infrastructure application workshop


INFRASTRUCTURE APPLICATION WORKSHOP OCTOBER 20 0 8 W orkshop Agend a W orkshop Agend a 1. Introductions of Staff SRTS 101 (History, Purpose, & Overview ) 2. 3 3. C it Criteria for Eligibility i f Eli ibilit 4. Application


  2. W orkshop Agend a W orkshop Agend a 1. Introductions of Staff SRTS 101 (History, Purpose, & Overview ) 2. 3 3. C it Criteria for Eligibility i f Eli ibilit 4. Application Overview 5. Project Requirem ents 6. Subm ission Requirem ents 7. Application Review Tim eline l l 8. Additional Resources 9. Contact Inform ation 10. Q&A

  3. Introd uctions Introd uctions 1. GDOT Sta ff 2. K im ley -Horn Sta ff 3 3. Attend ees Att d � Na m e � Orga niza tion

  4. SRTS 10 1 SRTS 10 1 Progra m History : � Fed era l-a id p rogra m – a d m inistered by FHW A, Office of Sa fety � Esta blished August 20 0 5 g 5 � Section 140 4 of the Sa fe, Accounta ble, Flexible, Efficient Tra nsp orta tion Eq uity Act: A Lega cy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Act � Prov id es Fed era l-a id highw a y fund s to Sta te DOTs ov er 5 Fed era l fisca l y ea rs (FY20 0 5-20 0 9 ) � 10 0 % federal funding No local m atch required � $612 m illion na tionw id e $16.9 m illion for GA

  5. SRTS 10 1 SRTS 10 1 Progra m Purp ose: 1. Ena ble a nd encoura ge child ren, includ ing those w ith d isa bilities, to w a lk a nd bicy cle to school. 2. 2 Prom ote p ed estria n a nd bike sa fety a nd m ore a p p ea ling Prom ote p ed estria n a nd bike sa fety a nd m ore a p p ea ling tra nsp orta tion a lterna tiv e. 3. Encoura ge hea lthy a nd a ctiv e lifesty les a t a n ea rly a ge. 4. Fa cilita te the p la nning, d ev elop m ent, a nd im p lem enta tion of p rojects a nd a ctiv ities tha t w ill im p rov e sa fety a nd red uce tra ffic, fuel consum p tion, a nd a ir p ollution in the v icinity of schools.

  6. SRTS 10 1 SRTS 10 1 SRTS 5 E’s SRTS 5 E s � Engineering � Education � Encouragement E � Enforcement � Evaluation

  7. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility Eligible Ap p lica nts m ust: 1. Be a school district or a city or county governm ent with legal authority to sign m aintenance agreem ents with the Departm ent of Transportation Eligible Projects m ust: Serve public or private schools with K-8 th grade students 1. 2. Be located within a two-m ile radius of the project school Eligible Project Schools m ust: 1. B Be actively engaged in non-infrastructure SRTS activities (e.g., SRTS Plan, ti l d i i f t t SRTS ti iti ( SRTS Pl Education, Encouragem ent and/ or Enforcem ent activities).

  8. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility Ty p es of Eligible Projects: � � Sid ew a lk im p rov em ents (includ ing ADA up gra d es) Sid ew a lk im p rov em ents (includ ing ADA up gra d es) � Tra ffic ca lm ing & sp eed red uction im p rov em ents � Ped estria n a nd bicy cle crossing im p rov em ents � On-street bicy cle fa cilities � Off Off-street bicy cle a nd p ed estria n fa cilities t t bi l d d t i f iliti � Secure bicy cle p a rking fa cilities � Tra ffic d iv ersion im p rov em ents Ty p es of Ineligible Projects: T f I li ibl P j t � Acquisition of right of w a y � Rep a ir of tra ffic la ne p a v em ent (unless new / up gra d ed bike fa cility ) � Com p ensa tion of crossing gua rd s � Purely cosm etic up gra d es or routine m a intena nce of bike/ p ed fa cilities � School bus or bus stop rela ted im p rov em ents

  9. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility Exam ples of pedestrian friendly projects for streets crossings � T Tra ffic a nd p ed estria n signa ls ffi d d i i l � Ma rked crossw a lks � Ped estria n signa ge

  10. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility More exam ples of street crossing projects: � Tight curb ra d ii � Ra ised m ed ia ns � ADA ra m p s Exam ple of w ide curb radius Exam ple of tight curb radius

  11. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility Exam ples of sidew alk projects � G Ga p closures l � ADA up gra d es � Sid ew a lks a nd Sha red Use Pa ths

  12. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility Exam ples of speed reduction and traffic calm ing projects � S Sp eed hum p s d h � Sp eed m onitoring d ev ices � Bike la nes � Curb extensions Curb extensions � La ne red uctions or na rrow ing

