inheritance polymorphism

Inheritance Polymorphism Can create new classes by extending others - PDF document

Inheritance Polymorphism Can create new classes by extending others Literally: the ability to assume many forms Subclass inherits all members of superclass OOP idea: a superclass reference can refer to But cannot directly

  1. Inheritance Polymorphism � Can create new classes by extending others � Literally: the ability to assume many forms – Subclass inherits all members of superclass � OOP idea: a superclass reference can refer to � But cannot directly access private members many types of subclass objects – Can add new fields and new methods – Each object may behave differently – if subclasses – Can override existing methods override methods – Cannot remove fields or methods � Imagine a Shape class with a draw() method � Can only extend one other class in Java – Subclasses Circle , Triangle , … override draw() – Makes for clear hierarchies (less complication) – Then say void picture(Shape s) { s.draw(); } – But indirectly extend superclass’s parent, … � Object s is a Shape or a subclass of Shape � All Java classes are descendants of Object � Relies on “dynamic method binding” � Note: composition another way to reuse code Abstract classes and interfaces More about interfaces � Abstract class has one or more abstract methods � All methods are public abstract – omit explicit modifiers by convention – Subclasses must implement these methods � Constants okay too – Cannot instantiate – objects must be subclass objects – All public static final – omitted by convention – Subclasses inherit implementation and interface – Must be initialized when declared � A Java interface has no implementation at all � Can extend, just like classes – But okay to extend more than one: – e.g., “… implements Comparable ” means the class public interface SerializableRunnable responds to compareTo(Object other) extends, Runnable – A class may implement multiple interfaces � Tend to be much more flexible than classes as a way to unite objects in system designs � No implementation to inherit – so no complications – Hence the basis of many “design patterns” What is abstraction? Example: A Priority Queue ADT � Workable answer – a blurring of details � ADT is defined by its interface – what it does � Idea: agree to ignore certain details ( for now ) � Imagine a PriorityQueue with these methods: – Convert original problem to a simpler problem void insert(Comparable item); – Procedural abstraction is one way to simplify – main / * add the item to the queue */ algorithm calls methods to handle detailed steps Comparable remove(); � Works for data types too / * always returns item with highest priority */ – Think ( and write code ) in terms of abstract data types boolean isEmpty(); like Lists, Stacks, Trees, … /* true if queue has no items */ � What should matter – what you can do with a List � Never mind how it works – think about that later � What should not matter – what goes on inside the List – Assume the ADT works – just use it! 1

  2. Interface is enough to use ADT Linked data structures � Easy way to sort – let a priority queue do it � Made up of nodes and links between nodes void easySort(Comparable a[]) { – As purpose is data storage/retrieval, also contains PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue(); information field(s) inside nodes int i, n = a.length; � Simplest is a linear linked list with single links: for (i=0; i<n; i++) // put all items in queue pq.insert(a[i]); – Key is to define a node class to hold info and a link: for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) // items come out sorted class ListNode { // note: class Entry<E> in Collins text a[i] = pq.remove(); Object data; } // There are more efficient ways to sort, but that’s not the point. ListNode next; � The point is that we can use it without knowing ... /* maybe set and get methods for fields if not nested class */ } how it works. – By convention, next == null if last node in list � Abstraction is good! � Otherwise it refers to next node in the list So what is a linked list, really? List class can hide details � Answer: a sequence of zero or more nodes, with � Interface says nothing about list nodes each node pointing to the next one � Best to prevent clients from direct node access � Need: a reference to the first node – first – Clients don’t have to know nodes even exist! – Often this reference is considered “the list” – Clients cannot set links inappropriately – Might be null – just means it is an empty list � Easiest way (with Java) – private nested class: public class LinkedList { ListNode first; L … private static class ListNode { } } DUS ORD SAN Nested classes/interfaces FYI: more Java nested classes � Okay to define a class (or interface) inside � Local classes another class (or interface) – Defined inside methods or other blocks – Good for grouping logically related types – Not members of the class – local to the block – Nested and outer class share data – even private � Anonymous classes � If declared static – works just like non-nested – When just want an object; no need for type – Can extend, or be extended like any other class – Must extend existing class or implement interface – Can only access static fields/methods of outer class � Purpose is to override one or more methods � If not declared static – called an inner class – Used frequently for event-handling: new ActionListener ( // define anonymous class right here: – Instances of the inner class are associated with an { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {…} } instance of outer class – the “enclosing object” ); 2

  3. Collection hierarchy (simplified) Map hierarchy (simplified) K, V E <interface>> <interface>> Collection Map E E K, V < <interface>> <interface>> AbstractMap List Set E E AbstractSet AbstractList K, V K, V TreeMap HashMap E E E E TreeSet HashSet ArrayList LinkedList See (Collins p. 117) See and (Collins pp. 111, 114) Testing Testing steps � Goal is to find faults � Unit testing – insure each part is correct � Faults (a.k.a. bugs) cause systems to fail – Independently test each function in each file – e.g., a system crashes – the most obvious type of fault � Integration testing – insure parts work together – e.g., a security system that allows unauthorized entry – Test functions working together; not whole system yet – e.g., a shot-down video game plane continues on path � System testing – insure system does what it is � Can verify the presence of bugs, not their absence supposed to do – Testing fails if no bugs are found! (a good thing really) – Lots of testing left to do – especially for large systems � Testing and debugging are separate processes – Includes functional tests, performance tests, acceptance tests, and installation tests – Testing identifies; debugging corrects/removes faults Testing approaches Test plans (i.e., test data contents) � Black box testing – best by independent tester � Test a representative sample of normal cases – Plan good test cases, and conduct automated tests – Usually no way to test all possibilities � But don’t really need to – random sample of cases okay � Open box testing – a separate, preliminary activity – At least be sure to test all normal operations – “Coverage testing” is the goal � Test boundary cases � i.e., test every line of code at least once – Test the extremes – includes empty cases, lone cases, – Includes unit testing and integration testing last case, first case, …, any other “edge” cases � Regression testing – repeat tests frequently � Test error cases too – Because fixing a new bug may re-introduce old ones – e.g., test how bad input is handled – should not crash! – Easy to do with automated testing framework 3


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