Observations Engineering=Problem Solving Introduction to Patterns and Many problems recur. Design Patterns Many problems have the same (or at least similar) solution structure. Exact solution is dependent on the context A more experienced person can solve new Eunjee Song problems faster and better. Dept. of Computer Science Fundamental to any engineering discipline (even Baylor University any science): a common vocabulary for expressing its concepts, and a language for relating them together. Some slides adapted from slides by R. France and B. Tekinerdogan Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-1 Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-2 Electrical Engineering Patterns Mechanical Engineering Patterns Eunjee Song Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-3 Deign Patterns Intro-4 Chemical Engineering Patterns Software Engineering Patterns Eunjee Song Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-5 Deign Patterns Intro-6 1
Origin of the term "pattern” Pattern: Problem-Solution-Context Timeless Way of Building (Oxford University Press, 1970) Work on software development patterns stemmed from work on patterns from building architecture carried out by Christopher Alexander . Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-7 Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-8 Patterns Solve What are software patterns? Software Structural Problems like... Abstraction, Patterns are intended to capture the best available software development experiences in Encapsulation the form of problem-solution pairs. Information hiding A pattern outlines solutions to a family of Separation of concerns Separation of concerns software development problems in a particular software development problems in a particular context. Coupling and cohesion A pattern outlines a process for transforming Separation of interface and problems targeted by the problem to solutions implementation characterized by the pattern. Single point of reference Divide and conquer Eunjee Song Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-9 Deign Patterns Intro-10 Patterns Solve Pattern Types Non-functional Problems like... Requirements Patterns : Characterize families of requirements for a family of applications e.g., checkin-checkout pattern: can be used to obtain requirements for library systems, car rental systems, video Changeability systems, etc. Interoperability Architectural Patterns : Characterize families of architectures Efficiency e.g., Broker pattern: can be used to create distributed systems in which location of resources and services is systems in which location of resources and services is transparent (e.g., the WWW) Reliability Other examples: MVC, Pipe-and-Filter, Multi-Tiered Testability Design Patterns : Characterize families of low-level design solutions Reusability Examples: Gang of Four (GoF) patterns Programming idioms : Characterize programming language specific solutions Eunjee Song Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-11 Deign Patterns Intro-12 2
Example of an Architectural Pattern - MVC Solution Outline: Split Application Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern into 3 Areas: Context : Developing user-interfaces (UIs ) The Model component: encapsulates core functionality; independent of input/output Problem : How to create a UI that ’ s resilient to representations and behavior. changes such as changes in look-and-feel The View components: displays data from the windowing system, changes in functionality. model component; there can be multiple views d l t th b lti l i Factors : changes to UI should be easy and possible for a single model component. at run-time; adapting or porting the UI should not The Controller components: each view is impact the implementation of the core functionality. associated with a controller that handles inputs; the user interacts with the system via the controller components. Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-13 Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-14 Patterns Summary Patterns, Architectures & Frameworks A pattern addresses a recurring software development problem that arises in a particular There can be confusion between patterns, context, and outlines a solution for it. architectures and frameworks. A pattern captures ‘ best practices ’ in software Architectures model software structure at development (the intention! ). the highest possible level, and give the A pattern should be based on actual experiences in overall system view. An architecture can use industry Patterns provide a common vocabulary for, and many different patterns in different understanding of ‘ best practices ’ . components Developers can refer to a pattern by name (e.g., the Adapter pattern) and others familiar with the pattern will not need further description Eunjee Song Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-15 Deign Patterns Intro-16 Patterns, Architectures & Frameworks Summary of Differences (cont...) Patterns are more general and abstract than frameworks. A pattern is a description of a Patterns are more like small-scale or local problem-solution pair , not a solution (or problem) architectures for architectural components itself. or sub-components A pattern cannot be directly implemented. An Frameworks are partially completed implementation is an example of a pattern. software systems that may be targeted at Patterns are more primitive than frameworks. A a particular type of application. These are framework can employ several patterns. tailored by completing the unfinished components. Eunjee Song Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-17 Deign Patterns Intro-18 3
Gang of 4 (GoF) Design Pattern Scope Criterion Classification Scope determines whether a pattern applies to Purpose categories described in “ Design Patterns: …” by classes or objects Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides; Addison-Wesley Classes Creational class relations Patterns that can be used to make object creation more flexible (e.g., Abstract Factory) or restrict creation activities (e.g., inheritance structures (static-fixed at compile-time) Singleton). examples: Factory Method (creation); Adapter Help make a system independent of how objects are created, H l k t i d d t f h bj t t d (structural); Interpreter, Template Method (behavioral) ( t t l) I t t T l t M th d (b h i l) composed, and represented (i.e., allows one to vary how Objects objects are created, composed, and represented) object relations. Structural dynamic (can be changed at run-time) Concerned with creating flexible mechanisms for composing examples: Abstract Factory, Builder, Singleton objects to form larger of structures (creation); Adaptor, Bridge, Facade (structural); Iterator, Behavioral Observer, Visitor (behavioral) Concerned with creating flexible algorithms and with assigning responsibilities to classes Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-19 Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-20 Catalog of 23 Design Patterns by GoF Facade Pattern: Interfacing to subsystems Observer Pattern: Maintain consistency across Purpose Creational redundant state, also called Publisher-Subscriber Structural Behavioral Class Factory Method Adapter (class) Interpreter Composite Pattern: Modeling of dynamic aggregates Template Method Strategy Pattern: Interface to a task implemented by Abstract Factory * Adapter (object) * Chain of Responsibility Prototype Bridge * Command * different algorithms Sco Builder Composite * Iterator * ope Adapter Pattern: Interface to old systems (legacy Ad t P tt I t f t ld t (l Object Decorator * Singleton Mediator Observer * systems) Facade Flyweight State Bridge Pattern: Interfacing to existing and future Proxy Strategy * systems Visitor * Scope : domain over which a pattern applies, Purpose : reflects what a pattern does Proxy Pattern: Reduces the cost of accessing * : patterns to be covered with a Document Editor (Lexi) Example and/or an objects Asteroids game example Eunjee Song Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-21 Deign Patterns Intro-22 Why Study Design Patterns? Why Study Design Patterns? (cont…) Reuse existing, high-quality solutions to Improve individual learning and team learning commonly recurring problems Improve the modification of model/code Establish common terminology to improve communications within teams Facilitate adoption of improved design alternatives, even when patterns are not used alternatives even when patterns are not used Shift the level of thinking to a higher Shift th l l f thi ki t hi h explicitly perspective (i.e., help us see the forest AND the trees) Decide whether I have the right design, not just one that works. Eunjee Song Eunjee Song Deign Patterns Intro-23 Deign Patterns Intro-24 4
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