introduction national issues and concerns lru paradigm

Introduction National Issues and Concerns: LRU Paradigm shift in - PDF document

12/14/2012 RODRIGO B. BADAYOS Agricultural Systems Cluster Agricultural Systems Cluster UPLB College of Agriculture Introduction National Issues and Concerns: LRU Paradigm shift in LRU: coping strategy

  1. 12/14/2012 RODRIGO B. BADAYOS Agricultural Systems Cluster Agricultural Systems Cluster UPLB College of Agriculture  Introduction  National Issues and Concerns: LRU  Paradigm shift in LRU: coping strategy  Challenges 1

  2. 12/14/2012 Philippines is in precarious state of meeting it its millennium goal on food security: ill i l f d it  Limited arable land (given known soil related constraints);  Mismanagement and neglect of land resources; and resources; and  Vulnerability to natural calamities e.g typhoon and drought.  Philippines have an estimated arable area of roughly 9.3 M hectares  We have serious case of human-induced land degradation due to agricultural activities estimated at 23.7 M hectares or about 79% of our total land area of 30 M hectares hectares 2

  3. 12/14/2012 Land degradation (total) Country Total Severe Very Total % of total area severe degradation area degraded ‘000 km2 ‘000 km2 ‘000 km2 ‘000 km2 % Bangladesh 138 39 0 39 27 China 9,369 2,347 948 3,295 35 India 3,062 1,352 494 3,846 58 Indonesia 1,898 607 108 714 37 Japan 373 0 0 0 0 Myanmar 668 237 6 243 36 Philippines 295 227 10 237 79 Thailand 516 144 258 401 78 Vietnam 330 97 162 259 79 Derived from: FAO Statistics Asia and Pacific SOIL ORDER AREA (HA) % TOTAL SUBORDERS AND COMMON INTERNATIONAL NAMES ENTISOL 740,013 2.47 Aquents, Arents, Fluvents, Orthents, Psamments, Aquepts, Tropepts (Cambic Arenosols, Eutric Fluvisols, Eutric Regosols, Thionic Fluvisols, Dystric Cambisols, Eutric Cambisols, INCEPTISOL INCEPTISOL 4,114,591 4 114 591 13 72 13.72 Eutric Gleysols, Gleyic Cambisols, Vertic Cambisols) ALFISOL 2,963,085 9.88 Udalfs, Ustalfs, Humults, Udults, Ustults, Ustox, Udox ULTISOL 12,432,352 41.47 OXISOL 78,470 0.26 (Dystric Nitosols, Eutric Nitosols, Humic Acrisols, Humic Luvisols, Orthic Acrisols, Orthic Luvisols, Vertic MT. SOILS 8,570,069 28.58 Luvisols) OTHERS 1,084,079 3.62 Udands, Fibrist, Aquolls, Rendolls, Udolls, Ustolls, Uderts, Usterts (Haplic Kastanozems, Haplic Phaeozems, Ochric Andosols) TOTAL 29,982,659 100 Source: Badayos,R.B. 1997 3

  4. 12/14/2012  Entisols; Inceptisols (16%)  Sloping terrain; shallow ; coarse textured  Sloping terrain; shallow ; coarse textured  Alfisols; Ultisols; Oxisols; Mt. Soils (80%)  Soil acidity; low inherent fertility (e.g. P, N, Ca, Mg); shallow effective rooting depth, nutrient toxicity (e.g. Al, Mn) and nutrient imbalance  Vertisols and Others (3.2%)  High shrink/swell potential; high P fixation; etc. Country Total High P Vertic Salinity Sodicity Shallo Erosio area fixation propert ‘000 ‘000 wness n risk ‘000 ‘000 ies km2 km2 ‘000 ‘000 km2 km2 ‘000 km2 km2 k km2 2 Bangladesh 138 2 0 9 0 2 21 China 9,369 806 74 735 15 2,709 2,405 India 3,062 10 657 210 15 271 879 Indonesia 1,898 174 35 21 0 169 889 Japan 373 32 0 0 0 46 127 Myanmar Myanmar 668 668 107 107 17 17 11 11 0 0 93 93 551 551 Philippines 295 15 7 0 0 19 182 Thailand 516 55 7 10 4 29 374 Vietnam 330 50 5 7 0 28 256 4

  5. 12/14/2012 Country Total area Soil Hydromor Low CEC Aluminum ‘000 km2 without phy ‘000 ‘000 km2 toxicity major j km2 ‘000 km2 constraints ‘000 km2 Bangladest 138 41 78 0 22 China 9,369 1,887 1,195 11 1,033 India 3,062 1,292 151 44 159 Indonesia 1,898 509 377 75 566 Japan Japan 373 373 211 211 17 17 0 0 102 102 Myanmar 668 133 103 0 288 Philippines 295 171 34 2 77 Thailand 516 96 132 8 310 Vietnam 330 52 69 4 186  In 1930, 60% of the country was still covered by primary forest.  Between 1969 and 1988, an average of 2,000 square kilometers is logged annually.  Today, only 6 - 8 % of the original primary forest remains primary forest remains  Denudation of forest contributes to watershed degradation which affects the country’s water supply. 5

  6. 12/14/2012 Source: R. K. Suarez, P. E. Sajise 2010  With our 9.3 M hectare arable land Beinroth et. al (2001) estimated that such area can only al (2001) estimated that such area can only manage to produce food to 22.9 M, 41.6 M and 76.3 M Filipino, under low, medium and high technology input levels, respectively.  Indeed, Philippines has remain major importer particularly of rice the major staple food of particularly of rice, the major staple food of Filipinos. 6

