Including Transparencies Posters and Video in Electronic Publications JACoW Team Meeting Geneva, February 2002
Experience � Chamonix Performance Workshops have published transparencies for several years. � Input has been in the form of PowerPoint, LaTeX and Word files. � Hand prepared slides were not published. � Output is in the form of PDF files. � PAC01 published slides on their CD and JACoW Transparencies in Proceedings, JACoW Team Meeting, Feb. 2002, J. Poole 1
Performance � The speed of display is acceptable. � File size varies a lot. � At Chamonix, the average talk was 20 minutes long � The average PDF file size was 1Mbyte Transparencies in Proceedings, JACoW Team Meeting, Feb. 2002, J. Poole 2
Production � The input files are converted to PDF either using PDF Maker (for WORD and PowerPoint input) or by passing through postscript for the LaTeX. � Paper size and margins are not an issue – target on screen use only. � Chamonix workshop has a CERN based set of contributors which means that they basically use a standard set of software to prepare their talks. � Potential problems arise from the use of fonts which are not available to the editors when creating the PDF files. Transparencies in Proceedings, JACoW Team Meeting, Feb. 2002, J. Poole 3
Cost of Inclusion of Slides � One has to verify the fonts at the conference - this requires one full time person doing nothing else � It has the advantage of producing acceptable input files and the data files can be gathered at the same time � It takes around 15 minutes per talk to produce PDF files � Need to put a flag in the database to indicate availability of slides so that the appropriate links can be programmed. � Total increase in disk space is non-negligible in terms of the size of a CD-ROM Transparencies in Proceedings, JACoW Team Meeting, Feb. 2002, J. Poole 4
Posters � A wider variety of software is used in the preparation of posters, so making PDF files is more difficult. � Poster files will, in general, be large – 10 to 50 Mbytes. � Acrobat is very good at compressing some images and in a test file, a 15 Mbyte Microsoft Publisher file (A1 format) was converted to a 300kbyte PDF file. � A poster is generally not suitable for viewing on the screen. Transparencies in Proceedings, JACoW Team Meeting, Feb. 2002, J. Poole 5
Video � PAC’01 uses a dedicated server for the video, accessed from links in the proceedings (CD and JACoW) � This server requires support from outside the JACoW domain � PAC’01 are better placed to comment … Transparencies in Proceedings, JACoW Team Meeting, Feb. 2002, J. Poole 6
Proposal � Posters � too many of them and too much work to include them. � Electronic slide presentations � if the resources can be found at the conference (one student full- time) then the rest is trivial and the result is worthwhile � Only publish powerpoint ? � It would be possible to deal with other things like LaTeX or PostScript but there could be problems with fonts � less than one week additional post conference work � probably worth the effort to add conference reference but no hidden fields are needed � the CD will only contain one conference � Video ? Transparencies in Proceedings, JACoW Team Meeting, Feb. 2002, J. Poole 7
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