
INSTITUTION STEM and SBS NSF ADVANCE Third Year Site Visit March - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TRANSFORMING U.Va. CHARGE JEFFERSONS Structured conversations and re- imagined spaces: effecting systemic change for women in INSTITUTION STEM and SBS NSF ADVANCE Third Year Site Visit March 2-3, 2015 OUTLINE CHARGE Overview

  1. TRANSFORMING U.Va. CHARGE “JEFFERSON’S” Structured conversations and re- imagined spaces: effecting systemic change for women in INSTITUTION STEM and SBS NSF ADVANCE Third Year Site Visit March 2-3, 2015

  2. OUTLINE  CHARGE Overview  U.Va. Context  CHARGE Goals & Activities  CHARGE Major Accomplishments  Social Science Research Project  Academic Search Portal  Faculty Search Seminars  Enhancement Grants  In Progress  Addressing Challenges & SWOT Analysis  Data  Declination of Offers  Structured Dialogues  SWOT Analysis  Sustainability & Dissemination Efforts


  4. U.Va. CONTEXT  Women not Admitted Until 1971  Faculty diversity not kept pace with student diversity  Gap between institutional goals & practice for faculty diversity  Demographics  2010: 13.7% of all STEM/SBS faculty were women  2013: 18.6% of all STEM/SBS faculty were women  Surveys  Women STEM faculty report feeling unrecognized, isolated, trapped in a place of male privilege  Gendered traditions protected & practiced as normative behavior  Ms. or Mr. not Professor or President Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  5. U.Va. CONTEXT  Shifting Winds  2010: 1 st female President, Ms. Teresa Sullivan  STEM education state priority, increased enrollment  Increased faculty hiring in STEM  State law permits same-sex married partner benefits  Gender as a Discussion Point  Fall 2014 incidents of gender-based violence made gender issues & university culture toward women a primary discussion point  CHARGE working on structural aspects of gender-based violence  Discrimination, micro-aggressions, implicit gender bias, departmental culture  Recasting the “old boy network” culture & normative gender relations Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  6. CHARGE GOALS & ACTIVITIES  Goal 1, Departmental Diversity: To strengthen and support departmental efforts to create a positive environment for all faculty with an emphasis on women  Equity Consultants  Structured Dialogues  Training Chairs and Deans  Goal 2, Recruitment & Hiring: To increase the gender diversity of STEM/SBS departments  Academic Search Portal  Faculty Search Seminar  Goal 3, Tournament of Ideas: To generate & implement creative, grassroots solutions from across Grounds to barriers preventing the hiring & retention of women STEM/SBS faculty  Tournament Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  7. CHARGE GOALS & ACTIVITIES  Goal 4, Enhancement Grants: To provide departments and women STEM/SBS faculty with resources to support hiring, recruiting, retention and professional development  Enhancement Grants  Recruitment Grants  Goal 5, Voices & Visibility: To increase the sense of belonging of STEM/SBS women faculty among their schools and departments  Social Science Research  Oral Histories with STEM Women Faculty  Photo Exhibit  Symposium (Year 5) Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability


