investor presentation

INVESTOR PRESENTATION May 2020 Tatogga Project, Golden Triangle, BC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INVESTOR PRESENTATION May 2020 Tatogga Project, Golden Triangle, BC GTT : T TSX-V Caut utionary ionary Stat tatement ment Regarding Forward Looking Information Certain statements included in this presentation constitute forward-looking

  1. INVESTOR PRESENTATION May 2020 Tatogga Project, Golden Triangle, BC GTT : T TSX-V

  2. Caut utionary ionary Stat tatement ment Regarding Forward Looking Information Certain statements included in this presentation constitute forward-looking statements, including those identified by the words “proposed”, “will”, anticipate”, “believe”, “plan”, “estimate”, “expect”, “intend”, “may”, “should” and similar words and expressions to the extent they relate to GT Gold Corp. (the “Company”) or its management. The forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are based on current expectations and various estimates, factors and assumptions, and therefore involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Any forward-looking statements represent the Company’s estimates only as of the date of this presentation and should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s estimates as of any subsequent date. The material factors and assumptions that were applied in making the forward-looking statements in this presentation include: execution of the Company’s existing plans or exploration programs for its properties, which may change due to changes in the views of the Company, or if new information arises which • makes it prudent to change such plans or programs; and • the accuracy of current interpretations of geochemical, geophysical, drilling and other exploration results, since new information or new interpretations of existing information may result in changes in the Company’s expectations. Readers should not place undue reliance on the Company’s forward-looking statements, as the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements may differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements if known or unknown risks, uncertainties or other factors affect the Company’s business, or if the Company’s estimates or assumptions prove inaccurate. Therefore, the Company cannot provide any assurance that such forward- looking statements will materialize. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. QA/QC PROCEDURES GT Gold has implemented a rigorous quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) program to ensure best practices in sampling and analysis of RC chips and diamond drill core, the complete details of which can be viewed on the Company’s website at For full details on both Saddle North and Saddle South reverse circulation and diamond drill program assay results widths reported in this presentation, please refer to the corresponding press release available on the Company website at All assays are performed by ALS Canada Ltd. (Minerals), with sample preparation carried out at the ALS facility in Terrace, BC, and assays at the North Vancouver laboratory. Assay values are uncut. For gold, fire assays are performed as per ALS protocol Au-AA26 (0.01-100.00 g/t Au) using 50 grams of sample with assays equal to or greater than 5 g/t Au calculated gravimetrically, and lower-grade samples measured by (AA) atomic absorption. All samples that return equal to or greater than 5 g/t Au from initial fire assaying are additionally sent for screen metallic analysis using the remainder of the pulp (~950 grams of sample). This step is taken to ensure that any coarse grained, nugget gold fraction that may have been missed in the fire assays has been captured. GT Gold Corp. ’s Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 is Michael Skead, FAusIMM, VP Project Development. Mr. Skead has reviewed and approved the technical information in this presentation. TSXV: GTT 2

  3. HEALTH AND SAFETY COVID-19 Response Plan IMME MEDI DIATE TE EXPL PLOR ORATIO TION SEASON SON AHEAD AD Creating a plan to operate while Supporting the health and safety instituting health and safety guidance of employees and contractors Limited in-person meetings Monitor the situation closely and ➢ ➢ and postponed business maintain communication with travel Tahltan Central Government Mandated work from home Act according to guidelines of ➢ ➢ where possible BC Office of Provincial Health Personnel working on drill Abide by all safety protocols ➢ ➢ core reduced to minimum to established within Tahltan maintain 2 m social Traditional Territory distancing TSXV: GTT 3

  4. TATOGGA PROPERTY Tier 1 Mining Jurisdiction with Access and Infrastructure SAD SADDLE LE DISCOVER VERIE IES TATOGGA PROPERTY Iskut ut • Existing Communit unity Infrastructure • Easily Accessible • Within Tahltan Traditional Territory Highw hway y 37 • Within Prolific Golden Triangle  287 kV Power Line ne in BC, Canada N 5/14/2020 TSXV: GTT 4

