in the city of houston

in the City of Houston Presenter: Steve Loo P.E., Managing Engineer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pavement Data Collection, Rating History & Pavement Management Program in the City of Houston Presenter: Steve Loo P.E., Managing Engineer Transportation and Drainage Operations Texas Municipal League Conference 2019 October 9, 2019

  1. Pavement Data Collection, Rating History & Pavement Management Program in the City of Houston Presenter: Steve Loo P.E., Managing Engineer Transportation and Drainage Operations Texas Municipal League Conference 2019 October 9, 2019

  2. Paveme ment Data Collection on a and R Rating Hi Histor ory – In the past ~2001- 2007, COH e valuate d pave me nt c onditions using “Windshie ld” me thod. – T he n in ~2008- 2014, COH c olle c te d pave me nt data with a pave me nt data c olle c tion ve hic le (c ity- owne d). – Cur r e ntly sinc e 2015, COH c olle c ts pave me nt data (nation- wide ve ndor ) to ge ne r ate the PCI: 1) PCI is adopte d by APWA (Ame r ic an Public Wor ks Assoc iation). 2) PCI is base d on AST M D6433 publishe d standar d (Ame r ic an Soc ie ty for T e sting and Mate r ials). 3) PCI is a “Nume r ic al Indic ator ” that r ate s sur fac e c ondition of the pave me nt.

  3. Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU) Right-of-Way Global Cameras (typically four) Positioning System (GPS) 5-Laser Profiler Roughness Laser- Rutting IlluminatedLine scan Camera (Pavement) Mobile Asse t Colle c tion Van

  4. • Vide ologge r for data validation • ROW and pave me nt vie w • Google str e e t- vie w inte gr ation Roa dwa y Photo Ima g e ry L og

  5. COH Major Roads PCI Map

  6. COH Major Roads PCI Re sults

  7. COH L oc al Roads PCI Map

  8. COH L oc al Roads PCI Re sults

  9. PCI Se gme nt Distr ibution vs. # of Mile s

  10. Pavement Surface Type

  11. Pavement Surface Type

  12. Re por t Distr e ss T ype s and Distr ibution

  13. Pavement Distresses/Deterioration Conditions Faulting Linear Cracking Divided Slab & Patching Corner Breaks, Divided Slab, Faulting & Patches

  14. Pavement Distresses/Deterioration Alligator Cracking Pothole s Edge Cracking Patching & Joint Reflection Cracking

  15. Pavement nt Cond ndition Ind ndex ex Sum Summary y – 2015 2015-2016 R 2016 RUN

  16. COH Rig ht- of- Wa y Ima g e ry “Asse t T a g g ing ” Curb & Gutte r, Side wa lks, Curb Ra mps, Bridg e Gua rdra ils, E tc .

  17. Basic Pave me nt Manage me nt Ste ps – 1) Se tup “Str e e t Ne twor k Inve ntor y Database ” pr ope r ly on any E nte r pr ise Database Syste m (i.e . Or ac le , SQL , e tc .) – 2) Colle c t “Pave me nt Condition Data” & Pe r for m “Rating on Pave me nt Sur fac e Condition (i.e . PCI)” – 3) Analyze Data, Asse mble Plan & Pe r for m Wor k (i.e . Pr e se r vation, Re pair , Re habilitation & Re c onstr uc tion) – 4) F e e d- Bac k Pr oc e ss (Update Syste m)

  18. Pavem emen ent S Survey ey C Cycle le Street Netw ork Distress Survey STEP 2 Inventory update STEP 4 - Feedback Collect & Generate Physical(PCI) Upload treatment plans, Functional(IRI) costs, resurvey strategy. Demand(ADT) Set priority based on needs, funds including cost Analyze Data, Asse mble Plan & Pe r for m Wor k (i.e . STEP 3 Pr e se r vation, Re pair , Re habilitation & uc tion) Re c onstr

  19. Addit itio ional l PCI Informatio ion • Repeatable methodology • Pavement distresses are objectively scored based on type, severity, and extent • Every street is rated with the same standard • PCI score range is 0 (worst condition) to 100 (best possible condition) • PCI can be used as a tool/aid to rank streets relative to each other

  20. Kn Know P PCI, IR I, IRI & & ADT D T DIS ISTINCTIONS Func Functional Asse Assess ssment: IRI I (Internat national nal R Roughne ness I Index) • Ride Quality Measurement • Lagging Indicator (generally) • Citizen/Driver’s notice • Important dimension to assess road conditions. It can be used as a ti tie- brea eaker er in case PCI is same for two segments

  21. Kn Know P PCI, IR I, IRI & & ADT D T DIS ISTINCTIONS De Demand Asse Assessm sment: ADT ( (Aver erage D e Daily ily Traffi ffic) ) • Maximum return on funds invested • Maximize impact based on road usage. • Try to minimize VOC (Vehicle Operating Costs – damage, trip, down time, increased fuel costs etc.) for the most Citizens.

