infection prevention and control

Infection prevention and control Annette Jeanes Director of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Infection prevention and control Annette Jeanes Director of Infection Prevention and Control and Consultant nurse Summary History of infection prevention and control National issues UCLH Future Infection Control What is

  1. Infection prevention and control Annette Jeanes Director of Infection Prevention and Control and Consultant nurse

  2. Summary  History of infection prevention and control  National issues  UCLH  Future

  3. Infection Control

  4. What is infection prevention and control?  Prevention of acquisition and transmission of infection  Detection and investigation including contact tracing  Surveillance and monitoring  Teaching and training  Planning services and buildings  Outbreak management and control  Generating new knowledge  Expert advice

  5. Its not rocket science  Hand hygiene  Isolation of infectious patients  Screening and monitoring  Clean patient  Clean environment  Ventilation and water  Immunisation  Nutrition and hydration

  6. What it isn't

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  10. Invisible support service  Team including laboratories  >40 new referrals to the reactive nurse desk each day  On call service every day/24 hours/throughout the year  Requests for information  Reports and responses  Meetings  Contract tracing  Investigations  Staff are our main clients

  11. National picture  Legislation  Regulation and monitoring  Guidelines and standards  Targets  Reduction in MRSA bacteraemia  Reduction in Clostridium difficile  Ebola  Influenza  Antibiotic stewardship  Carbapenem resistant organisms (CRO)

  12. 14

  13. Current UCLH IPC challenges (examples)  Vulnerable patients  Fast throughput including day surgery  Mixing of patient groups  Patients and visitors travelling long distances  Highly specialist services  Getting the basics right  Information  Cleaning  Isolation  Invasive devices  Hand hygiene

  14. Healthcare associated infections 16

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  22. Human factors 24

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  24. The future  Antibiotic resistance  New micro-organisms particularly gram negatives and virus  Increasing susceptibility particularly the very young and very old  Staffing, training and knowledge  Cleaning and disinfection  Hand hygiene  Involvement and engagement of patients and public

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