internet abuse identification and personalised withdrawal

Internet Abuse Identification and personalised withdrawal strategies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Internet Abuse Identification and personalised withdrawal strategies Submission no: 2019-1-UK01-KA204-062021 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect

  1. Internet Abuse Identification and personalised withdrawal strategies Submission no: 2019-1-UK01-KA204-062021 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

  2. Project Logistics Starts: Sept 2019 Ends: Aug 2021 Duration: 24 months Coordinator: Partners: 2019-1-UK01 KA204-062021

  3. WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? Main objective Target Groups To design, develop, test, • Adult Users aged 35-55 implement, and disseminate an innovative training framework and • Adult Educators a hands-on service that will • Parents enable adults with excessive Internet or computer activity to modify their behavior towards healthier use. 2019-1-UK01 KA204-062021

  4. PREVENTING INTERNET ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOUR (IAB) • To empower adults to deal with situations of excessive preoccupation with Internet/screen abuse • To adopt a personalised approach for withdrawal/reduction and prevention strategy offering a personal eLearning environment 2019-1-UK01 KA204-062021

  5. Addressing the Need for I-AID Creating Internet Abuse Identification and Personalised Withdrawal strategies ERASMUS+ PRIORITIES Coping with IAB Sosical inclusion & Open Adult Education: Problematic Connection with education and increasing the internet use at psychopathologic inovative demand and take-up 54.9% (2018) al symptoms practices in a through effective digital era outreach, guidance and motivation strategies 2019-1-UK01 KA204-062021

  6. MAIN PRODUCTS Internet Addiction Pal: a tool offering adults a personalized withdrawal/screen moderation plan based on their personal situation and personality characteristics, online behavior and risks associated with each of the online activities they are involved in. INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (IOs) IO1- Training Approach & Internet Addiction Pal IO2- Supporting Content and Facilitating Tools 2019-1-UK01 KA204-062021

  7. Timeline of the Project 2020 2021 2020 2019-2020 IO2 Workshop IO1 Survey as part of IO1 Supporting Content Train the trainer- Training Approach and Survey of Situational & and Facilitating tools train appointed Internet Addiction Pal Behavioural Data ‘’As is’’ including e-learning trainers on the I AID integrating personalised and the ‘’To be’’ situation. platform, I AID Social tools, training content withdrawal plans. Learning Motivation and training delivery Environment and approach retention units. 2019-1-UK01 KA204-062021

  8. Internet Addiction Pal Web platform • A personalised service offering the user a complete screen moderation plan based on their personal situation and personality characteristics • Easy to implement personalised withdrawal actions • A retention service to support the user in implementing the actions • Rewarding system based on Open Badges 2019-1-UK01 KA204-062021

  9. Thank you for your attention! For more information, feel free to contact us at: 2019-1-UK01 KA204-062021


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