informatics 1

Informatics 1 SATisfaction revision Michael Fourman 1 0 1 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Informatics 1 SATisfaction revision Michael Fourman 1 0 1 1 B for booleans A B = 0 A iff A B S If we have a chain of n-1 implications R between n variables we can draw the line in n+1 places making

  1. Informatics 1 SATisfaction revision Michael Fourman 1

  2. 0 ≤ 1 ⊥ ≤ ⊤ 1 B for booleans A → B = ⊤ 0 A iff A ≤ B

  3. ⊤ S If we have a chain of n-1 implications R between n variables we can draw the line in n+1 places making any number, from 0 to n, of these variables true. Q P ⊥

  4. ⊤ S If some of the variables are negated we can do ¬R the same (but making the negated variables false when they fall above the line and true Q when they fall below) ¬P ⊥

  5. ⊤ If a variable appears together with its S negation, we have to draw the line between P them. Here, P must be true. Q (¬P → P) → P ¬P is a tautology ⊥

  6. ⊤ If a variable appears together with its S negation, we have to draw the line between ¬R them. Here, R must be false. Q (R → ¬R) → ¬R R is a tautology ⊥

  7. ⊤ The same trick works if our implications form a partial order. But we have more S options since we can draw a wavy line. ¬W ¬R The arrow rule says that, V whenever our line cuts an Q arrow, then the head must ¬P be on the side of true and the tail on the side of false. ⊥

  8. ⊤ The same trick works if our implications form a partial order. But we have more S options since we can draw a wavy line. ¬W ¬R Not all of the valid truth assignments are V Q represented in this diagram. ¬P How many are missing? ⊥

  9. Clausal Form Clausal form is a set of sets of literals { {¬A,C}, {¬B,D}, {¬E,B}, {¬E,A}, {A,E}, {E,B},{¬B, ¬C, ¬D} } A (partial) truth assignment makes a clause true iff it makes at least one of its literals true (so it can never make the empty clause {} true) A (partial) truth assignment makes a clausal form true iff it makes all of its clauses true ( so the empty clausal form { } is always true ). 9

  10. 2-SAT A clausal form with at most two literals per clause. Corresponds to a conjunction of implications. We can draw the directed graph and count the satisfying valuations. When 3 or more are involved, satisfaction gets complicated. In general, we must search for satisfaction.

  11. 11 A ̅ Naive search A A B ̅ AB AB C ̅ ABC ¬A ⋁ C ABC D ̅ ABCD ¬A ⋁ C ¬B ⋁ D ¬E ⋁ B ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D ¬E ⋁ A A ⋁ E E ⋁ B ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D

  12. Naive search function Naive(V, Φ ) if V ⊨ ¬ Φ then return false; if V ⊨ Φ ¬then return true; otherwise, choose an A mentioned in Φ but not mentioned in V return Naive(V^A, Φ ) || Naive(V^¬A, Φ ) (call Naive( ∅ , Φ ))

  13. 13 A ̅ Naive search A A B ̅ AB A B ̅ C A B ̅ C ̅ AB C ̅ ABC ¬A ⋁ C ABC D ̅ ABCD ¬A ⋁ C A B ̅ C D ̅ A B ̅ CD ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D A B ̅ C D ̅ E ̅ A B ̅ CDE A B ̅ C D ̅ E A B ̅ CD E ̅ E ⋁ B ¬E ⋁ B E ⋁ B ¬E ⋁ B

  14. 14 A ̅ A A B ̅ AB A ̅ XXX A B ̅ C A B ̅ C ̅ AB C ̅ ABC A ̅ XXX E ̅ ¬A ⋁ C ABC D ̅ A ̅ XXXE ABCD ¬A ⋁ C A B ̅ C D ̅ A B ̅ CD A ⋁ ¬E A ⋁ E ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D A B ̅ C D ̅ E ̅ A B ̅ CDE A B ̅ C D ̅ E A B ̅ CD E ̅ E ⋁ B ¬E ⋁ B ¬E ⋁ B E ⋁ B

  15. Davis Putnam Logemann Loveland (DPLL) function Naive(V, Φ ) if V ⊨ ¬ Φ then return false; if V ⊨ Φ ¬then return true; if V, C ⊨ X, where X is literal and clause C ∈ Φ return Naive(V^X, Φ ) otherwise, choose an A mentioned in Φ but not mentioned in V return Naive(V^A, Φ ) || Naive(V^¬A, Φ ) (call Naive( ∅ , Φ ))

  16. 16 Idea! Use the problem to simplify the search ¬A ⋁ C ¬B ⋁ D ¬A C A ¬E ⋁ B ¬B ⋁ D ¬E ⋁ A ¬A ¬E ⋁ B A ⋁ E ¬B D B ¬E ⋁ A C E ⋁ B ¬E ⋁ B A ⋁ E ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬E ⋁ A E ⋁ B D A ⋁ E ¬B ⋁ ⋁ ¬D ¬B E ⋁ B ¬B ¬B Unit Propagation

  17. Davis Putnam Logemann Loveland (DPLL) implementation - add V to Φ unit propagation function DPLL( Φ ) if Φ is a consistent set of literals then return true; if Φ contains an empty clause then return false; for every unit clause l in Φ Φ ← unit-propagate(l, Φ ); l ← choose-literal( Φ ); return DPLL( Φ ∪ {l}) or DPLL( Φ ∪ {not(l)});

  18. Clausal form is a set of sets of literals X = { X 0 , X 1 , … , X n-1 } Resolution rule for clauses X Y where ¬A ∈ X , A ∈ Y ( X ⋃ Y ) \ { ¬A, A } If either X or Y is a singleton then this is just unit propagation. So, resolution is a generalisation of unit propagation. Search is no longer needed 18

  19. AB 19 Premises AB C ̅ ABC ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D ABC D ̅ ABCD ¬A ⋁ C ¬B ⋁ ¬C ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D Conclusion Any assignment of truth values that A valid makes all the premises true inference will make the conclusion true. The conclusion follows from the premises

  20. AB 20 Premises AB C ̅ ABC ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D ABC D ̅ ABCD ¬A ⋁ C ¬B ⋁ ¬C ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D Conclusion Any assignment of truth values that For any valid makes the conclusion false will make inference at least one of the premises false.

  21. AB 21 Premises AB C ̅ ABC ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D ¬B ⋁ ¬C ABC D ̅ ABCD ¬A ⋁ C ¬B ⋁ ¬C Conclusion ¬B ⋁ ¬C ⋁ ¬D ¬B ⋁ D A special property If some assignment of this inference XYZ of values for ABC makes the conclusion false then the assignments XYZ D and XYZ D ̅ each make one or other of the two premises false.

  22. A B C D E B C D ¬A ⋁ B ¬A ⋁ C ¬A ⋁ D ¬A ⋁ E ¬B ⋁ E ¬B ⋁ C ¬B ⋁ D ¬C ⋁ E ¬C ⋁ D ¬D ⋁ E We keep adding clauses obtained by resolution. Davis Putnam - choose a variable then add all instances. Different orders for resolution will give the same results.

  23. � Davis Putnam Take a collection � of clauses. For each propositional letter, A For each pair ���������� ∊ �� ⋀ �� ∊ �� ⋀ � A ∊ �� ⋀ �� A ∊ � if �������� A ������� return UNSAT if �������� A �� is consistent ��������������������� return SAT Where �������� A �������������� A, � A � Heuristic: start with variables that occur seldom.


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