  13. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility Exam ples of Pedestrian Safety Projects: � Gua rd ra il � Lighting a long school route

  14. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility Exam ples of bicycle projects: � Bicy cle la nes � Sha red use p a ths � Sha red la ne m a rkings

  15. Criteria for Eligibility Criteria for Eligibility Exam ples of bicycle projects: � Bicy cle signa ge � Bicy cle p a rking � Bicy cle sa fety p rojects

  16. Ap p lica tion Ov erv iew Ap p lica tion Ov erv iew Section 3 – Prop osed Project: Exam ple of school enrollm ent and district m ap p p

  17. Ap p lica tion Ov erv iew Ap p lica tion Ov erv iew Section 4 – Progra m Inform a tion � � Education Ed ti Enforcem ent E f t Student Safety Patrol Bicycle Safety Training or o o School Bike/ Ped Safety Policies Inform ation o Local Law Enforcem ent o Pedestrian Safety Training or o Crossing Guards Crossing Guards o o Inform ation I f i Pace Car Program o Health & Physical Education o Installation of Speed Reduction o Environm ental or Transportation o Signs & Devices Choice Inform ation or Activities � Encouragem ent � Evaluation Walking School Buses o Traffic Counts o Bike Trains o Speed Surveys p y o Walk and Roll to School Days o Parent/ Student Surveys o School SRTS-Related Assem blies o Participant Counts o Bike or Pedestrian Clubs at School o Docum entation of Com pleted Tasks o

  18. Ap p lica tion Ov erv iew Ap p lica tion Ov erv iew SAMPLE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE Item 200’ Sidewalk Project Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Cost Preliminary Engineering y g g Excavation and overburden removal 166 CuYds $20.00 $3,320 Reconditioning 6451 Sq. Ft $0.80 $5,160 Tree Removal 8 Each $300.00 $2,400 Concrete Removal 826 Sq. Ft $1.50 $1,239 Asphalt Removal 2000 Sq. Ft $1.50 $3,000 Tree replacement 8 Each $500 4,000 Materials Sidewalk 5187 Sq Ft $5.50 $28,528 Sidewalk ramp 267 Sq Ft $12.50 $3,337 Truncated domes 32 Sq Ft $50.00 $1,600 Flagstone wall 1 LS $4,500 $4,500 Concrete pavement 1467 Sq Ft $7.00 $10,269 Asphalt pavement 1467 Sq Ft $3.00 $4,401 Curb and gutter 550 Linear Ft $30.00 $16,500 Maintenance $20,000 Other Construction Expenses Materials testing 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 Mobilization 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 TOTAL $118,254

  19. Project Req uirem ents Project Req uirem ents Selected Project Schools m ust: � Enroll w ith GA’s SRTS Resource Center � Enga ge in Non-Infra structure SRTS a ctiv ities � Pa rticip a te in GDOT’s Ev a lua tion p rocess Selected City / County m ust: � A Agree to a ll p roject d esign a nd im p lem enta tion by GDOT t ll j t d i d i l t ti b GDOT � Prov id e regula r m a intena nce on the new SRTS infra structure

  20. Subm ission Req uirem ents Subm ission Req uirem ents Subm it: � O One (1) origina l signed ha rd cop y of Infra structure Ap p lica tion form ( ) i i l i d h d f I f A li i f � One (1) ha rd cop y of a ll a tta chm ents � One (1) Com p a ct Disc (CD) One (1) Com p a ct Disc (CD) CD m ust conta in com p leted a p p lica tion in MS Excel form a t a nd a ll a tta chm ents. o CD m ust conta in only item s subm itted in ha rd cop y . o Atta ched files m a y be in the follow ing form a ts only : DOC, GIF, JPG, PDF, PPT, XLS. o � Fifteen (15) p a ge lim it – includ es a p p lica tion & a tta chm ents � Ma il to: SRTS Coord ina tor Offi Office of Pla nning f Pl i Dep a rtm ent of Tra nsp orta tion 60 0 W est Pea chtree Street, NW Atla nta , Georgia 30 30 8

  21. Scoring Criteria Scoring Criteria SECTION SCORING � PASS/ FAIL Contact Inform ation � 35 POINTS Problem Identification � 25 POINTS Proposed Project � 30 POINTS Program Inform ation � 10 POINTS Project Cost Estim ate � PASS/ FAIL Signatures

  22. Ap p lica tion Rev iew Tim eline Ap p lica tion Rev iew Tim eline ACTION DATE � Decem ber 12, 20 0 8 (postm arked) Application Subm ission Deadline Initial Review � Decem ber 20 0 8 – January 20 0 9 (Eligibility & Com p leteness) SRTS Panel Review � January 20 0 9 – February 20 0 9 (Technica l Rev iew ) � March 20 0 9 Selection & Notification


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