infant king co op

Infant King Co-op The proper and immediate end of Christian - PDF document

You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones. Infant King Co-op The proper and immediate end of Christian education is to cooperate with divine grace in forming the true and perfect Christian, that is, to form Christ Himself in

  1. “You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones.” Infant King Co-op “The proper and immediate end of Christian education is to cooperate with divine grace in forming the true and perfect Christian, that is, to form Christ Himself in those regenerated by Baptism, according to the emphatic expression of the Apostle: "My little children, of whom I am in labor again, until Christ be formed in you. For precisely this reason, Christian education takes in the whole aggregate of human life, physical and spiritual, intellectual and moral, individual, domestic and social, not with a view of reducing it in any way, but in order to elevate, regulate and perfect it, in accordance with the example and teaching of Christ.” Pope Pius X, 1929. R EGULAR M ASS S CHEDULE Weekdays except Tuesday 8:00 am Tuesday 6:30 pm Saturday 8:00 am Sunday Low Mass 8:00 am Low Mass 9:30 am High Mass 11:30 am C ONFESSIONS Daily 30 minutes before Mass Sundays: Confessions 30 min before each Mass M ONTHLY M ASS ON 25 TH D AY IN H ONOR OF I NFANT K ING Mass is followed by blessing of children, and veneration of the relic of the Holy Crib of Bethlehem. D EVOTIONS FOLLOWING M ASS Tuesday 6:30 pm Novena to St. Therese & Benediction Wednesday 8:00 am Litany and Devotions to Saint Joseph Friday 6pm Holy Hour (Followed by Stations of the Cross during Lent) Saturday 8:00 am Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Sunday Vespers and Benediction 6:00pm 17th - 25th of each Month Novena to the Infant Jesus C ATECHISM FORMATION 1st & 3rd Tuesday evening of each Month C ONTACT I NFORMATION 6415 S OUTH W OODLAWN A VENUE C HICAGO , I LLINOIS 60637 T EL : 1-773-363-7409 • F AX : 1-773-363-7824 SHRINE @ INSTITUTE - CHRIST - KING . ORG

  2. the ‘Infant King Co-Op’... A Co-op, short for cooperative, is a group of families that join to share in the education of their children. The Infant King Co-op proposes to offer a spiritual, intellectual and social education to any children, ages 7 to 17 . These classes are for both members and non-members of the Shrine of Christ the King . This endeavor is offered by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest and placed under the leadership of canons and oblates of the Institute. The Salesian Spirit (St Francis de Sales/ St John Bosco) will guide and enlighten the work of all those participating in the formations offered through the Co-op. The name ‘Infant King Co-op’ has been chosen in order to place all its members under the protection and loving care of Our Lord, refuge for children, and King of our lives. Its convenient and exceptional location, here at the Shrine of Christ the King on Woodlawn & 64 th Ave , indicates its common mission with the faithful here, to share and to spread the devotion to the Infant King on a regional as well as on a national scale. Our goal is to foster the spiritual life of families, starting with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and enriched by the perennial teaching of the Church, to broaden the intellectual formation of our children through interest- ing classes such as French, Latin and Music, and finally to help develop the social skills of the youth that to- morrow will bring faith and light to the world! What do we offer ?  Junior Catechism Class (Ages 7-12) Following the Baltimore Catechism & My Catholic Faith  Senior Catechism Class (Ages 13-17) Following the Baltimore Catechism & My Catholic Faith  Jubilate Deo Choir (Ages 7-12)  Cor Jesu Choir ( Audition only/ages 13 + )  Latin 1 (Ages 7-12) Following the Wellor Latin Book  Latin 2 (Ages 13-17) ……………………………………….$75/year Following the Wheelock’s Latin Textbook  French (Ages 13-17) ……………………………………….$75/year Following the Wheelock’s Latin Textbook 02 † I NFANT K ING C O - OP 02