  5. Str trong ong Management Team and Board of Directors Ashwath Mehra Paul Harbidge Shawn Campbell Michael Skead Charles J. Greig Executive Chairman President, CEO and Director Chief Financial Officer VP Project Development VP Exploration +30 years of mining and metals Geologist with +20 years of experience +15 years of progressively senior Geologist with +30 years of Geologist with +35 years of • • • • • experience in mining exploration and development experience in project and operations experience in mining exploration experience working in mining Extensive Capital markets expertise Most recently served as Senior Vice financial management and development and mineral exploration • • and network of European investors President of Exploration at Goldcorp Most recently served as Head of Most recently served as Director of Extensive experience with deposits • • • Investor Relations with Goldcorp . Geoscience at Newmont Goldcorp in BC’s Golden Triangle Charles Tarnocai James Rutherford Renaud Adams Dale Finn John L. Pallot Adrian Reynolds Independent Director Lead Independent Director Independent Director Director Independent Director Independent Director Geologist with +22 years of +25 years of experience in +25 years as global mining Geologist with +40 years of Seasoned executive with +30 years of experience in • • • • • • experience in international investment banking and executive and operator experience including 30+ decades of experience natural resources sector mining and exploration investment management Currently serving as CEO years with Newmont Mining across a broad array of +15 years' experience with • • PH.D in economic geology Served as a Senior Vice and President of New Gold Corporation industries • • Randgold Resources as part Most recently served as President at Capital Group Instrumental in Richmont Currently serving as Group Extensive experience raising • • • • of the executive team VP Corporate Development at responsible for mining Mines’ acquisition by Alamos Executive for Near-Mine capital for junior mining strategizing growth from Alamos Gold investments Gold for ~US$700M Exploration in the Americas issuers exploration to mid-tier including eight minesites production Technic hnical al exper ertise tise and a track recor ord of of value e creatio ation n TSXV: GTT 5

  6. Short t Hist story ory of Greenfield Value Creation GTT:TSX-V Saddle North Saddle North opens on Geological Discovery market Model Saddle North Q4 2016 2017 2018 2019 Q1 2020 Mineral Resource Q2 2020 PEA year end 2020 Saddle North Saddle South Infill and Discovery Expansion Drilling TSXV: GTT 6

  7. Attr tracti ctive Ne New Inv nvest estment ment Opp ppor ortun unit ity y with District Upside Potential in Canada Clear Dual-focused Strategy to Create Longterm Value 1. ADVANCE ANCE SA SADDLE DLE NORTH TH DISC SCOVER ERY 2. DEVEL ELOP OP TATOGGA GA PR PROJ OJECT T PI PIPE PELI LINE NE • Saddle North th gold-ri rich ch copper r porphyry yry syst ystem • Saddle area mineralized to surface and open along strike and at highly prospective untested targets adjacent to Saddle depth discoveries • Geological model completed in Q1 2020 to form • Quash ash Pass ass targe get foundation for initial mineral resource estimate in Q2 5-6 km long strong coincident soil and geophysical anomaly located less than 8 km from Saddle area • Continue ongoing engineering work and studies to • Ad Additi tional al targe rgets ts deliver the Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) in identified on prospective 468 km 2 property Q4 2020 TSXV: GTT 7

  8. Advancing Saddle North

  9. ADVANCING SADDLE NORTH Saddle North Gold-rich Copper Porphyry 2020 Plan to Advance Saddle North Discovery to PEA ✓ Q1 : De-risking achieved with initial metallurgical testwork and potential for a simple, conventional flowsheet ✓ Q1 : Relog of all historical drillcore to produce geological model: lithology, structure, alteration and mineralization completed • Q2 : Inaugural inferred mineral resource • Q3 : Additional metallurgical testwork • Q4 : Preliminary Economic Assessment Summary of Mineralization ✓ Well-mineralized envelope of gold-rich copper porphyry with demonstrated continuity in high-grade, southerly-plunging core from surface to highest grades at depth ✓ Mineralized envelope extends ~1,400-1,600 m down-plunge, ~700 m along strike, and has a thickness of ~200-560 m (1,550 m from surface), ✓ System is open at depth and highly prospective targets remain untested along strike to West and East 9 TSXV: GTT


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