Inclusion Charter for York Region - Our Commitment to Welcoming and Inclusive Communities Board of Directors June 22, 2018 Keri Christensen, Manager Human Resources Member of Conservation Ontario
Background • York Region is one of the fastest growing and diverse communities in Canada; • 1.2 million people called York Region home according to the 2016 Census, of which: 48% of residents identified themselves as visible minority; 46% were born outside of Canada; 120 different languages are spoken; 230 distinct ethnic origins; 2 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
What Is Diversity & Inclusion • Diversity : knowing, understanding, accepting and valuing the unique dimensions, qualities and characteristics we all possess • Inclusion : creating an environment where everyone can develop to their full potential, participate freely and live with respect, dignity and freedom from discrimination. 3 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Municipal Diversity and Inclusion Group (MDIG) Member Organizations 4 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
The Inclusion Charter - Our Commitment to Welcoming and Inclusive Communities • A community collaboration, bringing together multiple sectors in a “commitment to action”; • Grounded in belief that our greatest strength is the ability to bring people together to build a welcoming community that celebrates and values the differences and contributions of everyone; • By endorsing the Inclusion Charter, organizations affirm their commitment to becoming increasingly inclusive for employees and customers alike; 5 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
The Inclusion Charter - Our Commitment To Welcoming And Inclusive Communities • The Charter reflects an evolving approach in support of existing federal and provincial legislation; • The Charter responds to our rapidly changing demographics; • The Charter provides a framework for promoting programs, services, facilities and workplaces; and • The Charter benefits communities it serves. 6 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Inclusion Charter: Unique, Innovative, Progressive • Three Rounds of Community Consultations • Hundreds of people and organizations have been part of its development and championing - a remarkable example of collaboration and inspiration at its best; • Developed by York Region communities for York Region communities; • While other Inclusion Charters exist, none exist in this format 7 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
A Customized Approach 8 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
INCLUSION CHARTER: OUR COMMITMENT TO WELCOMING AND INCLUSIVE COMMUNITIES The Inclusion Charter for York Region is a community initiative that brings together businesses, community organizations, municipalities, police services, hospitals, school boards, conservation authorities and agencies with a common commitment to create an inclusive environment with equality for all who work, live and play here. Together our organizations share the vision of York Region as a welcoming and inclusive community where diversity is celebrated and where everyone can develop to their full potential, participate freely in society and live with respect, dignity and freedom from discrimination. The Charter reflects an evolving approach in support of existing federal and provincial legislation that promotes human rights and accessibility. By endorsing this Charter we affirm our commitment to inclusion, whereby all people feel they belong and have access to the same opportunities. 9 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
LAKE SIMCOE REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY’S COMMITMENT Together with other participating organizations, the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority is committed to taking action to achieve the vision of the Charter in our organization and the community. We are committed to an inclusive workplace that values, respects and embraces diversity and equity so everyone can achieve their full potential. By cultivating and celebrating diversity and inclusion, our organization will be better positioned to ensure programs and services meet the varied needs of our growing watershed population. Together with our communities we can achieve our vision of a thriving environment that inspires and sustains us for generations to come. Endorsed on this 22 nd day of June, 2018 by Michael Walters, Chief Administrative Officer & Mayor Geoffrey Dawe, Chair 1 0 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Benefits to LSRCA • Increased employee engagement; • Greater opportunity to access and retain talent; • Greater customer experiences; and • Potential for LSRCA to increase business performance 1 1 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
International Recognition • The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) • Participated in the Charter initiative since May 2017 • CIFAL Atlanta is the North American hub of UNITAR • Charter is recognized as a leading practice model for globally inclusive communities • MDIG members now bringing Inclusion forward for endorsement • Development of Action Plan 1 2 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Thank You 1 3 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
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