impac t of mar ijuana use on patie nt car e f r om r e c

Impac t of Mar ijuana Use on Patie nt Car e : F r om R e c r - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Impac t of Mar ijuana Use on Patie nt Car e : F r om R e c r e ation to R e c onc iliation CPF I 2018 Co nfe re nc e Bo nc la rke n Co nfe re nc e Ce nte r F la t Ro c k, No rth Ca ro lina (2) Ca thy Ro se nb a um Pha rmD MBA RPh

  1. Impac t of Mar ijuana Use on Patie nt Car e : F r om R e c r e ation to R e c onc iliation CPF I 2018 Co nfe re nc e Bo nc la rke n Co nfe re nc e Ce nte r F la t Ro c k, No rth Ca ro lina (2) Ca thy Ro se nb a um Pha rmD MBA RPh CHC F o unde r & CE O, Rx I nte g ra tive So lutio ns L o ve la nd OHI O

  2. Disclaimer  I have no financial interest or direct affiliation with any company or organization involved with medical or recreational marij uana or hemp products.  This is an educational program. Please consult with your PCP for medical advice.

  3. Obje c tive s  Disc uss le g a l la ndsc a pe a nd pro duc t q ua lity-re la te d issue s re g a rding re c re a tio na l ma rijua na  Re vie w sig nific a nt ma rijua na side e ffe c ts a nd c o mmo n drug inte ra c tio ns  De sc rib e ‘ a t risk’ pa tie nt po pula tio ns using re c re a tio na l ma rijua na c a se sc e na rio s  Re vie w the pha rma c ist-le d ho spita l a dmissio n Me dRe c pro c e ss & ma rijua na po lic y de ve lo pme nt fo r he a lth syste ms

  4. International MJ Legislation Argentina Canada Czech Republic India Ecuador Netherlands Jamaica S pain Mexico Uruguay

  5. S tates/ Territories Permitting Recreational Marij uana Use  Colorado (2012)  Washington (2012)  Alaska (2014)  District of Columbia (2014)  Oregon (2014)  California (2016)  Massachusetts (2017)  Nevada (2017)  Maine (2017)  Vermont (2018)

  6. Oregon Recreational Marijuana Retail Sale Limits

  7. ∆ - 9- T HC De te c tion  Ser um – Ac tive T HC (c annabinoids) (positive at 20 ng/ mL ) Me dT o x I mmuno c hro mato g raphic te st  Ur ine – I na c tive T HC- COOH- gluc ur onide ) . Answe rs, “ha s this (positive at 50 ng/ mL pe rso n use d c a nna b is o ve r the la st da ys o r we e ks? ” L e ve ls o f T HC o r me ta b o lite s do no t c o rre la te with e ffic a c y o r to xic ity.

  8. De te c te d in the Ur ine T HC- COOH- Gluc ur onide Sing le Use 3 Da ys Mo de ra te Use (4x/ We e k) 5 – 7 Da ys Da ily Use 10 – 15 Da ys L o ng -T e rm He a vy Smo ke r > 30 Da ys T HC - T1/ 2 2-7 Da ys

  9. Recreational Marijuana Issues  Quality control/ product safety (legal vs street)  Lingering contaminants in marij uana sold on the street  Dealers typically sell cannabis by weight; some use sand or glass beads to make their products heavier  Breathing these particles over years may inflame and scar the lungs  Higher THC content than medical marij uana limits?  Not detectable with Breathalyzer test  Risk of accidents for drivers with THC levels higher than 5 ng/ mL blood (similar to blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% )

  10. Dabbing  F la sh va po rizing b uta ne ha sh o il b a se d c o nc e ntrate  Mo re into xic a ting tha n smo king o r va ping

  11. Butane Hash Oil Burns  Names: dabs, wax, earwax, honey, honey oil, shatter  Contain up to 97% THC  Products commercially manufactured; some users make them at home  20 yo man presented to ED after explosion with burns to face, hands, trunk  He had been manufacturing hash oil using butane extraction (highly flammable solvent)  Treated with surgical debridement, pain meds, standard burn care  Am J Health S yst Pharm 2017;74:1907

  12. Compare Illegal Chemical Structures for JWH-018 and THC - Marij uana Alternatives  - K2, S pice, AK47 belong to a group of blends that contain a mixture of inert plant matter plus chemical grade synthetic cannabinoids sprayed on it  - S treet drug symptoms similar to marij uana PLUS sympathomimetic S XS : agitation, anxiety, tachycardia, tremors, seizures, HEP ATOTOXICITY . Plus in April 2018 IL & other states incident with rat poison in 94 cases including 2 deaths (brodifacoum)  - Agonists at CB1 and CB2 receptors  - May be NDMA glutamatergic antagonists (like ketamine – euphoria, analgesic)

