TRANSFORMING U.Va. CHARGE “JEFFERSON’S” Structured conversations and re- imagined spaces: effecting systemic change for women in INSTITUTION STEM and SBS NSF ADVANCE Third Year Site Visit March 2-3, 2015
OUTLINE CHARGE Overview U.Va. Context CHARGE Goals & Activities CHARGE Major Accomplishments Social Science Research Project Academic Search Portal Faculty Search Seminars Enhancement Grants In Progress Addressing Challenges & SWOT Analysis Data Declination of Offers Structured Dialogues SWOT Analysis Sustainability & Dissemination Efforts
U.Va. CONTEXT Women not Admitted Until 1971 Faculty diversity not kept pace with student diversity Gap between institutional goals & practice for faculty diversity Demographics 2010: 13.7% of all STEM/SBS faculty were women 2013: 18.6% of all STEM/SBS faculty were women Surveys Women STEM faculty report feeling unrecognized, isolated, trapped in a place of male privilege Gendered traditions protected & practiced as normative behavior Ms. or Mr. not Professor or President Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
U.Va. CONTEXT Shifting Winds 2010: 1 st female President, Ms. Teresa Sullivan STEM education state priority, increased enrollment Increased faculty hiring in STEM State law permits same-sex married partner benefits Gender as a Discussion Point Fall 2014 incidents of gender-based violence made gender issues & university culture toward women a primary discussion point CHARGE working on structural aspects of gender-based violence Discrimination, micro-aggressions, implicit gender bias, departmental culture Recasting the “old boy network” culture & normative gender relations Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
CHARGE GOALS & ACTIVITIES Goal 1, Departmental Diversity: To strengthen and support departmental efforts to create a positive environment for all faculty with an emphasis on women Equity Consultants Structured Dialogues Training Chairs and Deans Goal 2, Recruitment & Hiring: To increase the gender diversity of STEM/SBS departments Academic Search Portal Faculty Search Seminar Goal 3, Tournament of Ideas: To generate & implement creative, grassroots solutions from across Grounds to barriers preventing the hiring & retention of women STEM/SBS faculty Tournament Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
CHARGE GOALS & ACTIVITIES Goal 4, Enhancement Grants: To provide departments and women STEM/SBS faculty with resources to support hiring, recruiting, retention and professional development Enhancement Grants Recruitment Grants Goal 5, Voices & Visibility: To increase the sense of belonging of STEM/SBS women faculty among their schools and departments Social Science Research Oral Histories with STEM Women Faculty Photo Exhibit Symposium (Year 5) Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
GOAL 5: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Safer Grounds Frequency of Faculty Safety Does perceived safety impact Concerns women’s productivity and their 100% sense of belonging at U.Va.? 29% faculty survey response rate 90% 1102 student survey responses: 56% 80% female, average class year 3.1 70% Survey Results 60% 55% of female faculty and 60% of female students sometimes, often, or 50% always have concerns about safety Men on Grounds 40% Women 40% of female faculty and 42% of 30% female students felt Grounds were 20% too dark at night For women, safety concerns and 10% sense of place are negatively 0% correlated, r=-0.32 Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
GOAL 5: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Implications for Women in STEM Dark Grounds at night: Less likely to use public and work spaces, such as labs Less likely to feel “at home” at the University Productivity depends on lab work, day or night Roseanne Ford, Dept. Chair Chemical Engineering Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
GOAL 5: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Result: Collaboration with Housing, Facilities Management, Office of the Architect, Parking & Transportation to use research data as evidence to install lighting across grounds Next Steps Pre and Post-lighting project assessments Do lighting projects increase light to desired level? Do lighting projects impact felt safety? Swipe card access data from Whitehead Road, north side, from Geldard Drive to Rice Hall Light meter reading as measured in foot candles (Fc): buildings & labs Average- 0.5 Fc Do lighting projects impact Maximum- 5.5 Fc building use by women? Median- 0.1 Fc Do reported crimes impact building Mode- 0 Fc use by women? Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
GOAL 2: ACADEMIC SEARCH PORTAL Launched Results September 2014 287 users totaling 479 sessions Interactive Content Search committees Implicit bias working with Equity Dual career Consultants using the Conducting a search Portal Required training 60% of users are women Search committee tools & 28% of all visitors use the resources dual career & search EOP requirements committee tools & Step-by-step checklists resources 318 downloads of articles, committee tools Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
GOAL 2: FACULTY SEARCH SEMINARS Fall 2014 61 attendees, 84% faculty, 54% women, 58% STEM UNH Power Players interactive performances of Faculty Search and Managing as a Dept. Chair 78% (n=21) believed the Academic Search Portal would lead to more fair and equitable faculty searches 91% of department chair respondents (n=13) report increased awareness of: How language affects department climate The role of leadership in creating department culture and climate The role of leadership in building community Fall 2013 93 attendees, 68% faculty, 44% women 1 year after attending, participants (n=54) reported 63% spoke out when witnessing implicit bias happening 77% increased their bias literacy; paid more attention to their own bias Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
GOAL 4: ENHANCEMENT GRANTS Grants Grants up to $5000 for career development and advancement 15 awarded to date; 6 grants completed Impact Awardees expand their research networks, enter new research areas and take risks, collaborate on new grants, advise governments Report they feel valued and visible at U.Va. and in field More positive toward career & institution Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
GOAL 4: ENHANCEMENT GRANTS “This funding was essential to help me keep my work (and therefore me) visible at a time in my life where it is easy to fade into the scientific background due to my family responsibilities. I was subsequently awarded an NSF grant to continue this project, and I suspect that the visibility that the Enhancement funds helped to provide was important in this process .” – Kelsey Johnson, Assoc. Prof. of Astronomy Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
GOAL 4: ENHANCEMENT GRANTS “ Gaining confidence in a new field is difficult. But showing up at meetings is an important start. This grant allowed me to do that. I am now a face as well as a name, and I have shown up more than once at the major research center doing work I want to do. I am being taken seriously as a colleague. I have been invited to collaborate on a grant proposal to the MacArthur Foundation .” – Deb Lawrence, Prof. 2014 Enhancement Grant awardee Amy LaViers, Asst. Prof. of of Environmental Science Systems and Information Engineering (right, back) Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
IN PROGRESS Goal 5: Oral Histories 16 interviews 12 transcribed & coded for analysis Impact 6 evaluations completed Commonalities of risk taking and exploration driving connection to science Empowered to take Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry, Linda Columbus action, mentor others, support junior colleagues Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
IN PROGRESS Goal 4: Recruitment Grants Goal 1: Equity Consultants 14 searches in 7 SEAS 17 grants in 12 departments departments, both schools 6 closed, 8 ongoing 11 searches closed Using best-practices: 8 departments made offers Adopting interview & 2 candidates accepted evaluation rubrics Openly discussing implicit gender bias Expanding job announcement locations Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
IN PROGRESS Department Demographic Data Sheet: Department BioMed Engineering AY2013-2014 Demographic Sheets Metric for CHARGE and Departments to assess progress against goals, PhD/postdoc pipelines, & other institutions Data challenges affecting evaluation of Equity Consultants, Recruitment Grants, faculty search data Overview Accomplishments Challenges Sustainability
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