institutional presentation

Institutional Presentation September 2011 Agenda Page 3 Brazilian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Institutional Presentation September 2011 Agenda Page 3 Brazilian Credit Market Page 4 Overview and Market Capital Page 8 Results Page 32 Peers Page 36 Appendix 2 Brazilian Credit Market Credit Evolution in Brazil (% of GDP) 48.4

  1. Institutional Presentation September 2011

  2. Agenda Page 3 Brazilian Credit Market Page 4 Overview and Market Capital Page 8 Results Page 32 Peers Page 36 Appendix 2

  3. Brazilian Credit Market Credit Evolution in Brazil (% of GDP) 48.4 46.4 45.0 41.3 36.6 34.8 32.0 30.7 28.8 27.9 28.1 26.4 26.8 24.9 24.7 22.0 24.0 24.5 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 9M11 Copom 162 nd Copom Meeting Minutes (*) The balance of the financial system was R$1,929.0 billion in September, representing 48.4% of GDP . The average annual interest rate on the credit operations reached 39.0% . The rate for the corporate segment reached 30.0% , whereas for the individuals segment it was 45.7% . The average maturity of credit operations rose to 493 days in August, the maturity for the corporate segment reached 407 days and it was 583 days for individuals . The default rate on credit operations in arrears for more than ninety days was 5.3% in July. The rate related to corporate loans remained stable at 3.8% , and those for operations involving individuals was 6.8% . (*) Source: Brazil Central Bank 3

  4. Corporate Governance Board of Executive Officers Board of Directors Chairman Years on Name / Title Daycoval Representative of the Controlling Sasson Dayan, CEO 42 Shareholder Morris Dayan, Executive and Sasson Dayan 18 Investor Relations Officer Salim Dayan, Executive Officer 19 Carlos Moche Dayan, Executive Officer 17 Representative of the Independent Independent Regina Maciel Nogueira, Officer 20 Controlling Member Member Nilo Cavarzan, Officer 6 Shareholder Gustavo Henrique de l Peter M. Yu Rony Dayan Albert Rouben, Officer 11 Barroso Franco 100% Tag Along Policy on Securities Executive Committe Risk Management Exchange (PF Shares) Prevention of Manual of Conduct Money Laundering and Ethics (PML) 4

  5. Financial System Ranking Private Ranking Daycoval National Banks National Banks Net Income 13º 18º Shareholders ’ Equity 16º 22º Total Deposits 18º 25º Total Assets 21º 26º Source: Brazil Central Bank – June 2011 Rating 5

  6. Daycoval’s Market Capital and Capital Structure Capital Structure – September 2011 Stock Performance – 3Q11 DAYC4 (R$) 3Q11 2Q11 Chg. % Closing Quotation 8.50 9.80 -13.3% High for the quater 9.75 12.40 -21.4% Average for the quarter 8.57 11.09 -22.7% Low for the quarter 7.90 9.50 -16.8% Book Value 8.79 8.55 2.8% Market Value (R$)Million 1,838.80 2,119.98 -13.3% Total Shares: 216.3 million shares. Free Float: 54.7 million shares. First middle market bank to implement a ADR Level I Program. Coverage by research analysts from 18 local and international brokerage firms. 6

  7. Distribution: More than 100 points of Sale 31 Branches SÃO PAULO – SP HD Av. Paulista SP - ALPHAVILLE ES - VITÓRIA CE - FORTALEZA SP - BOM RETIRO MG - BELO HORIZONTE PE - BOA VIAGEM SP - BRÁS RJ - RIO DE JANEIRO PE - RECIFE SP - CAMPINAS PR - LONDRINA RN - NATAL SP - FARIA LIMA PR - CURITIBA SE- ARACAJU SP - GUARULHOS RS - CAXIAS DO SUL DF - BRASÍLIA SP - RIBEIRÃO PRETO RS - PORTO ALEGRE MS - CAMPO GRANDE SP - SÃO BERNARDO SC - FLORIANÓPOLIS MT - CUIABÁ SP - SOROCABA AL - MACEIÓ AM - MANAUS SP - UBERLÂNDIA BA - SALVADOR PA - BELÉM IFP Promotora de 11 exchange 14 Daypag Offices Serviços de bureaus in São in major cities of São Intermediação Paulo and one Paulo State: Osasco, Financeira Ltda, is a correspondent Barueri, Guarulhos, financial intermediation Americana, Atibaia, foreign exchange company created to Campinas, Ribeirão desks distributed promote operations for Preto, Mogi Guaçu e strategically in São individuals. It has 52 Detran São Paulo Paulo and Rio de stores in operation Janeiro throughout Brazil. 7

  8. Key Figures 3Q11 Total Assets R$ 11,502.4 million Expanded Loan Portfolio R$ 7,794.0 million Loan Portfolio R$ 6,962.9 million Funding R$ 7,041.7 million Shareholders ’ Equity R$ 1,903.4 million Basel Index 16.6% (Tier I) 3Q11 9M11 Net Income R$ 95.7 million R$ 214.3 million ROAE 22.0% 15.9% ROAA 3.6% 2.8% NIM-AR (*) 11.7% 11.3% Efficiency Ratio 30.8% 31.6% (*) New methodology includes exchange-rate change on passive operations and excludes the result of property protection operations, DAYC4 swaps, portfolio transfers to other banks and matched operations — repurchase agreements-tri-party repos outstanding. 8