  13. Solimini, et al. Hepatotoxicity associated with illegal synthetic cannabinoids use. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2017;21 (1 Suppl):1-6. (Table 1) Synthetic Cannabinoids Family Principal Compounds Benzoylindole AM-694, AM-2233, AM-679, RCS -4, RCS -8 Naphthoylindole JWH-018, JWH-022, JWH-073, JWH-081, JWH-122, JWH-210, AM- 2201, AM-2232, MAM-2201 Phenylacetylindole JWH-167, JWH-250, JWH-316 Indazolecarboxamide ADB-PINCACA, ADB-FUBINACA, AB-FUBINACA, AB-PINACA, 5F- APINACA, AKB48 (APINACA), MAB-CHMINACA Cyclohexylphenyl CP-55, 940, CP-47, 497, 497-C8 homologue Naphthylmethylindole JWH-175 Naphthylpyrrole JWH-145, JWH-307, JWH-370 Naphthylmethylindene JWH-176, JWH-220 Aminoalkylindole WIN-55, 212-2 Adamantoylindoles AB-001 Tetramethylcyclopropylketone indole UR-144, XLR-11 Quinolinyl ester indole 5F-PB-22, PB-22 Ibenzopyran HU-210, JWH-133

  14. Young-Wolff. Trends in Self-Reported and Biochemically Tested Marijuana Use Among Pregnant Females in California From 2009- 2016. JAMA 2017: 318:2490.  Kaiser Permanente Northern California review. Questionnaire and tox test within two weeks of questionnaire  From 2002 to 2014 prevalence of self-reported, past month marij uana use among US adult pregnant women increased from 2.4% to 3.9%  In aggregated 2002-2012 data, 14.6% of US pregnant adolescents reported past month use  From 2009 to 2016 adj usted prevalence of prenatal marij uana use based on self report or tox increased from 4.2% (95% CI, 4% -4.5% ) to 7.1% (95% I, 6.7% -7.5% )  Prenatal marij uana use may impair fetal growth and neurodevelopment despite women’s perception of little to no harm in prenatal use

  15. Endocannabinoids  Anandamide and 2-AG  Neural and nonneural cells in inj ured tissues produce arachidonic acid derivatives called endocannabinoids.  They modulate neural conduction of pain signals by mitigating sensitization and inflammation through the activation of cannabinoid receptors that are also targeted by delta-9-THC.

  16. Main Phytoc annabinoids HC ( ∆ -9-T HC, ∆ -8-T  Psyc ho ac tive : T HC, 11- hydro xy-T HC [a c tive me ta b o lite ]). Binds to CB1 & CB2 re c e pto rs a s a pa rtia l a g o nist.  Not Psyc hoac tive : T HCV (te tra hydro c a nna b iva rin):a na lo g ue o f T HC

  17. Main Phytocannabinoids Not Psychoactive:  CBD (cannabidiol)  CBN (cannabinot) – degradation product of THC  CBC (cannabichromene) – sedative and analgesic  CBG (cannabigerol) – precursor of other cannabinoids

  18. Cannabinoid CB1 Re c e ptor s  Mo stly in br ain (c e r e be llum, c e r e br al c or te x, basal ganglia) , spine , GItra c t, live r, pa nc re a s, ske le ta l musc le c o mb ine d with GABAe r gic & dopamine r gic & se r otonine r gic s; to a ffe c t a ppe tite , pa in se nsa tio n, r e c e ptor me mo ry, mo o d  I n the hippoc ampus a nd amygdala , a re a s a sso c ia te d with pa rtia l se izure s. CB1 receptors are also present in nociceptive and non- nociceptive sensory neurons of dorsal root ganglion and trigeminal ganglion as well as in defense cells such as macrophages, mast cells, and epidermal keratinocytes.

  19. Cannabinoid CB2 Re c e ptors  Ac tiva tio n c a use s inhib itio n o f pro infla mma to ry c yto kine pro duc tio n, c yto kine , a nd c he mo kine re le a se , a nd b lo c ka de o f ne utro phil a nd ma c ro pha g e mig ra tio n (anti- inflammator y)  I n pe r al immune syste m T -c e lls, B c e lls, sple e n, iphe r ma c ro pha g e s (immuno suppre ssio n), kidne ys, lung s  I n pe riphe ra l ne rve te rmina ls with a ro le in anti- noc ic e ption


  21. Marijuana Use May Raise Risk of Dying from Hypertension  European Journal of Preventive Cardiology August 8, 2017  Three fold risk increase with each additional year of use (NHANES survey); adj usted hazard ratio for death due to hypertension of 3.42 (CI 1.2 – 9.79)  HR greater than that for current cigarette smokers (HR 1.06; 95% CI 0.4 – 2.77), former smokers (1.33; 95% CI 0.57 – 3.1), alcohol users (HR 0.95; 95% CI 0.37 – 2.45), and those with a prior diagnosis of hypertension (HR 0.81; 95% CI 0.32 – 2.06) or CVD (HR 1.94; 95% CI 0.42 – 8.97)  Risk may be greater than the risk established for cigarette smoking  Adults aged 20 and older in survey; N = 1213 (mean age 37.7 years) in cohort

  22. Marijuana/Hashish Bi-Phasic DOSE Effect on Autonomic Nervous System  LOW DOS ES : sympathetic activity is increased while parasympathetic activity is depressed, resulting in mild increases in heart rate and blood pressure  HIGH DOS ES : parasympathetic activity is increased and sympathetic activity is inhibited resulting in the potential for hypotension and bradycardia


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