institute for food laws amp regulations

Institute for Food Laws & Regulations Online Courses in Food - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Institute for Food Laws & Regulations Online Courses in Food Laws & Regulations IFLR Overview Founded in 1998 by Dr. P. Vincent Hegarty. IFLR has awarded over 325 certificates since the first certificate was

  1. Institute for Food Laws & Regulations Online Courses in Food Laws & Regulations

  2. IFLR Overview § Founded in 1998 by Dr. P. Vincent Hegarty. § IFLR has awarded over 325 certificates since the first certificate was awarded in 2002. § 30 industry experts offer lectures in our classes (plus a number of Emeriti offering their expertise and course material). § Thirteen online courses offered in food laws and regulations. § Over 3,300 students to date. § Average of 18 students per class. § Average of 125 students enrolled in any given fall or spring semester (based on last 5 years). § Our record enrollment was Fall 2016, with 186 students enrolled. § People from over 100 countries have taken our classes. § Pioneer in online continuing education, with almost 20 years’ experience delivering online instruction to working professionals in the food industry.

  3. Paul O'Rourke Scott Haskell P. Vincent Hegarty Alberto Alemanno Neal Fortin Evelyn Kirchsteiger- David Jukes Melissa Card-Abela Ireland United States Ireland/USA France & Spain United States Meier United Kingdom United States Switzerland Hitoshi Ushijima Michael Roberts, Japan United States Yuan Liu Kris DeAngelo China United States Our Global Team of Instructors Rebeca López-Garcia Yangyao Yu Mexico China Nicole Coutrelis Christiane Wolff Glenford Jameson Manuel Quindimil Fernando Brito Sara Zborovski Ramesh Vaidyanathan Peter Hoejskov Janine Curll France & Belgium WTO/Switzerland Canada Peru & Argentina Brazil Canada India Figi Australia

  4. Meet Our Students § Agricultural Officer § Food Technologist § Research Associate § Assistant General § General Counsel § Scientific & Regulatory Counsel Affairs Manager § Inspection Officer § Associate Professor § Senior Formulator, § Labeling Specialist International R&D § Attorney at Law § Manager, Regulatory § Senior Patent Attorney § Chef Compliance § Senior Policy Advisor, § Citrus Farm Owner § Plant Protection & Food Safety and Quarantine Officer § Director, Corporate Environment Compliance § Principal Product § Senior Quality Development Scientist § Director, Global Assurance Supervisor Regulatory Affairs § Quality and Lab § Senior Regulatory Technician § Director, Marketing, Affairs Specialist Advertising and § Quality Assurance § VP, Quality Assurance Regulatory Law Supervisor & Technical Services § Director, Quality and § R&D Technical Services § VP, Risk Mitigation & Regulatory Affairs Manager Crisis Management § Food Risk Analyst § Regulatory Compliance § VP, Technical Services Analyst/Specialist § Food Safety Specialist

  5. Career Profile of our Students STUDENT DISTRIBUTION BY SECTOR Private organizations (food companies, law firms, consultants, co-ops, trade associations) Full-time students (mostly MSU) Regulatory agencies - United States (USDA, FDA, USAID) Regulatory agencies - International (EU, UN, Ministries of Agriculture) 15% 8% 20% 12% 65%

  6. (Some) Employers of Our Students Abu Dhabi Food Control International Food and Sandoz Inc. Authority Nutrition Research Sara Lee Foods J.M. Smucker Company Sargento Foods Inc. Atlanta Cheesecake Co. Kellogg Schiff Nutrition Barilla Group Kerry Americas Scoular Company Bayer Natural American Foods Sealed Air Corp. Chamber of Commerce Nestlé Sensient Technologies Clif Bar Nestlé Health Science Southern Mills Co-Alliance LLP Nestlé Purina Petcare Sugar Foods Corporation Country Fresh Northern Tier Bakery Super Mom’s European Union Mead Johnson Nutrition U.S. Army Public Health Firmenich Inc. Ministry of Agriculture Command Food Source LLP PepsiCo Foods U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Glanbia Nutritionals Perrigo U.S. Food and Drug Health Canada Pharmavite Administration Hershey Company Pinnacle Foods Weetabix North America Innovative Food Processors Roll Law Group Winter Gardens

  7. (Some) Employers of Our Students

  8. Our students study online from over 100 countries, territories, and administrative regions (and all 50 American states) Blue = An IFLR-trained professional lives here!

