in situ correlative afm sem fib analysis of

In-Situ Correlative AFM/SEM/FIB Analysis of Nanostructures and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

In-Situ Correlative AFM/SEM/FIB Analysis of Nanostructures and Ion-Beam Treated Samples C.H. Schwalb 1 , P. Frank 1 , S. Hummel 1 , J. Sattelkow 3 , R. Winkler 3 , G. Hlawacek 4 , G.E. Fantner 2 , H.Plank 3 1 GETec Microscopy GmbH, Vienna, AUSTRIA

  1. In-Situ Correlative AFM/SEM/FIB Analysis of Nanostructures and Ion-Beam Treated Samples C.H. Schwalb 1 , P. Frank 1 , S. Hummel 1 , J. Sattelkow 3 , R. Winkler 3 , G. Hlawacek 4 , G.E. Fantner 2 , H.Plank 3 1 GETec Microscopy GmbH, Vienna, AUSTRIA 2 EPFL, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND 3 FELMI, University of Graz, AUSTRIA TEC 4 Helmholtz Center, Dresden, GERMANY Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale

  2. Why do we believe in Correlative Analysis …? TEC Wha What you u typic pically ally see as as an an SEM us user… What you Wha u typic pically ally see as as an an AFM us user… Topography SEM AFSEM™ Conductivity Al Si Au EDX GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 2

  3. How can you find the interesting spot on this sample …? TEC GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 3

  4. Interactive Correlative SEM/AFM analysis of bone tissue TEC Direct ct acce ccess to 50 µm 3D t 3D topogr graphy in in the SEM 10 µm Sample courtesy: G. E. Fantner, EPFL, Lausanne GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 4

  5. Interactive Correlative SEM/AFM analysis of bone tissue TEC Direct access to 50 µm 3D topography in the SEM AF AFM hei eight cros oss sec ection on 10 µm Sample courtesy: G. E. Fantner, EPFL, Lausanne GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 5

  6. SEM, FIB, EDX, EBSD and AFM – A Perfect Fit … TEC 1. 1. Self-se sensi sing cantilevers 2. 2. Seamless Integration on Electrical cantilever readout Dedicated scanner design …BUT, it requires AFSEM™ goes to the AFSEM™ does NOT sample – interfere with „normal“ wherever it is… SEM operation 3. Easy and intuitive handling 3. 4. Matching imaging speed 4. AFSEM™ analysis in the SEM t SEM = t AFM a dedicated AFM How to quickly get to the AFSEM™ enables solution for SEM first correlative AFM/SEM interactive correlative image analysis (image < 1 min) GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 6

  7. Self-Sensing Cantilever Platform TEC Cantilever Platform 5 mm Thermal Standard Magnetic EBD Diamond Conductive GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 7

  8. Nanomechanics of free-standing nanowires TEC GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 8

  9. Nanomechanics of free-standing nanowires TEC SEM is crucial for positioning • of cantilever tip on nanowire AFSEM™ is crucial for • measurement of force- distance curves on free- standing nanowires structures True interactive experiment • GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 9

  10. 3D subtractive tomography TEC GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 10

  11. FIB-assisted nanomechanical 3D reconstruction TEC Layer-by-layer nanomechanical analysis … 3D reconstructed nanomechanical properties GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 11

  12. AFSEM™ & He-Ions TEC Integration i In in O ORIO ION Na Nanofab Co Correlativ lative Interactiv active Analy nalysis is by merging the currently most advanced high-resolution triple-ion microscope with HIM HIM i image o of c cantilever the unique capabilities of the AFSEM™ GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 12

  13. In-Situ Correlative Analysis of Helium-treated samples TEC Implanted He bubbles in Si Silicon Nano-Pillars Cross-linked PMMA GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 13

  14. Working with combined strengths TEC GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 14

  15. MFM cantilever fabrication TEC 500 nm 200 nm CoFe tip deposition • Magnetic tip radius approx. 10 nm • Magnetic „Super“-tip allow for high-resolution magnetic imaging GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 15

  16. MFM image of FEBID CoFe disk/ring structure TEC SEM image of nanoscale in-situ 3D-printed magnetic CoFe structures 200 nm AFM topography MFM signal 3D topography with MFM signal overlay 100 nm 100 nm GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 16

  17. Correlative MFM of Nanomagnets TEC 500 nm GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 17

  18. Correlative Analysis – Application Examples in SEM or Dual-beam TEC Fracture Mechanics Electrical Characterization Measure simultaneously Localize fracture points with SEM and topography AND analyze in detail with the AFSEM™ spreading resistance Nano-Indentation Correlative AFM & EBSD Analyze surface changes after nano- Correlative SEM, EBSD and AFM analysis of indentation with sub-nm resolution ceramic materials GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 18

  19. AFSEM™ enhances YOUR SEM/Dual-beam TEC Cor Correlative Micros oscop opy Direct in-situ 3D-topography and roughness analysis without breaking vacuum To Topography and elemental analysis Measure shape and composition of your ? structures AF AFM & con onductivity or or magnetic prop oper erties es Measure the conductivity/magnetic properties of your structures with nanometer resolution AF AFM stiffn fnes ess analysis Measure the nano-mechanical properties of your structures Fo For more information vi visit t us … Your Application …? TEC GETec Microscopy GmbH Seeing and Feeling at the Nanoscale Ÿ 19

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