Plan of the presentation ∗ Operational strategy for Priority Africa (2014-2021) ∗ Six flagship programmes ∗ Implemention of the Flagship programs ∗ Monitoring and evaluation mechanism ∗ Flagship Programmes 1,2,3,4,5,6 ∗ Resource mobilisation: 3 challenges ∗ Programme and Project Design ∗ Outreach to (new) Donors/Partners ∗ Building on existing programmes and relationships ∗ Expanding through innovative partnerships ∗ Active Support of UNESCO Member States 2
UNESCO’S OPERATIONAL STRATEGY FOR AFRICA (2014-2021) UNESCO’s strategy for Priority Africa is based on the African Union vision adopted by African Heads of States: “A united and prosperous Africa, at peace with itself and with the rest of the world, governed and built by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force on the international scene” The Strategy is based also on the analysis of the current development issues and challenges of the African continent: ∗ Population Growth ∗ Sustainable Development and Economic Growth ∗ Social Transformations ∗ Democratic Governance UNESCO action in Africa - two main areas of focus: ∗ Peace-building by fostering inclusive, peaceful and resilient societies ∗ Institutional capacity-building for sustainable development and poverty eradication With two crosscutting priorities: Youth and Gender Equality 3
6 Flagship Programmes ∗ Promoting a culture of peace and non-violence ∗ Strengthening education systems for sustainable development in Africa: Improving equity, quality and relevance ∗ Harnessing STI and knowledge for the sustainable socio- economic development of Africa ∗ Fostering science for the sustainable management of Africa’s natural resources and disaster risk reduction ∗ Harnessing the power of culture for sustainable development and peace in a context of regional integration ∗ Promoting an environment conducive to freedom of expression and media development 4
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FLAGSHIPS Title of Flagship programme Leading Lead for coordination and Major reporting by Regional Offices Programme 1. Promoting a culture of peace and non-violence MP III Addis Ababa Liaison Office 2. Strengthening education systems for sustainable development MP I Abuja in Africa: improving equity, quality and relevance 3. Harnessing STI and knowledge for the sustainable socio- MP II Harare economic development of Africa 4. Fostering science for the sustainable management of Africa’s MP II Nairobi natural resources and disaster risk reduction 5. Harnessing the power of Culture for Sustainable Development MP IV Yaoundé and Peace in a context of regional integration 6. Promoting an environment conducive to freedom of MP V Dakar expression and media development 5
Monitoring and evaluation mechanism The external advisory The internal operational component component - Field offices and Category 1 Institutes - African Union Commission in Africa, - Economic Commission for Africa - Programme sectors (ECA) - Africa Department - Regional Economic and/or Monetary Communities/Unions - Bureau of Strategic Planning (BSP) - Bilateral and multilateral partners - Private sector Role : to ensure that activities in Africa are undertaken in accordance with the - Civil society organizations in overarching and strategic objectives of UNESCO’s fields of competences the Revised Operational Strategy for Priority Africa, in particular the flagship Role : To provide the Organization programmes. well-informed advisory opinions on the activities undertaken in Africa and their relevance and offer prospective Action : analyses on future trends and ∗ Regular video conferences with challenges Regional Offices + Liason Office in Action: Addis ∗ This component will meet, physically ∗ Regular Reporting (EX4 + SISTER) and/or virtually, once a year. The Operational Strategy implementation will be supported 6 by a Communication Strategy
Flagship 1: Promoting a culture of peace and non-violence Why UNESCO?: Since its inception, UNESCO has been working towards a truly global movement for fostering a culture of peace and non-violence worldwide. UNESCO’s comparative advantage in this area has been recognized by the UN General Assembly who designated UNESCO as the lead agency for many prominent global initiatives for promoting peace. Main actions: ∗ Scale up education for a culture of peace in the following areas: curriculum, teacher education, teaching materials and learning environments ∗ Promote knowledge and capacity to develop appropriate management tools for cross-border cooperation frameworks on ocean, coasts, hydrological basins and for the sustainable use of ecosystems ∗ Strengthen capacities of Member States to design and implement multi-stakeholder and inclusive public youth policies and engage young women and men in community building and democratic processes ∗ Introduce the General History of Africa into the curriculum of formal and non-formal education systems and promote elements of the African intangible heritage for reconciliation, social cohesion and peace ∗ Support community radios to become spaces for intercultural, intergenerational dialogue and social cohesion and raise awareness of youth for peace and dialogue through social media Some success stories: Addis Liaison Office 7
Flagship 2: Strengthening education systems for sustainable development in Africa Why UNESCO?: UNESCO is in a unique position to support African countries in improving the quality and relevance of education because its mandate covers all areas of education in a holistic and interrelated manner. In all its fields of education, UNESCO has developed an expertise that is recognized at all levels of decision-making as well as by civil society at large. Main Actions: ∗ Provide technical supportand strengthen national capacities to improve teacher policy formulation, implementation and assessment of teaching needs. ∗ Develop capacities of national teacher training institutions to deliver quality training using blended strategies including ICTs ∗ Support the capacity development of head teachers and school principals for effective pedagogical leadership and quality learning outcomes ∗ Support qualitative policies for teaching and learning environments ∗ Support the development and harmonization of national and regional qualification frameworks for education personnel Some success stories: Abuja Regional Office 8
Flagship 3: Harnessing STI and knowledge for the sustainable socio-economic development of Africa Why UNESCO?: UNESCO is leading the Global Alliance of STI in Africa based on its mandate and experience in science education at all levels, TVET and higher education, as well as in STI policies and capacity building and has the capacity to help countries adopt a systemic and integrated approach to STI. Main Actions: ∗ Assess, review, develop and harmonize knowledge production policies, including STI policies both at national and regional levels; ∗ Support and mobilize existing African think-tanks both at regional and sub-regional level, for decision-making and STI development; ∗ Strengthen African higher education and research institutions, and Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) capacity; ∗ Promote the twinning of institutions and exchanges of STI experts through North-South, South- South and South-North-South cooperation; ∗ Improve universal access to information and knowledge as well as build capacity in the field of ICT use in Africa; ∗ Ensure that more youth participate in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and careers; ∗ Develop capacity in the preservation of documentary heritage. 9 Some success stories: Harare Regional Office
Flagship 4 : Fostering science for the sustainable management of Africa’s natural resources and disaster risk reduction Why UNESCO? UNESCO through its various Natural Science and World Heritage programmes is well placed to address the issues of the programme. Main actions: ∗ Upgrade scientific institutions, in the fields of environmental, earth, ocean and climate system sciences, through strengthening universities and research centres and mobilizing international science cooperation; ∗ Train a critical mass of natural resources and disaster risk managers (young skilled people and resourceful scientists and engineers) with the perspective of employability; ∗ Support the development of tools for disaster risk reduction (DRR), and integrated coastal management; ∗ Promote and support UNESCO-designated sites to be recognized and used as laboratories and learning platforms for sustainable development at the national and regional level. Some success stories: Nairobi Regional Office 10
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