  9. Loan Portfolio : growth in line with the funding operations Loan Portfolio by Segment (R$ mn) 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 Middle Market 2,028.4 2,042.7 3,380.6 3,035.2 3,987.1 Trade Finance 196.7 188.9 332.5 292.2 697.1 Total Portfolio Middle Market 2,225.1 2,231.6 3,713.1 3,327.4 4,684.2 Payroll Loans 707.2 980.8 1,308.4 1,352.4 1,657.4 Auto Loans 767.6 578.4 503.3 470.9 570.6 Direct Credit to Consumers (DCC) 5.6 24.0 42.6 35.3 50.7 Total 3,705.5 3,814.9 5,567.4 5,186.0 6,962.9 Loan Portfolio – R$ Million 34.3% 6,962.9 CAGR 22.6% 5,567.4 5,186.0 3,705.5 3,814.9 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 9

  10. Expanded Loan Portfolio : growth higher than the market average Expanded Loan Portfolio – R$ Million Loan Portfolio by Segment (R$ mn) 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 Middle Market 2,028.4 2,042.7 3,380.6 3,035.2 3,987.0 Trade Finance 196.7 188.9 332.5 292.2 697.1 Avals and Sureties Granted 38.6 88.2 249.4 170.1 378.1 Receivables purchase 0.0 29.2 214.3 129.2 370.6 Total Portfolio Middle Market 2,263.7 2,349.0 4,176.8 3,626.7 5,432.8 Payroll Loans 707.2 980.8 1,308.4 1,352.4 1,657.4 Payroll Loans Portfolio Assignments 151.2 71.0 167.9 30.6 72.8 Total Payroll Loans 858.4 1,051.8 1,476.3 1,383.0 1,730.2 Auto Loans 767.6 578.4 503.3 470.9 570.6 Auto Loans Portfolio Assignments 124.1 59.0 23.5 30.3 9.7 Total Auto Loans 891.7 637.4 526.8 501.2 580.3 Direct Credit to Consumers (DCC) 5.6 24.0 42.6 35.3 50.7 Total 4,019.4 4,062.2 6,222.5 5,546.2 7,794.0 10

  11. Expanded Loan Portfolio : growth of 40.5% during the last 12 months Expanded Loan Portfolio – R$ Million 40.5% 7,794.0 CAGR 14.5% 6,222.5 5,546.2 4,062.2 4,019.4 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 Breakdown Expanded Loan Portfolio 9M10 Breakdown Expanded Loan Portfolio 9M11 0.7% 7.4% 0.7% 9.0% Middle Market M iddle M a rket Payroll Loans Pa yroll Loa ns 22.2% 24.9% 65.4% A uto Loa ns Auto Loans 69.7% DCC DCC 11

  12. Middle Market : Credit analysis  All credit decision making is concentrated at the headquarters.  Decisions about new operations are based on updated registration information, with systemic blocking in the case of out of date financial data.  Analysis of the economic group's exposure is comprehensive, taking into consideration its registration, marketing, economic and financial aspects.  Direct and indirect risk analysis (originator that acts as loan taker with other clients).  Operations with 100% guarantees that are monitored in terms of liquidity, market value and degree of adequacy.  All active clients are monitored regularly and, in the event any restrictions are noted, preventive actions are adopted as necessary. 12

  13. Middle Market : increase of 49.8% over the past 12 months, currently representing 69.7% of the total portfolio Middle Market Portfolio – R$ Million Breakdown Portfolio Middle Chg. % x Sept./11 % Loan 5,433 Market (R$ mn) June/11 4,177 Working Capital 2,379.0 43.8% 6.6% 3,627 Guaranteed Account 1,307.5 24.1% 17.1% Trade Finance 697.1 12.8% 28.5% 2,349 2,264 Avals and Sureties 378.1 7.0% 19.5% Receivables Purchase 370.6 6.8% 30.1% BNDES 300.5 5.5% 2.4% TOTAL Middle Market 5,432.8 100.0% 13.5% 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 Guarantees Breakdown – Sept/11 Sectors Breakdown – Sept/11 Geographic Distribution – Sept/11 13

  14. Daycred Payroll: INSS and Army continue to drive growth Total Loan Portfolio (*) – R$ Million Total Loan Portfolio (*) – R$ 1,730 mn – September/11 - % 1,730.0 1,476.3 1,383.0 1,051.8 858.4 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 (*) Includes credit assignments in all of the quarters (R$ 72.8 million in 9M11) Total Origination – R$ 361 mn – September/11- % Total Origination – R$ Million 1,318 627 583 416 361 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 14

  15. Daycred Auto Loans: new origination strategy Total Loan Portfolio (*) – R$ Million Total Origination – R$ Million 664 892 637 580 527 501 195 99 84 59 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 2008 2009 2010 9M10 9M11 (*) Includes credit assignments in all of the quarters (R$ 9.7million in 9M11) Liquidity of Auto Loans Portfolio September/11 – R$ Million Origination Last 12 months (*) Liquidity of the Auto Loans R$ % Accum. Portfolio - Oct-08 to Jun-11 PMTs received in advance 70,459,580 35.0% 35% 18.6% PMTs received on date of maturity 31,805,299 15.8% 51% Small Vehicles PMTs received with delay of 30 days 63,178,321 31.4% 82% PMTs received with delay of 60 days 15,258,441 7.6% 90% PMTs received with delay of 90 days 6,429,944 3.2% 93% 81.4% PMTs received with delay of 120 days 2,633,736 1.3% 94% Heavy-duty Vehicles PMTs received over 120 days 3,509,982 1.7% 96% PMT´s overdue 8,223,767 4.0% 100% Liquidity of the Auto Loans Portfolio 193,275,304 96.0% Outstanding PMT´s Total Amount 201,499,070 100.0% 15 (*) We have not financed motorcycles since October 2009


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