institut national de la

Institut National de la CURE-XF - 734353 Recherche Pr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union Institut National de la CURE-XF - 734353 Recherche Pr Presentation of Pa Partners P1 P19 - IN INRA Maroc CURE-XF Kick-off Meeting CIHEAM Bari 28-29 September, 2017 Institut National de

  1. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union Institut National de la CURE-XF - 734353 Recherche Pr Presentation of Pa Partners P1 P19 - IN INRA Maroc CURE-XF Kick-off Meeting CIHEAM Bari 28-29 September, 2017

  2. Institut National de la Recherche H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union CURE-XF - 734353 Agronomique INRA - Morocco INRA, 103 years of its existence INRA, a public organization, mandated to undertake research for agricultural development.

  3. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union CURE-XF - 734353 INRA Strategic missions Loi de création 40-80 A. Conduct scientific, technical, economical and social research; Mandated to undertake basic, B. Development of New processes for Better valorisation of agricultural applied and strategic products; research for agricultural C. Marketing of its results, studies and work; development D. Diffusion of information and advice to extension agents, farmers and professionals,

  4. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union CURE-XF - 734353 INRA a know how in agricultural research Our objectives: q Improvement of productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural production; q Characterization, preservation and valorisation of natural resources ; q Quality improvement, valorisation and diversification of plant and animal products; q Analysis of social demand and production systems

  5. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union CURE-XF - 734353 INRA strategic domains q Plant breeding and biotechnology; q Soil Mapping, Testing, Tertility and Management q Characterization and conservation of natural resources: water, soil and agro- biodiversity; q Water management, climate change and drought mitigation, and desertification control; q Development of management practices that improve productivity and quality of products of different commodities; q Diversification of agricultural products and improvement of their competitiveness; q Conservation agriculture for food security and climate change; q Plant protection and health q Development of remote sensing and geographical information systems; q Characterization of local sheep and goat races genetic resources and their valorization ; q Socio-economic and impact studies; q Participatory research for agricultural development ; q Development of new processes for better valorization of agricultural products.

  6. Laboratories - Research Stations H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union CURE-XF - 734353 Soil, plants, water, radioelements, pesticides, essential olis Virology, Gene bank nematology, Biotechnologis, bacteriology, tissue culture, entomology, Biochemistry, phytopathology , PalmInra weed science Our Laboratories Small ruminant Food technology & process microbiology Reproduction & nutrition Ag-machinery

  7. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union CURE-XF - 734353 INRA headquarter in Rabat but is a decentralized organization Gouvernance and concertation bodies: q Scientific Committee q Board council q Technical Committee q National Council for Research Orientation q Regional Councils for Research Orientation Regional level q 10 CRRA q 10 R&D Services; Central level q 23 Experim. q Director and Stations Deputy Director q 26 Research Units q General Inspection q 3 Divisions q 11 Departements

  8. Research activity programs Strengthening the poles of excellence H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union CURE-XF - 734353 Oujda: Rangeland & Irrigated agriculture Tangier: Vegetables, Isotopic techniques and small ruminants (Goat) research Meknes: Fruit trees, Olive and mountain research Kenitra: Citrus Rabat: Soils, Plant Breeding Errachidia: Palm tree and Biotechnology, Food Oasis systems Technology and GIS/RS Beni Mellal: Water Settat: Dryland agriculture productivity in the and gene bank watersheds & Small Ruminant Marrakech: Olive, date palm Agadir: Vegetable crops, & food technology research Argan, Cactus, AMP and water economy

  9. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Funded by the European Union CURE-XF - 734353 Durable Investment in research and technology Human resources evolution Evolution of INRA budgets since 2005 2000 Evolution du budget de l'INRA (en MDH) Evolution des effectifs de l'INRA 1791 359 1800 340 Effectif Total 1600 302 302 298 1352 273 1400 1317 1296 253 247 246 215 230 1200 1102 1100 221 217 218 1065 209 159 1014 187 183 970 Fonctionnement 1000 922 172 876 Investissement 830 143 172 173 800 144 148 143 136 600 400 143 144 122 115 115 104 101 86 81 74 73 73 73 200 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


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