  9. Study Online from Around the World Countries with highest international enrollment: Residence 1. Canada 11. Switzerland 2. India 12. Australia 3. China 13. Japan 4. United Kingdom 14. Brazil 5. United Arab Emirates 15. Malaysia 6. Mexico 16. South Korea 7. Kenya 17. Nigeria 8. Ghana 18. Belgium 9. South Africa 19. Netherlands United States (65%) 10. Thailand 20. Ireland International (35%)

  10. Our students study online from over 100 countries, territories and administrative regions Albania Cyprus Iran New Zealand Spain Antigua & Barbuda Czechia Iraq Nicaragua Sri Lanka Argentina Denmark Ireland Niger Sudan Armenia Dominica Israel Nigeria Swaziland Australia Dominican Republic Italy Norway Switzerland Bangladesh Ecuador Jamaica Pakistan Taiwan Barbados Egypt Japan Palestinian Territories Tanzania Belgium El Salvador Jordan Papua New Guinea Thailand Bolivia Ethiopia Kenya Peru Tunisia Botswana Fiji Kiribati Philippines Turkey Brazil Finland Laos Poland Uganda Bulgaria France Latvia Puerto Rico Ukraine Burundi Germany Lebanon Romania United Arab Emirates Canada Ghana Macau Russia United Kingdom Chile Greece Macedonia Rwanda U.S.A. China Guyana Malawi Saudi Arabia Uruguay Colombia Honduras Malaysia Senegal Venezuela Congo (Dem Rep) Hong Kong Mexico Sierra Leone Vietnam Costa Rica Iceland Mozambique Singapore Zimbabwe Croatia India Namibia South Africa Cuba Indonesia Netherlands South Korea

  11. Our Students’ Educational Backgrounds Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science: Food Science, Microbiology, Nutrition, Biology, Chemistry, Dietetics, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Science Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Juris Doctor Master Brewer Master of Arts: Global Affairs Master of Business Administration Master of Public Health Master of Science: Food Safety, Food Science, Environmental Policy Ph.D.: Pharmacology, Food Science, Business Administration

  12. Certificate Programs Certificate in International Food Law Certificate in United States Food Law Must elect one or more of the following: Required: International Food Laws and Regulations Food Regulation in the United States • • Food Regulation in the European Union • Codex Alimentarius – The World Food Code • Elective courses: Elective courses: Food Regulation in Latin America Regulatory Leadership in Food Law • • Food Regulation in Canada FSMA: Preventive Controls for Human Food • • • Food Regulation in China (with Overview of Asia) • FSMA: Produce Safety • Animal Health, World Trade and Food Safety (OIE) • FSMA: Foreign Supplier Verification Program • Wine, Beer, and Spirits Laws and Regulations May elect no more than one of the following: May elect no more than one of the following: • Food Regulation in the United States • International Food Laws and Regulations • Regulatory Leadership in Food Law • Food Regulation in the European Union FSMA: Preventive Controls for Human Food Codex Alimentarius – The World Food Code • • FSMA: Produce Safety Food Regulation in Latin America • • FSMA: Foreign Supplier Verification Program Food Regulation in Canada • • Wine, Beer, and Spirits Laws and Regulations Food Regulation in China (with Overview of Asia) • • Animal Health, World Trade and Food Safety (OIE) • 12 credits (usually 4 courses) to earn a certificate; 3 credits may be applied toward both certificates.

  13. Online Courses • International Food Laws and Regulations • Food Regulation in the United States • Food Regulation in the European Union • Food Regulation in Latin America • Food Regulation in Canada • Food Regulation in China and Overview of Asia Food Law • Animal Health, World Trade, and Food Safety • Codex Alimentarius • FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food • FSMA Produce Safety • FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program • Regulatory Leadership in Food Law • Wine, Beer, and Spirits Laws & Regulations

  14. Continue Toward a Master’s Degree Online Master’s Degree in Global Food Law IFLR online certificates in at MSU College of Law U.S. or International • May transfer up to 9 eligible credits from IFLR Food Law • 24-26 credits required to graduate with Master of • No application package Laws or Master of Jurisprudence, respectively • Easy enrollment through MSU Lifelong Education • Take as many or as few courses as you wish Online Master of Science in Food Safety • Certificate awarded upon • MSFS students must take IFLR’s International or U.S. successful completion of Food Law as a requirement 12 credits earned in • A total of 9 eligible IFLR credits may be transferred courses offered by IFLR • 30 credits required to graduate Many students earn both an IFLR certificate and an MSU online master’s degree. • Students enrolled in one of the master’s degrees above will be awarded an IFLR • certificate upon successful completion of 12 qualifying credits.


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