innovati tive e seismi mic protecti tion n technol ologi

Innovati tive e seismi mic protecti tion n technol ologi gies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COST C26 26 Urban n Habitat Construc ucti tion ons under Catastrop ophic Events WG WG2 2 Earthqu quak ake e Resistan ance Innovati tive e seismi mic protecti tion n technol ologi gies es and case studies es General al

  1. COST C26 26 Urban n Habitat Construc ucti tion ons under Catastrop ophic Events WG WG2 2 Earthqu quak ake e Resistan ance Innovati tive e seismi mic protecti tion n technol ologi gies es and case studies es General al Report by: Michael Kaliske Technische Univers rsitä tät Dresden, Germany Alberto rto Mandara ra Second Univers rsity ty of Naples – Italy

  2. BASIS OF THE USE OF “SPECIAL” SOLUTIONS IN SEISMIC DESIGN Need for high performance under seismic  action; Necessity to comply with severe regulations;  Optimisation of the structural behaviour;  Improvement of the structural response  under exceptional (catastrophic) loading conditions (increase of the structural robustness).

  3. WHAT MEANS “CATASTROPHIC SEISMIC EVENTS”? Earthquake of exceptional intensity;  Earthquake occurring in a no-seismic area;  Earthquake striking a building designed  without complying with seismic regulation; Earthquake striking a degraded/damaged  building; Earthquake striking a historical or  monumental building; ……..  …….. any other unpredictable event. 

  4. MAIN REQUISITES OF THE PROTECTION SYSTEM Lightness;  Reliability;  Ease of monitoring, inspection and maintenance;  No-added stiffness;  Ease of substitution;  Reversibility;  These features involve advanced strategies to be followed, consisting of: 1. Use of innovative materials; 2. Use of seismic control techniques. Main Topics faced within Cost C26 WG2 “Earthquake Resistance” 1. INNOVATIVE MATERIALS; 2. STRENGTHENING SYSTEMS; 3. PROTECTION STRATEGIES; 4. CASE STUDIES.

  5. INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Innovative materials Special Metal Materials;  Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP);  Basic purposes: Use of materials with special properties in order to  meet special design requirements and achieve the best performance; Creation of light structural elements, in order to  optimize the dynamic behaviour; Exploitation of material features in the most convenient  and effective way (exploitation of the 4 th dimension); Creation of special devices for the reduction of the  seismic structural response;

  6. INNOVATIVE METAL MATERIALS Material: Stainless steel  Aluminium alloys  Titanium alloys  Shape memory alloys  Features: High strength-to-weight ratio  Good ductility  Product availability  Ease of installation  Low maintenance cost  Reversibility 


  8. ALUMINIUM SHEAR PANELS ELONGATION -TENSILE LOAD CURVE 1000 NOT HEAT-TREATED SPECIMEN HEAT-TREATED SPECIMEN 800 LOAD ( DaN=kg ) 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ELONGATION (mm) meccanismo 'tension field' meccanismo 'pure shear' 50 PURE ALUMINIUM SHEAR PANEL CONFIGURATION TYPE F 40 30 shear stress (MPa) 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 shear strain (mm/mm)

  9. INNOVATIVE FIBRE-REINFORCED MATERIALS Material: Carbon fibre polymers  Glass fibre polymers  Aramidic fibre polymers  Features: Very high strength and stiffness  Wide range of mechanical properties  No added weight  Product availability  Ease of installation  No maintenance cost 





  14. WG2 - INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Strengthening of earthquake damaged structures by means of textile reinforced concrete J.-U. Sickert, M. Kaliske, W. Graf Technische Universität Dresden TRC layer on a hyper Cylinder shell to be parabolic shell strengthened

  15. WG2 - INNOVATIVE MATERIALS MRM-element with three reference planes Results of the analysis

  16. WG2 - INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Seismic upgrading of RC buildings by advanced techniques. The ILVA-IDEM research project (2006) Mazzolani, F.M. (Co-ord. and Ed.) Seismic Upgrading of RC buildings by FRP: full scale tests of a real structure (2006) Della Corte, G., Barecchia E., Mazzolani, F.M. University Federico II Naples – Italy

  17. WG2 - INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Thin fibre-reinforced concrete jackets for im-proving the seismic response of reinforced concrete members: experimental and numerical results (2008). Georgiadi-Stefanidi, K., Mistakidis, E., Perdikaris, P.C. University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.

