Im Immig igra rati tion on Dat Data a in in Can Canada ada A story of Statistics Canada and Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada collaboration Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
Context of immigration in Canada Non- • Asylum seekers permanent • Persons with a work or study permit residents • Econ conom omic i immi mmigrants (~60%): In 2016, Contributing to Canada’s economy immigrants represented • Immigr grants s nts spo ponso nsored d by by family (~27%): Immigrants 21.9% of the Reuniting with family members Canadian • Ref efugee gees (~12%): population. Seeking protection and escaping persecution 2 *Actual percentages by admission category vary year to year. Values shown are based on averages from 2000-2016 Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
Various d s data so sources a are available t to bet etter und under erstand i immigration in Ca Canada Integrated data sources Census • Longitudinal Immigration Database Surveys (IMDB) • IMDB - Canadian Employer-Employee • General Social Survey (GSS) Dynamics Database • Canadian Community Health Survey • IMDB – Census • Labour Force Survey • IMDB – GSS • Program for the International • IMDB – Discharge Abstract Database Assessment of Adult Competencies (Hospitalizations) • Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to • And more… Canada (2000/01 cohort) 3 Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
Census of Population • The Census provides a cross-sectional snapshot of the population every 5 years. • The most recent Census was conducted on May 10, 2016. • New variables on admission category of immigrants added to the 2016 Census as a result of STC-IRCC collaboration Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
The Census of Population is a key data source on immigration in Canada Place of birth Other topics… Language Immigration mother tongue, home & work languages landed immigrants / permanent residents knowledge of official languages and non-official non-permanent residents languages year of immigration (can identify recent Ethnocultural characteristics immigrants) Labour admission category and applicant type Labour force status Citizenship Industry and occupation of employment Full-time vs. part-time Canadian citizens by birth / by Education naturalization Highest degree, diploma, certificate citizens of other countries Major field of study multiple citizenships Location of study (e.g. inside or outside Canada) Generation status and place of Income birth of parents Housing And more… Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) • The IMDB connects immigration and citizenship data with longitudinal socio-economic outcomes, facilitating broad and detailed analysis and research • The IMDB is updated every year with the latest tax information • Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and Statistics Canada have been in collaboration extensively on its development since its beginning Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
IMDB: Coverage Target get po popu pula lation: All immigrants admitted to Canada since 1980 All non-permanent resident permits since 1980 Immigration Administrative Longitudinal tax data and Data other administrative data Citizenship T1 Family T1 Family Files Permanent records 2005- Files for children resident files 1982- 1982- Settlement 1980- services 2013- Statement of remuneration Mortality Temporary paid (T4) records resident permits 1997- 1980- 1980- Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
IMDB: Content Immigration administrative data Longitudinal tax data Info formation a n at t admissi ssion n for per permanent nt Indivi vidu dual a and f d family lev evel el incomes: es: • • res esident dents: Employment income • Admission category Social assistance • • Admission date Industry (NAICS) • • Country of origin Tax credit for post-secondary education • • Intended place of residence in Canada Place of residence for taxation year • • Intended occupation, and more… Fami amily comp compos osition: • • Non-per Non ermanent ent r res esident dent per permits: ts: Family size • • Document type (refugee claims, work Marital status • • or study permits) Number of children, by age • Effective and valid date, and more… Number of immigrants in the family • • Oth ther er: and much more… • • Date of citizenship acquisition • and much more… • Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
Measuri ring t trajectori ries… Median total income of principal applicants who were economic immigrants admitted in 2006, by years since admission Total, Economic 60,000 Immigrant, principal applicant 50,000 Skilled worker and Median total income ($ constant) skilled trades, principal applicant 40,000 Provincial/territorial nominee, principal 30,000 applicant Business programs, 20,000 principal applicant Caregiver, principal 10,000 applicant 0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Years since admission Source: Statistics Canada, 2016 Longitudinal Immigration Database, product 43-10-0010 Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
Event h his istory an analy alysis is… Probability of retention of immigrants admitted to Atlantic provinces by pre-admission experience None In-province Other-province 1 Probability of staying in province of admission 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 Years since admission 0 Source: Statistics Canada, 2015 Longitudinal Immigration Database Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
English: French: Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
Moving f forwar ard - Lon ongi gitudinal al I Immigr gration on S Statistical Environ onment Connected to the LAD and Connections to other Enhanced IMDB with broader coverage and CEEDD to compare against non- programs additional immigration files immigrant populations and to dig deeper Longitudinal Census Program Longitudinal annual immigration tax data 1982- administrative files Health admin. data (e.g. DAD) Education admin. data (e.g. Immigration data PSIS) Canadian Employer- T1FF 1952- Employee Dynamics Database (CEEDD) General Social Survey (GSS) Temporary resident Tax files (e.g. T4) for permits 1980- non-filers Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC) Records for Citizenship records Canadian Community Health Longitudinal children 2005- Survey (CCHS) Administrative Databank (LAD) Labour Force Survey (LFS) Mortality Settlement Services records Data Other data sources Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
IRCC CC-Statis istic ics C Can anad ada c colla llaboratio ion • IRCC and Statistics Canada’s collaboration led to various enha hanc ncements and linka lin kage ges between the IMDB and other data sources (e.g. Census, GSS). • In addition, the consortium of partners (IRCC and the provinces) funded the access of these da dataset ets in t in the RD he RDCs for a broader access to the research community. • This collaboration aims to facilitate access and research to immigration, settlement and citizenship information • If you wish to contact IRCC regarding your research, please e-mail: 1 3 Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
F or mor e infor mation, ple ase visit www.statc an.gc .c a or contact: SASD Client Services / DSSEA Service à clientèle (STATCAN) statcan.sasdclientservices- THANK YOU! #StatCan100 Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
Rece cent a t anal alytical al an and t technical r reports related t to o IMDB Healt lth R Reports • Healthy Immigrant Effect by Immigrant Longit itudinal inal I Immig igrat ation Category in Canada Datab abas ase (IMD MDB) ) Techni nica cal • Tuberculosis-related Hospital Use Among Recent Immigrants to Canada Repo eport, 201 2016 • Hospitalisation Rates Among Economic • Description of IMDB, its components, Immigrants to Canada and data quality Insig ight hts o on Canad nadian ian S Socie iety • Provide guidance/examples of best practices • Results from the 2016 Census: Syrian Refugees who Resettled in Canada in 2015 and 2016 Analyt lytical S l Studi udies es B Branch Res esea earch P Pape per r Serie eries •Labour Market Outcomes Among Refugees to Canada Ethnic icity, Langu guage ge a and d •Economic Immigrants in Gateways Cities: Factors Immig igrat atio ion T n Thematic ic S Series involved in their initial location and onward migration decision - Refugees and Canadian Post-Secondary •Intergenerational Education Mobility and Labour Education: Characteristics and Economic Market Outcomes: Among the Second Generation of Immigrants in Canada Outcomes in Comparison Delivering insight through data for a better Canada
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