Intersectionality Luncheon: Exploring the Experiences of Women of Color in the Legal Profession 12:00 Luncheon begins 12:15 Welcome and introduction of video: The Urgency of Intersectionality 12:35 Introduction of Panelists 12:45 Excerpt from LaDonna, This American Life 12:50 Questions & Discussion 1. Having watched the video on intersectionality and heard from LaDonna, what does intersectionality mean to you personally or what strikes you about the video or excerpt? 2. Where do we need to see intersectionality at work and why? • Statistics • inUSLawFirms.pdf • omen/woc/visible_invisibility.authcheckdam.pdf • black-and-white-yellow-paper-series.pdf • omen/woc/EarlyExits.authcheckdam.pdf 3. Privilege exercise. There’s a lot of discussion about “privilege” in this context. 4. How does privilege impact the discussion?
5. What role does implicit bias play and how do we combat that? • Serena Williams and The Men of Tennis • Take the implicit bias test: • content/uploads/sites/46/2016/07/2016-04-11-Bias- Interrupters-Worksheet.pdf I’ve heard a number of stories from women or men of color 6. of instances in which they were in a setting in which they felt comfortable or that everyone was “on the same page,” only to have someone make an assumption or comment that betrayed racist thoughts or ideas. Have you had a moment like that you would be willing to share? 7. How can someone be an ally for women of color? Are there things that allies should avoid? 8. What is your advice to other women of color on coping with these challenges from day to day? I ’ d like to ask each one of you, what is one thing, one step, 9. everyone in this room could take to advance inclusion? 1:50 Questions from the Audience 2:00 Sojourner Truth
Intersectionality Exploring the Experience of Women of Color in the Legal Profession
The Urgency of Intersectionality Kimberlé Crenshaw
LaS hawnda K. Jackson Partner at Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell Has a varied practice involving casualty, premises and product liability, as well as civil rights laws and public records Recognized as a “ Rising S tar” and “ Woman to Watch” and recipient of The Florida Bar YLD Diversity Award Graduate of the University of Florida and UF College of Law and a member of the Journal of Law and Public Policy Active in many organizations and served as president of at least 3, including the Virgil Hawkins Florida Chapter of the National Bar Ass’ n
Joni Alexis Poitier Partner at Moseley, Prichard, Parrish, Knight & Jones An experienced litigator practicing personal inj ury defense, product liability, and maritime law As an Assistant S tate Attorney, Ms. Poitier tried over 40 j ury trials and has prosecuted serious felonies Graduate of Vanderbilt University S chool of Law and S pelman College, and recipient of the Damali K. Booker Award for Legal Activism An active member of numerous bar and charitable organizations and an “ On the Rise” top young lawyer
Melba Pearson Deputy Director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida Previously served as an Assistant S tate Attorney in Miami-Dade where she ended her prosecutorial career as the Assistant Chief in the Career Criminal/ Robbery Unit Frequent lecturer and prolific blogger who has been featured or quoted in the NY Times, Essence, Huffington Post, and more Current president of the Gwen S . Cherry Black Women Lawyers Ass’ n and past president of the National Black Prosecutors Ass’ n and current Foundation president
Janeé Prince Assistant Public Defender for the 13 th Judicial Circuit Editor-in-Chief and Content Director for Ms., a national nonprofit dedicated to the success of aspiring women lawyers Worked in the private and public sector and is committed to effective change in criminal j ustice to ensure fairness on both sides Graduate of Michigan S tate University College of Law and published author of article in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and S ocial Change Active in the legal community through various organizations.
LaDonna , This American Life, #647, May 25, 2018
LaDonna , This American Life, #647, May 25, 2018
LaDonna , This American Life, #647, May 25, 2018
National Lawyer Population – 2017 Have we made any progress? American Bar Association S ince 2008, only a 3% shift in total lawyer population By Race By Gender between men and women Only a 4% shift in minority representation, including a 1% increase in Black representation, 2% in multiracial representation, and 2% in Hispanic representation (and a 1% decline in other) Caucasian Asian Black Hispanic Ot her Men Women
2017 Report on Diversity in U.S . Law Firms National Associat ion for Law Placement Law Firms - Total Lawyers Men Women Women of Color
2017 Report on Diversity in U.S . Law Firms National Associat ion for Law Placement Law Firms - Partners Men Women Women of Color
2017 Report on Diversity in U.S . Law Firms National Associat ion for Law Placement Breaking it Down Further - Women Partners by Ethnicity Men Women Asian Women Black Women Hispanic Women Ot her Minority Women
Other statistics In 2010, there were only 17 women of color— about 3.4% — who were general counsel to Fortune 500 companies. Women attorneys of color have the highest attrition rate of any group of attorneys. S tudies on attrition suggest that minority female lawyers have attrition rates at law firms with over 25 members that are as high as 66% within 5 years and even close to 100% within 8. A research study on “ confirmation bias” found that a group of 60 partners “ graded” the same memo a 4.1 out of a 5 when told it was written by a Caucasian but 3.2 when told it was written by an “ African American.” S ources: Visible Invisibilit y, ABA; Writ t en in Black & Whit e, Next ion Y ellow Paper S eries
Implicit Bias S erena Williams The Men of Tennis https:/ / rebelgirls / videos/ 244054996306766/
“ Ain’ t I a Woman,” S oj ourner Truth, 1851
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