and voice calling - including landline support, SMS, chat, and application data exchange. All of these interactions can be recorded for future review. These communications are powered by a leading global platform serving nearly 40 billion interactions a year while maintaining a 99.95% service level agreement and HIPAA compliance. CBDS 7 HEALTH
IDENTITY AND DATA/DEVICE SECURITY Next generation health industry security requires decentralization by leveraging both software and hardware mechanisms for users and devices/machines on the IoMT. 2017 figures put healthcare at the top of the list when it comes to industries with the highest number of data breaches. According to the Information Commissioners Office (UK) the health sector alone accounts for 43% of all data breach related incidents. For Demonstration: CBDS 8 HEALTH
CUSTOMER Research, Clinical SOLUTIONS Trials & Precision Medicine CBDS 9 HEALTH
CANNABIS Cannabis Research and Clinical Trials CBDS 10 HEALTH
CANNABIS RESEARCH & CLINICAL TRIALS CBDS Health and GrowBuddy have executed an investment and development agreement to integrate their platforms for the provision of a complete solution for product research and clinical trials in the Cannabinoid sector. The GrowBuddy cultivation application currently has +44,000 users. Clinical trial planning and management • Cultivation and product development • IoMT patient data capture • For an overview of GrowBuddy: Grow Smarter CBDS 11 HEALTH
CANNABIS RESEARCH/TRIAL MANAGEMENT Cannabis contains several hundred active ingredients in the form of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. The benefit of these active ingredients is largely based on feedback from patients and their caregivers backed by preclinical and observational studies. The cannabis industry needs to adopt traditional product research and pharmaceutical practices in order to continue making product and scientific advancements. CBDS 12 HEALTH
CANNABIS PRODUCT RESEARCH Cannabis research & clinical trials must track from seed and strain lineage through to finished product. Performing research & clinical trials for cannabis requires definitive tracking of not just the trial itself but also the cultivation and acquisition of the targeted cannabis products. Repeatability is key - being able to produce cannabis products the same way, every time to ensure the integrity of the research/trial. CBDS 13 HEALTH
CANNABIS RESEARCH - PATIENT DATA CAPTURE CBDS Data Capture “Cannabis Sleep Lab” Configuration CBDS 14 HEALTH
RWE & PRECISION Real World Evidence MEDICINE Clinical Trials & Precision Medicine CBDS 15 HEALTH
REAL WORLD EVIDENCE (RWE) Real world evidence (RWE) is obtained from real world data (RWD), which are observational data obtained outside the medical facility/clinic. FD FDA: A: th the de development of of RW RWE in n Cl Clin inical l Tria ials requires more req co comple lete, ac accurate and va an vali lidated da data. RWE Derives Results from a Larger Dataset: Real world evidence gathers claims, • medical, and pharmacy data from thousands of patients in real-time. Reduce Costs and Time of Clinical Trials: Real world evidence reduces costs and • time of clinical trials. Reduce Time to Market: Researchers can make necessary changes to the drug to • improve its efficacy. CBDS 16 HEALTH
CBDS HEALTH RWE The CBDS Health IoMT devices and HealthHub monitor patient behavior and activity away from the clinic, providing data regarding patient therapy compliance and actions that transpire after a patient leaves a medical facility. These devices provide objective reporting of actual activity, versus subjective patient reporting about how they feel. The he CB CBDS Healt lth pl platfo form is s TES ESTED and nd we well ll-suit ited for or ca capturin ing pa patie ient da data for or th therapeutic trea treatments in n chr chronic ic pa pain in; sl sleep di disorders; qu quali lity of of life; Parkinson’s disease; dementia; anxiety; depression; posttraumatic stress disorder; sc dis schizophrenia and nd ot other ps psychoses. CBDS 17 HEALTH
PRECISION/PERSONALIZED MEDICINE Precision/personalized medicine determines care guidelines based on the unique biological systems of a particular patient with IoMT opening the door for more personalized healthcare catered to each individual. “The perfect clinical trial is one doctor and one patient” Dr. Jeffrey Kaye – Founder of the OrcaTech virtual clinical trials platform at Oregon Health Science University CBDS 18 HEALTH
IOMT PLATFORM The The CBD CBDS He Health IoMT platf latform has been 15 15 ye years in in th the makin king. The original networked technology was developed under the OrcaTech initiative at the Oregon Health Science University. OrcaTech have completed 60+ studies with over 1,000 individuals and captured more than one million hours of continuous patient monitoring data resulting in 130+ peer reviewed publications. CBDS has taken the Orcatech platform to the cloud and added its new core HealthHub and devices/services which expand the capabilities and bring intelligence to the edge of the IoMT. Some of the major collaborators with the OrcaTech program at OHSU include: “An example of innovation the FDA would like to partner with.” Statement of Janet Woodcock, director of FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, during our OrcaTech clinical trials platform overview meeting . CBDS 20 HEALTH
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