  7. 12/14/2012 Population (in 1000) in land quality classes Country Land Quality Class I II III IV V VI Total Bangladesh 0 0 0 7,934 2,034 0 9,968 Chi China 10 498 10,498 77 748 77,748 63 949 63,949 74,906 74 906 68 672 68,672 12,784 12 784 308 555 308,555 India 41,962 189,616 6,711 7,611 62,239 1,799 309,938 Indonesia 0 45,720 3,988 17,549 41,511 12,042 124,490 Japan 0 7,906 402 9,695 3,863 16 21,881 Myanmar 0 14,278 22 8,008 28,287 416 51,010 Philippines 834 7,600 4,901 1,985 2,931 4,658 22,909 South Korea South Korea 0 0 2,850 2 850 0 0 244 244 1 611 1,611 0 0 4 705 4,705 Thailand 0 5,661 18,426 2,155 13,603 2,914 42,580 Vietnam 450 3,584 1,155 3,534 10,189 2,285 21,197 I - Few constraints ; II - High shrink/swell potential; High temperatures; III - Seasonally excess water; Minor root restrictive layers; IV - Low structural stability and/or crusting; High anion exchange capacity; Impeded drainage; V - Seasonal moisture stress; Calcareous, gypscous condition; Excessive nutrient leaching; VI - Low nutrient holding capacity; High P, N, organic compound retention; Acid sulfate conditions; Low moisture and nutrient status; Low water holding capacity Derived from: Beinroth, F.H., H. Eswaran and P.F. Reich. 2001 Country Population (in 1000) in land quality classes Land Quality Class I II III IV V VI Total Bangladesh 0 0 0 15,868 4,067 0 19,935 China 15,746 , 132,948 , 106,538 , 149,811 , 137,343 , 25,569 , 567,956 , India 62,943 324,243 11,181 15,221 124,477 3,598 541,665 Indonesia 5,520 78,182 6,644 35,098 83,022 24,084 232,549 Japan 0 13,519 669 19,390 7,725 33 41,336 Myanmar 0 24,415 36 16,015 56,575 832 97,873 Philippines 1,250 12,995 8,166 3,970 5,861 9,316 41,599 South Korea 0 4,874 0 487 3,222 0 8,584 Thailand 0 9,681 30,398 4,309 27,207 5,828 77,423 Vietnam 675 6,129 1,924 7,068 20,378 4,570 40,744 I - Few constraints ; II - High shrink/swell potential; High temperatures; III - Seasonally excess water; Minor root restrictive layers; IV - Low structural stability and/or crusting; High anion exchange capacity; Impeded drainage; V - Seasonal moisture stress; Calcareous, gypscous condition; Excessive nutrient leaching; VI - Low nutrient holding capacity; High P, N, organic compound retention; Acid sulfate conditions; Low moisture and nutrient status; Low water holding capacity Derived from: Beinroth, F.H., H. Eswaran and P.F. Reich. 2001 7

  8. 12/14/2012 Country Population (in 1000) in land quality classes Land Quality Class I II III IV V VI Total Bangladesh 0 0 0 27,769 8,134 0 35,903 China China 22,360 22,360 199,422 199,422 170,461 170,461 262,170 262,170 274,687 274,687 63,922 63,922 993,022 993,022 India 89,379 486,366 17,889 26,638 248,954 8,995 878,222 Indonesia 7,839 117,272 10,630 61,421 166,044 60,211 423,416 Japan 0 20,279 1,070 33,932 15,450 82 70,813 Myanmar 0 36,622 58 28,026 113,149 2,080 179,936 Philippines 1,775 19,493 13,065 6,948 11,723 23,291 76,295 South Korea 0 7,311 0 853 6,445 0 14,608 Thailand 0 14,521 48,637 7,541 54,413 14,571 139,684 Vietnam 958 9,193 3,079 12,369 40,756 11,425 77,780 I - Few constraints ; II - High shrink/swell potential; High temperatures; III - Seasonally excess water; Minor root restrictive layers; IV - Low structural stability and/or crusting; High anion exchange capacity; Impeded drainage; V - Seasonal moisture stress; Calcareous, gypscous condition; Excessive nutrient leaching; VI - Low nutrient holding capacity; High P, N, organic compound retention; Acid sulfate conditions; Low moisture and nutrient status; Low water holding capacity Derived from: Beinroth, F.H., H. Eswaran and P.F. Reich. 2001 Table 6. Projected Population, rice requirements and land requirements, Philippines, 1996 ‐ 2025. Assumptions: Population growth rate – 2.41%, Annual rice per capita consumption – 90 kg, Palay yield – 4.5 mt ha, Milling recovery – 65% ; Fully irrigated; Two crops annually . RICE PALAY CROP RICELAND YEAR POPULATION REQT. EQUIV. AREA REQT. (mt) (mt) (ha) (ha) 1996 70,000,000 6,300,000 9,692,308 2,153,846 1,076,923 1998 73,257,030 6,593,133 10,143,281 2,254,062 1,127,031 2000 76,665,606 6,899,905 10,615,238 2,358,942 1,179,471 2005 85,897,148 7,730,743 11,893,451 2,642,989 1,321,495 2010 96,240,288 8,661,626 13,325,578 2,961,240 1,480,620 2015 107,828,877 , , 9,704,599 , , 14,930,152 , , 3,317,812 , , 1,658,906 , , 2020 120,812,883 10,873,159 16,727,938 3,717,319 1,858,660 2025 135,360,334 12,182,430 18,742,200 4,164,933 2,082,467 After Fernandez, Ranola and Badayos, 1997. 8


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