  22. Average Daily Traffic (ADT):

  23. PMP: Why data c a colle lection ction & analy lysis is? • PCI provides present condition of pavement surface • PCI helps determine what treatments and where (right treatment on the right pavement at the right time) • PCI allows for feedback on maintenance treatments (validation of current practices)

  24. Pavement Decay/ Management Philosophy

  25. TREATME MENT NT P PLANS f NS for A Asphalt lt: ( (Draft-co copy) y)

  26. T hird Pa rty So ftwa re

  27. es : Pavem emen ent Managem emen ent Program desired ed Outcomes • Improve QA/QC procedures • See Effects of Preventive Maintenance Strategies • Help Understand Impact of Pavement Treatments • Justify the Need for Dedicated Funds Key points to remember: Automate parts of the PMP system, but Can’t Replace the Human Brain! (i.e. PW Judgement) Data-Driven Decision Making Process! Right Treatment Right Pavement Right Time!

  28. Pave vement M nt Mgmt. t. Info. o. S System ( (PMIS IS) – Street S t Section/ on/Segment D nt Data I Infor ormati tion on

  29. Draft 5 5 Yea ear P Plan f from P Pavem emen ent M Managem ement Informatio ion S System em t to Main intain 7 70 PCI 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total SINGLE CHIP SEAL 1,358.34 122.28 126.75 58.68 91.36 1,757.41 SEAL CRACKS 2,340.66 2,340.66 MaC Major Collector (5) 262.02 262.02 R Residential/Local 2,078.65 2,078.65 MaC Major Collector (5) 477.66 122.28 126.75 58.68 91.36 876.72 R Residential/Local 880.68 880.68 MILL AND THIN OVERLAY 1,229.96 192.31 180.3 0.07 1,602.64 MaC Major Collector (5) 31.99 4.83 2.44 0.07 39.34 R Residential/Local 1,197.96 187.48 177.86 1,563.30 RECONSTRUCT STRUCTURE (AC) 0.01 0.01 104.95 104.97 MaC Major Collector (5) 0.01 104.95 104.97 R Residential/Local 0.01 0.01 RECONSTRUCT STRUCTURE (PCC) 17.98 161.43 156.43 172.3 78.57 586.7 MaC Major Collector (5) 17.95 7.86 9.76 7.76 4.99 48.31 R Residential/Local 0.03 153.57 146.67 164.54 73.58 538.39 Total 2,606.28 476.02 463.48 230.99 2,615.61 6,392.38 Estimated work in lane miles

  30. Importance of Pavement Preservation, Repairs and Preventative Maintenance (example scenario)

  31. State o of Pave vement I t Infrastr structu ture (Draft/Concept) HOUST STON P PUBLIC LIC WORKS-PAVEM VEMEN ENT T TREATMEN ENT: EST ESTIM IMATED TOTAL N NEED B EED BASE SED O D ON 2015/2016 P PCI Cost per Paveme Treatment Lane Est. Treatment Road Class nt Type PCI Range Category Lane Miles Planned Treatments Mile Total $ Need MAJORS PCC 86-100 Preserve 1587.5 Do Nothing (regular maintenance $0 activities) LOCALS PCC 86-100 Preserve 1088.3 Do Nothing (regular maintenance $0 activities) SUMMARY BY PCI RANGES/TREATMENT CATEGORIES PCI Lane Miles % Estimated Total $ Needs 86- Preserve 100 4,473.6 31% $7,531,300 $927,375,930 71-85 Repair 4,551.4 31% $131,728,070 (56%) Repair & 41-70 Rehabilitation 4,264.7 29% $788,116,560 Rehabilitation 0-40 Reconstruction 1,366.3 9% $721,406,400 $721,406,400 (44%) TOTALS 14,656.0 $1,648,782,330 Reconstruction

  32. State o of Pave vement I t Infrastr structu ture (Draft/Concept) PLANNE NNED F FOR A ANNUAL P PERFO FORMA RMANC NCE Maintenance Budget Needed General overall pothole/skin patching as needed $12,491,600 Subtotal for Preventive, Repair, Rehabilitation $108,608,140 Maintenance Support $8,115,800 Bridge Maint. & Replacement @ 8 per year $17,851,800 Grand Total for one year $134,575,740

  33. State of Pavement nt In Infrastruc uctur ure (Draft/Concept) HOUSTON PUBLIC WORKS KS-HI HISTORY OF MAIN INTEN ENANCE E AND REP EPAIR IR: STR TREET ET NET ETWORK PAVEMENT T FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 PRESERVATION/REPAIRS TOTALS $43,666,704 $42,426,013 $34,274,823 Averaged COH per lane mile maintenance spend $2,737.62 Steady-State COH per lane mile maintenance spend (as proposed) $7,410.49 ICMA Center for Performance Measure (2012) reported nation average per lane mile $3,867.00

  34. State o of Pave vement I t Infrastr structu ture (Draft/Concept) LANE M E MILES ES BY C COUNCIL D IL DISTRIC ICTS HP HPW-PAVEM VEMEN ENT C CONDIT ITIO IONS ( S (PCI 2015-20 2016) 16): A B C D E F G H I J K Totals Majors 450 590 556 503 300 289 292 410 338 213 406 4346.52 766 1237 1058 1112 1212 406 726 984 939 328 833 9599.65 Totals Locals 1217 1826 1614 1616 1512 694 1018 1394 1276 540 1239 13946.2 Grand Totals


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