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Introduction Financial Stateme ments Stateme ment o of I Income me International Standards Foreign Branches & Subsidiaries Organisation & H Huma man R Resources El Electronic Banking Samples of BSI’s Awards Future Programm mmes Conclusion
National Economy National Economy Iranian Banking Sector Iranian Banking Sector BSI History BSI History BSI Outlook BSI Outlook BSI Mission BSI Mission BSI Objectives BSI Objectives BSI SWOT BSI SWOT
Location : In the middle of the Middle East Capital : Tehran : 1,648,195 Km 2 Area Population : 71.5 Million Official Language : Persian Government : Islamic Republic Currency : Iranian Rial (IRR) Oil Production : 4,300,000 bpd Credit Ratings : (by Fitch) B+
Definition 2005 2006 2007 2008e Population, mn 69.09 70.10 71.02 72.20 Nominal GDP, US$ bn 188.04 222.10 285.90 344.80 Real GDP growth 4.7 5.8 7.8 4.5 % change year-on-year 2,724 3,171 4,028 4,791 GDP per capita, US$ 9,180 9,890 10,810 11,350 GDP per capita PPP, US$
Definition 2005 2006 2007 2008e 64.40 76.10 97.40 98.60 Export, US$ bn 43.10 50.00 56.60 65.10 Import, US$ bn 21.30 26.10 40.80 33.50 Trade Balance , US$ bn Export, US$ bn Import, US$ bn 97.4 98.6 100 76.1 80 64.4 US$ bn 56.6 65.1 60 40 50 43.1 20 2005 2006 2007 2008e
Definition 2005 2006 2007 2008e 2009f 8,964.00 9,171.00 9,223.00 9,539.00 10,383.00 Exchange Rate IRR/US$, ave Exchange Rate IRR/EUR, ave 11,345.00 11,468.00 12,892.00 13,653.00 13,816.00 14,000.00 13,000.00 12,000.00 11,000.00 Exchange Rate IRR/US$, ave 10,000.00 Exchange Rate IRR/EUR, ave 9,000.00 8,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 2005 2006 2007 2008e 2009f
As at March 2008 No. of Banks : 17 (State-Owned: 6, Private: 9, Specialized: 2) No. of Branches : 17,000 ATM Network : 12,959 Total Bank Assets : US$ 446,425 Million Total Bank Deposits : US$ 240,203 Million Total Loans : US$ 179,733 Million Total Bank Employees : 186,425
Bank Saderat Iran (BSI) was established with IRRs 20 20 Million in 1952 1952 under registration no. 3833 3833 in Tehran. After nationalisation in 1980 1980 all branches and subsidiaries of the bank across the country were categorised as Bank Saderat Ostans (provinces) and received the required authorisation to practice banking operations accordingly. BSI remains the only shareholder of the whole network. Headquarters of BSI is located in Iran’s capital city, Tehran. BSI’s financial statements include Bank Saderat Iran, Bank Saderat Ostans (provinces) and other subsidiaries.
Turning into a leading international bank through app pplying g innovative technology gy, crossing g the borders of time and place, offering a variety of services to its customers and creating added value for the stakeholde ders.
1. 1. Develo lopi ping g the scope e of operatio tions at natio tional nal and intern ernational tional levels ls. 2. 2. Offering ring innovativ tive e bankin ing g produ ducts cts to our clients nts. 3. 3. Enla largin ing our market positi ition on while le observi ving ng custom omer er-oriente oriented d prin incip ciples s of sinceri erity ty, , trus ustw tworthines thiness s and respon onsi sivene eness ss. 4. 4. Creatin ting g added value for the shareholder holders s and other r stakehol olders, , whil ilst st obser ervin ving g interna rnatio tional l bankin ing g standar ards ds.
1. 1. Enhancing profitability through efficient management of resources, facilities and modern financial instruments. 2. 2. Enhancing the efficiency of the bank through restructuring the organisation. 3. 3. Enhancing the productivity of human resources through improvement of communications skills. 4. 4. Developing virtual banking. 5. 5. Maintaining a leading role in the competitive market by offering innovative products.
1. 1. More than 57 57 years of reliable experience in banking industry. 2. 2. Customer-oriented spirit based on private banking culture since the establishment of the bank. 3. 3. The largest network of branches among the Iranian banks both inside and outside the country. 4. 4. The large number of clients minimises the risk concentration of the bank. 5. 5. Leads the way in offering innovative e-banking services. 6. 6. Real-time access and highly secure e-banking services. 7. 7. Adjustment to modern global products. 8. 8. Ownership rights for more than 80 80% of the outlets of the bank. 9. 9. Knowledgeable and responsible staff.