  18. WG2 - INNOVATIVE MATERIALS Strengthening of masonry walls by innovative metal based techniques (2007) A. Dogariu, A. Stratan, D. Dubina, T. Nagy-Gyorgy, C. Daescu & V. Stoian Performance of masonry shear walls strengthened with steel and aluminum sheething (2008) A. Dogariu, D. Dubina Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Steel wire mesh (SWM) geometry Retrofitting techniques Weak area on masonry façade and location of metal sheeting (MP)

  19. WG2 – STRENGTHENING SYSTEMS Seismic upgrading of RC buildings by advanced techniques. The ILVA-IDEM research project (2006) Mazzolani, F.M. (Co-ord. and Ed.) Response of Buckling Restrained Braces to Catastrophic Seismic Events (2008) D’Aniello M., Della Corte G., Mazzolani F. M. University Federico II Naples – Italy

  20. WG2 – STRENGTHENING SYSTEMS Performance based evaluation of a non-seismic RC frame strengtened with buckling restrained braces S. Bordea, A. Stratan, D. Dubina Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Types of analysed frames Frame geometry and BRB systrem characteristic beam and column cross-sections

  21. BRB behaviour Effect of confinement by FRP on model the moment-curvature relationship Plastic hinges with inelastic deformations larger than the ULS capacity; Fundamental period of vibration and target displacements

  22. WG2 – STRENGTHENING SYSTEMS Removable Bolted Links For Eccentrically Braced Frames A. Stratan, D. Dubina Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania The bolted link concept Simplified model of a generalized dual system

  23. WG2 – STRENGTHENING SYSTEMS Failure modes and force-deformation plots of tested specimens

  24. WG2 – STRENGTHENING SYSTEMS Experimental tests on seismic upgrading techniques for RC buildings (2007) F. M. Mazzolani, G. Della Corte, E. Barecchia & M. D’Aniello University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy Test n. 1

  25. WG2 – STRENGTHENING SYSTEMS Test n. 2 Test n. 3

  26. Shear panels for seismic upgrading of new and existing structures (2007) F. M. Mazzolani, G. De Matteis, S. Panico, A. Formisano, G. Brando University of Chieti/Pescara G. d’Annunzio, Pescara, University Federico II Naples – Italy WG2 – STRENGTHENING SYSTEMS b) c)

  27. WG2 – PROTECTION STRATEGIES BASIC PURPOSES OF SEISMIC CONTROL TECHNIQUES • Increase of the structural damping, in order to reduce the structural response under seismic action; • Reduction of the seismic input energy, in order to prevent structural damage; • Reduction of the inertia forces, in order to reduce the structural response at a given frequency of the dynamic excitation;

  28. WG2 – PROTECTION STRATEGIES Seismic protection of new and existing buildings using an innovative isolation system (2008) A. Michalopoulos, T. Nikolaidis, C. Baniotopoulos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Motion of a steel sphere between two A schematic part of the innovative horizontal steel plates under axial spherical in-plane steel rolling compression load P bearing The positioning of the Cylindrical aseismic isolation system aseismic isolation system

  29. WG2 – PROTECTION STRATEGIES SMART TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SEISMIC PROTECTION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS (2008) A. Mandara, F. Ramundo, G. Spina Second University of Naples Representation of SMART system effect Scheme of Variable Orifice Damper and Electro-Rheological Damper with by-pass Scheme of a Magneto-Rheological Damper (a) and details of the MR devices developed at the Second University of Naples (b,c,d).

  30. WG2 – PROTECTION STRATEGIES Seismic protection of buildings using innovative isolators based on magnetically controlled elastomer (2008) T. Isaković, M. Fischinger University of Ljubljana, FGG, Slovenia Prototype and scheme of the new MCE device A model of the Augusta Hospital and properties of the HDRB, used to isolate the structure Mass acceleration of the SDOF Experimental vs Storey spectra (accelerations of the equipment ) of structure isolated with HDRB with simulation results the mock-up for different earthquake intensities different degree of nonlinearity and with MCE isolator

  31. WG2 – CASE STUDIES Verification of effectivenes of seismic protection and retrofit techniques by experimental testing (2008) L.Krstevska, Lj.Taskov Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Skopje, fyRepublic of Macedonia The experimental verification can be performed on site and/or in laboratory conditions using the following testing methods: • full scale testing • quasi-static testing • testing of models in reduced scale on shaking table • material testing (prototype and model materials) President Palace- Baku Fossanova Abbey-Italy Locananda Pagoda- Burma Finland Embassy- Alger

  32. MUSTAFA PASHA MOSQUE – SKOPJE (FP6 – PROHITECH) Phase 2 - Repaired model and strengthened minaret after phase 1. Phase 1 - Damage to the minaret (horizontal crack) and of the mosque. Phase 3 - Damage of the strengthened model


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