investment properties

Investment Properties Development Properties 1 Financ ancial ial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties 1 Financ ancial ial Update date Investment Properties Development Properties Amount in Rs Lakh Particulars 9MFY20 9MFY19 FY19 Non-current assets 4,11,575

  1. Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties 1

  2. Financ ancial ial Update date Investment Properties Development Properties Amount in Rs Lakh Particulars 9MFY20 9MFY19 FY19 Non-current assets 4,11,575 4,10,337 4,13,799 Current assets 7,16,801 6,94,804 6,98,572 Total 1 11,2 ,28,3 ,376 1 11,0 ,05,1 ,141 1 11,1 ,12,3 ,371 Equity 8,37,903 7,85,992 8,02,918 Non-current liabilities 95,467 81,579 78,817 Current liabilities 1,95,006 2,37,570 2,30,636 Total 1 11,2 ,28,3 ,376 1 11,0 ,05,1 ,141 1 11,1 ,12,3 ,371 Note: Previous period figures have been re-grouped / re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period’s classification. 2

  3. Financial ancial Update date Investment Properties Development Properties Amount in Rs Lakh Particulars Q3FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY19 9MFY20 9MFY19 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 33,897 60,715 1,28,886 76,738 12,081 Operating Cash Flows 8,114 (46,709) (1,734) (34,987) 26,309 Investing Cash Flows (10,241) (4,676) (66,938) (12,631) (82,535) Financing Cash Flows (16,540) 9,735 (15,484) (13,890) 88,875 Closing Cash and Bank Balance * 1 15,2 ,230 1 19,0 ,064 4 44,7 ,730 1 15,2 ,230 4 44,7 ,730 Add: Short-term Liquid Investments 12,547 14,833 52,649 12,547 52,649 Closing Cash and Bank Balance (incl. 2 27,7 ,777 3 33,8 ,897 9 97,3 ,379 2 27,7 ,777 9 97,3 ,379 Short-term Liquid Investments) * Includes Rs. 1,677 lakhs for Q3FY20/9MFY20, Rs 1,285 lakhs for Q2FY20 , Rs. 2,132 lakhs for Q3FY19/9MFY19 shown under other financial assets Note: Previous period figures have been re-grouped / re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period’s classification. 3

  4. Financial ancial Update date Investment Properties Development Properties Amount in Rs Lakh Particulars 9MFY20 9MFY19 FY19 Non-current assets Fixed assets (including CWIP) 1,31,394 1,12,997 1,18,765 Financial assets 2,43,338 2,65,308 2,60,399 Deferred tax assets (net) 11,837 13,313 12,995 Other non-current assets 25,006 18,719 21,640 Total non-current assets 4 4,1 ,11,5 ,575 4 4,1 ,10,3 ,337 4 4,1 ,13,7 ,799 Current assets Inventories 5,27,726 3,96,426 4,16,547 Financial assets i) Investments a) Investments in mutual fund 12,547 52,649 33,703 b) Investments - Others 194 201 181 ii) Cash and Bank balances 13,558 42,601 42,531 iii Trade receivables 10,540 11,195 10,940 iv) Others 30,102 19,185 26,936 Other current assets 1,22,134 1,72,547 1,67,734 Total current assets 7 7,1 ,16,8 ,801 6 6,9 ,94,8 ,804 6 6,9 ,98,5 ,572 Note: Previous period figures have been re-grouped / re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period’s classification. 4

  5. Financial ancial Update date Investment Properties Development Properties Amount in Rs Lakh Particulars 9MFY20 9MFY19 FY19 Non-current liabilities Financial liabilities i) Borrowings 76,038 61,871 58,851 ii) Trade Payables 1,947 2,202 2,390 iii) Others 11,818 10,224 11,685 Provisions 179 197 197 Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 2,834 3,724 2,600 Other non-current liabilities 2,651 3,361 3,094 Total Non-current liabilities 95,4 9 ,467 8 81,5 ,579 7 78,8 ,817 Current liabilities Financial liabilities i) Borrowings 44,073 23,058 24,756 ii) Trade Payables 6,488 3,351 20,840 iii) Others 62,992 1,01,033 1,01,728 Other current liabilities i) Advance from customers 2,986 3,112 2,638 ii) Others 78,323 1,06,951 80,591 Provisions 144 65 83 Total current liabilities 1 1,9 ,95,0 ,006 2 2,3 ,37,5 ,570 2 2,3 ,30,6 ,636 Note: Previous period figures have been re-grouped / re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period’s classification. 5

  6. Financial ancial Update date Investment Properties Development Properties Amount in Rs. Lakh (Except EPS) Particulars Q3FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY19 9MFY20 9MFY19 Revenue from Projects 38,231 35,144 39,386 1,19,696 1,63,253 Revenue from Hospitality 3,822 3,122 3,612 10,129 9,817 Revenue from Rent 9,164 9,347 8,485 27,782 23,540 Property Management Revenues 1,311 1,282 1,148 3,965 3,476 Other Operating Revenues 215 250 231 640 813 Revenue from Operations 5 52,7 ,743 4 49,1 ,145 5 52,8 ,862 1 1,6 ,62,2 ,212 2 2,0 ,00,8 ,899 Non Operating Income 910 1,364 2,017 3,759 5,496 Total Income 5 53,6 ,653 5 50,5 ,509 5 54,8 ,879 1 1,6 ,65,9 ,971 2 2,0 ,06,3 ,395 Total Expenses 3 32,8 ,870 3 31,4 ,446 3 35,6 ,679 1 1,0 ,04,6 ,618 1 1,1 ,11,1 ,195 Profit before share of profit / (loss) of joint 2 20,7 ,783 1 19,0 ,063 1 19,2 ,200 6 61,3 ,353 9 95,2 ,200 ventures and exceptional items Share of Profit / (loss) of associates 186 145 324 455 550 Profit Before Tax 20,9 2 ,969 1 19,2 ,208 1 19,5 ,524 6 61,8 ,808 9 95,7 ,750 Profit After Tax 1 14,8 ,824 1 13,8 ,807 1 13,7 ,793 4 43,8 ,837 6 66,1 ,117 Other comprehensive income, net of tax (15) 15 (4) 6 41 Total Comprehensive Income for the period 1 14,8 ,809 1 13,8 ,822 1 13,7 ,789 4 43,8 ,843 6 66,1 ,158 Diluted EPS (Rs.) (not annualised) 4 4.0 .08 3 3.8 .80 3 3.7 .79 1 12.0 .06 1 18.5 .54 6

  7. Financial ancial Update date Investment Properties Development Properties Particulars 9MFY20 9MFY19 Adjusted EBITDA * Margin (Including Non Operating 44.47% 53.60% Income) Adjusted EBITDA * Margin (Excluding Non Operating 43.19% 52.33% Income) PAT Margin 26.41% 32.03% RONW # 7.20% 12.74% ROCE # 6.96% 10.55% Gross Debt/Equity 0.19 0.20 *Adjusted EBITDA = EBITDA + Interest included in Operating costs #Calculated on Average Networth and Average Capital Employed 7


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