international joint commission

International Joint Commission 3 rd Annual AFN National Water - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introducing the International Joint Commission 3 rd Annual AFN National Water Symposium and Tradeshow 20 November 2019 - Toronto, Ontario International Joint Commission Origins The IJC: Binational Canada-United States treaty organization.

  1. Introducing the International Joint Commission 3 rd Annual AFN National Water Symposium and Tradeshow 20 November 2019 - Toronto, Ontario

  2. International Joint Commission Origins The IJC: • Binational Canada-United States treaty organization. • Established in 1909 to administer the Boundary Waters Treaty , which enables the cooperative management and protection of the freshwater lakes and rivers along the border. • Takes direction from the governments of Canada and the United States, but is not empowered to negotiate agreements or carry out the functions or obligations of federal governments.

  3. International Joint Commission Major transboundary basins Yukon River St. John River Columbia River, Lake of the Lake Kootenay, Woods and Memphremagog Saint Osoyoos Rainy River Croix Souris River River Lake Champlain & Richelieu Skagit Poplar St. Mary & River River River Milk Rivers Red River The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River

  4. International Joint Commission Primary responsibilities The IJC has 2 main responsibilities related to: • Water levels and flows (e.g. approving transboundary diversion projects, and their operation); and • Investigating transboundary water issues and recommending solutions (e.g. water quality concerns). St Mary’s River Control Structures – US Army Corps of Engineers Lake Erie, Aug 2011 - Tom Archer, Michigan Sea Grant

  5. International Joint Commission Challenges for today and tomorrow Key challenges for today and tomorrow: Adapting to a changing climate • Managing water levels and flows • Maintaining ecosystem health Sea lamprey on L. Huron salmon (M. Gaden / GLFC) Lake Champlain flooding 2011 (IJC) Wild rice, Kathio State Park, MN (Brett Whaley) Field sampling L. Ontario (CWF/GLAM)

  6. International Joint Commission Who we are, and how we work 6 Commissioners Lance Yohe Rob Sissons Jane Corwin Pierre Béland Henry Lickers Merrell-Ann Phare US US US Co-Chair CAN Co-Chair CAN CAN Windsor, ON Great Lakes Region Washington, DC Ottawa, ON US Section Canadian Section 3 offices > 200 people working on IJC boards, with IJC staff committees, and advisory groups

  7. International Joint Commission Indigenous Peoples Engagement Indigenous Peoples Engagement • The Boundary Waters Treaty requires the IJC to give all interested parties the opportunity to be heard in matters before the Commission. • Indigenous Peoples’ interests are important to understand and consider when studying watersheds and making recommendations about their future management. • Indigenous knowledge brings insights to current understanding of the environment, and guides the creation of new knowledge.

  8. International Joint Commission Indigenous Peoples Engagement Indigenous Peoples Engagement (continued) • The IJC has therefore made greater engagement with Indigenous Peoples a priority in its work going forward. • While participation in the IJC’s work is voluntary, the IJC will be more proactive in making First Nations, US Tribes, and Metis Nations aware of its work, and creating opportunities for involvement. Anishinaabe Nation of Treaty 3 Leadership meet with IJC Commissioners (August 2019)

  9. International Joint Commission Visit us online!


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