1. 1. Outgrowing number of branches. 2. 2. Persisting nationalised administration views in decisions and decision making. 3. 3. Inefficient seizure of opportunities and capacities. 4. 4. Overgrown and costly body of the structure. 5. 5. Large number of personnel.
1. 1. Having banking potential at an international level, a large number of subsidiaries and branches abroad and an international view of the banking industry. 2. 2. Having more than 30 30 licences for Bank Saderat Ostans (provinces). 3. 3. Extensive investment in the field of e-banking. 4. 4. Self-governing procedures of the Bank in using partnership contracts with higher return and lower profits paid to deposit holder. 5. 5. Being involved in the process of privatisation.
1. 1. Facing the global economic crisis like all other banks in the world. 2. 2. High competition in the market among all Iranian banks. 3. 3. Limits practiced by the Central Bank on profit rates and the considerable gap between market expected profit rates and related bank profit rates. 4. 4. International sanctions. 5. 5. The less competitive suppliers’ market and fragile basis for technology (communications etc).
Billion IRR March h March h Sept t Assets 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 Cash 2,880 2,177 5,716 Due from Central Bank, financial institutions, etc 58,126 75,392 74,918 Facilities and related claims 182,782 219,329 227,073 Participation bonds and other investments 21,112 24,374 17,053 Fixed assets 21,077 22,301 20,458 Other assets and goodwill 33,933 42,480 35,107 Total assets 319,910 386,053 380,325* *The reason behind the drop off in the amount of assets against the end of 2008 fiscal year is due to the sale of about 51 % of Ghadir Investment Company’s shares.
Granted facilities and participation bonds Assets 400,000 386,053 380,325 Billion IRR 350,000 319,910 300,000 244,126 250,000 203,894 243,703 200,000 150,000 March 2007 March 2008 Sept 2008
63.7% 64.2% 63.1% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% March March Sept 2007 2008 2008
March March March March Definition 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total facilities granted 19,704 Doubtful debts 17,831 Provisions raised - - 3,314 Overdue profit
Doubtful Debts Provisions Raised 40,000 33,371 30,000 19,704 on IRR 18,763 16,911 llion 20,000 Bill 17,831 10,000 15,639 12,444 9,413 - March 2006 March 2007 March 2008 March 2009
BSI Commercial Banks 100% 19% 20% 22% 80% 60% 81% 80% 78% 40% 20% 0% March 2007 March 2008 Unaudited March 2009
March March Sept Liabili bilitie ties s 2007 2008 2008 Due to Central Bank and credit institutions 49,068 41,015 50,000 Demand and saving deposits 88,339 116,644 100,614 Term and other deposits 109,983 148,769 156,114 Reserves and other liabilities 40,516 47,432 44,099 Reserve work termination benefit 1,706 2,091 1,864 Total liabilities 289,612 355,951 352,691* *Decrease in liabilities in comparison with 20 March 2008 is due to the sale of 51% of Ghadir Investment Company Shares, and according to new rules of the Central Bank of Iran, Banks are not allowed to sell Travellers cheques.
Billion IRR March Unconsolidated year Definition 2008 ended March 2009 Current Gharzal Hassaneh deposits 45,122 45,585 Saving Gharzal Hassaneh deposits 22,436 26,255 Short term investment deposits 58,677 76,914 Long term investment deposits 48,758 59,260 Total of four main deposits 174,993 208,014 Other resources (deposits) 90,420 63,757 Total of resources (deposits) 265,413 271,771
195,222 200,000 174,993 180,000 160,000 144,693 Billion IRR 140,000 110,558 120,000 100,000 March 2006 March 2007 March 2008 Sept 2008
Unaudited March 2009 March 2008 17% 17% 23% 34% 10% 9% 22% 28% 22% 18% Current Gharzal Hassaneh deposit Saving Gharzal Hassaneh deposit Short term investment deposit Long term investment deposit Other resources
Bank k Saderat Iran Group p Billion IRR Definition Re-presented March Unaudited March 2008 2009 Income 37,782 40,868 Expenses 36,227 37,079 Profit before Tax 1,555 3,789 Tax (322) Net Profit 1,233 3,646
Income Expenses 40,868 42,000 37,782 40,000 37,079 36,227 Billion IRR 38,000 36,000 34,000 32,000 Re-presented Unaudited March 2008 March 2009
3,646 3,427 4,000 3,500 Billion IRR 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,233 1,500 1,000 500 - Re-presented Unaudited March Forecast for the March 2008 2009 year to March 2010
Billion IRR Definition March 2007 March 2008 March 2009 Net profit of group 2,489 1,233 3,646 Net profit of branches 1,147 1,302 1,520 abroad
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