  3. Our Schedule: 2 nd nd & 4 & 4 th th We Wednesday Age/Time 9:30-10:25am 10:30-11:25am 11:30-12:20pm 12:30-1:10pm 1:15pm-2pm 2pm Juniors 7-12 Jubilate Deo Choir CR Catechism Ch Latin 1 - the Mass SR Lunch SR Clean Up Low Mass Seniors 13- Catechism Ch Cor Jesu Choir CR French-option CR Latin 2 CR Lunch SR 17 Toddler 6 - SR - Latin 1 Abbe Raymond Schmidt Ch Chapel - Latin 2 Mr. Ethan Della Rocca SR Social Room - French Mr. Pierre Le Doux CR Conference Room A prayer before class... St Thomas Aquinas’ Prayer before study O Creator ineffable, who of the riches of Thy wisdom didst appoint three hierarchies of Angels and didst set them in wondrous order over the highest heavens, and who didst apportion the elements of the world most wisely: do Thou, who art in truth the fountain of light and wisdom, deign to shed upon the darkness of my understanding the rays of Thine infinite brightness, and remove far from me the twofold darkness in which I was born, namely, sin and ignorance. Do Thou, who givest speech to the tongues of little children, instruct my tongue and pour into my lips the grace of Thy benediction. Give me keenness of apprehension, capacity for remembering, method and ease in learning, insight in interpretation, and copious eloquence in speech. Instruct my beginning, direct my progress, and set Thy seal upon the finished work, Thou, who art true God and true Man, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. Stay Tuned... Join our Flocknote Group and receive all the Shrine’s Co-Op info. Schedule/Special Activities/Special Outings/Simple Reminders... T EXT “IKCO-OP” TO 84576 03 † I NFANT K ING C O - OP

  4. From the Vicar: the Reverend Canon Joel Estrada Dear Faithful, Infant King Co-Op Policy Being sons and daughters of Saint Francis de Sales, let us reflect on an anecdote of him written by one of his brother bishops, Bishop Camus: Rules to be understood and signed by the Student (See attached Form) There were not many things which [Saint] Francis de Sales advocated more consistently than a holy calmness of mind. He frequently compared this life to a ship steering towards the port of salvation, saying that no matter how stormy the sea, we must be good pilots and keep the helm straight. Hence we must remember to direct our eyes always on the guiding compass –and what is the Christian’s magnet if not God’s holy will, upon which we must diligently keep our eyes? All the disorder Tardy Policy- In an effort to cut down on tardiness, students with 6 or more which confronts our minds simply arises because we, poor creatures that we are, fail to direct our glance to God and as a result, our tempers and inclinations are changed when disturbed by the many chances and accidents of life. But if one will unexcused tardies or absences will be suspended from the class. An email will alert parents dwell for a moment upon how this endless diversity is in perfect uniformity with God’s will and how He permits prosperity after each tardy. Canons will provide intervention after 3 unexcused tardies or absences. and adversity, sickness and health, poverty and riches, life and death to His creatures, remembering that in all of these one may find occasion to glorify God–indeed, such a person will realize the importance of that enviable spirit of Christian indifference [which means having a pious mental attitude to bless and thank God for all that His Providence may ordain, while Rules of courtesy and politeness are required for every class. leaving God to will and do whatever He pleases in us, blessing His Goodness and Mercy] which truly fosters a holy calmness of mind. To ask a question: Students are asked to raise their hand, to wait for the teacher to allow them to speak, to stand up and then to ask their question. All assignments should be done on time. For failed test, student will be asked to redo the test as soon as possible. Always use the bathroom at break and lunchtime. No use of the bathroom during classes or Masses. No eating in class. (No gum) Teachers keep for themselves the right to ask a student to rewrite tests, notes or assignments for unacceptable handwriting. Bring required materials every time: Unless you have been instructed otherwise, come to class prepared with all of the required materials you were advised to bring at the beginning of the school year. Do not interrupt the teacher or other students to ask to borrow items you forgot to bring to class. Make up Missed Work: If a student has missed a lesson or an assignment, he is required to make arrangements with his teacher to complete the work.


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