  9. GOAL 5: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Safer Grounds Frequency of Faculty Safety  Does perceived safety impact Concerns women’s productivity and their 100% sense of belonging at U.Va.?  29% faculty survey response rate 90%  1102 student survey responses: 56% 80% female, average class year 3.1 70%  Survey Results 60%  55% of female faculty and 60% of female students sometimes, often, or 50% always have concerns about safety Men on Grounds 40% Women  40% of female faculty and 42% of 30% female students felt Grounds were 20% too dark at night  For women, safety concerns and 10% sense of place are negatively 0% correlated, r=-0.32 Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  10. GOAL 5: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Implications for Women in STEM  Dark Grounds at night:  Less likely to use public and work spaces, such as labs  Less likely to feel “at home” at the University  Productivity depends on lab work, day or night Roseanne Ford, Dept. Chair Chemical Engineering Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  11. GOAL 5: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH  Result:  Collaboration with Housing, Facilities Management, Office of the Architect, Parking & Transportation to use research data as evidence to install lighting across grounds  Next Steps  Pre and Post-lighting project assessments  Do lighting projects increase light to desired level?  Do lighting projects impact felt safety?  Swipe card access data from Whitehead Road, north side, from Geldard Drive to Rice Hall Light meter reading as measured in foot candles (Fc): buildings & labs Average- 0.5 Fc  Do lighting projects impact Maximum- 5.5 Fc building use by women? Median- 0.1 Fc  Do reported crimes impact building Mode- 0 Fc use by women? Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  12. GOAL 2: ACADEMIC SEARCH PORTAL  Launched  Results  September 2014  287 users totaling 479 sessions  Interactive Content  Search committees  Implicit bias working with Equity  Dual career Consultants using the  Conducting a search Portal  Required training  60% of users are women  Search committee tools &  28% of all visitors use the resources dual career & search  EOP requirements committee tools &  Step-by-step checklists resources  318 downloads of articles, committee tools Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  13. GOAL 2: FACULTY SEARCH SEMINARS  Fall 2014  61 attendees, 84% faculty, 54% women, 58% STEM  UNH Power Players interactive performances of Faculty Search and Managing as a Dept. Chair  78% (n=21) believed the Academic Search Portal would lead to more fair and equitable faculty searches  91% of department chair respondents (n=13) report increased awareness of:  How language affects department climate  The role of leadership in creating department culture and climate  The role of leadership in building community  Fall 2013  93 attendees, 68% faculty, 44% women  1 year after attending, participants (n=54) reported  63% spoke out when witnessing implicit bias happening  77% increased their bias literacy; paid more attention to their own bias Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  14. GOAL 4: ENHANCEMENT GRANTS  Grants  Grants up to $5000 for career development and advancement  15 awarded to date; 6 grants completed  Impact  Awardees expand their research networks, enter new research areas and take risks, collaborate on new grants, advise governments  Report they feel valued and visible at U.Va. and in field  More positive toward career & institution Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  15. GOAL 4: ENHANCEMENT GRANTS “This funding was essential to help me keep my work (and therefore me) visible at a time in my life where it is easy to fade into the scientific background due to my family responsibilities. I was subsequently awarded an NSF grant to continue this project, and I suspect that the visibility that the Enhancement funds helped to provide was important in this process .” – Kelsey Johnson, Assoc. Prof. of Astronomy Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  16. GOAL 4: ENHANCEMENT GRANTS “ Gaining confidence in a new field is difficult. But showing up at meetings is an important start. This grant allowed me to do that. I am now a face as well as a name, and I have shown up more than once at the major research center doing work I want to do. I am being taken seriously as a colleague. I have been invited to collaborate on a grant proposal to the MacArthur Foundation .” – Deb Lawrence, Prof. 2014 Enhancement Grant awardee Amy LaViers, Asst. Prof. of of Environmental Science Systems and Information Engineering (right, back) Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  17. IN PROGRESS Goal 5: Oral Histories  16 interviews  12 transcribed & coded for analysis  Impact  6 evaluations completed  Commonalities of risk taking and exploration driving connection to science  Empowered to take Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry, Linda Columbus action, mentor others, support junior colleagues Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  18. IN PROGRESS Goal 4: Recruitment Grants Goal 1: Equity Consultants  14 searches in 7 SEAS  17 grants in 12 departments departments, both schools  6 closed, 8 ongoing  11 searches closed  Using best-practices:  8 departments made offers  Adopting interview &  2 candidates accepted evaluation rubrics  Openly discussing implicit gender bias  Expanding job announcement locations Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability

  19. IN PROGRESS Department Demographic Data Sheet:  Department BioMed Engineering AY2013-2014 Demographic Sheets  Metric for CHARGE and Departments to assess progress against goals, PhD/postdoc pipelines, & other institutions  Data challenges affecting evaluation of Equity Consultants, Recruitment Grants, faculty search data Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability



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