
iLab P2P Networks Dirk Haage Chair for Network Architectures and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Network Architectures and Services, Georg Carle Faculty of Informatics Technische Universitt Mnchen, Germany iLab P2P Networks Dirk Haage Chair for Network Architectures and Services Department of Computer Science Technische

  1. Network Architectures and Services, Georg Carle Faculty of Informatics Technische Universität München, Germany iLab² P2P Networks Dirk Haage Chair for Network Architectures and Services Department of Computer Science Technische Universität München

  2. Motivation Lets work together and be our own network Today, P2P causes more than 50 % of all traffic on the Internet (2007) Internet  A need to provide services independent  More and more private users on from commercial or dedicated server the Internet (further away from the providers infrastructur)  Application-specific network structures  Powerful private end systems instead of machine location-based addressing  Flatrates with always-on users For instance, friends want their computers to be together.  Why not their own Why waste these resources? network - their own overlay network? ILab2 2

  3. Term: Peer-to-Peer Peer-to-Peer systems  Distributed systems that consist of equals (peers) with no predefined distinction between client and server and no dedicated servers or central authority. Characteristics  Peer-to-Peer networks are decentralized and take advantage of resources at the edge of the Internet, say the computers of users, the users, etc.  End systems do not primarily serve the purpose of the Peer-to-Peer system.  their resources must not be exhausted by the Peer-to-Peer network  Computers are not always-on.  environment is less stable and more dynamic than in the traditional client-server case. ILab2 3

  4. Peer-to-Peer or not Peer-to-Peer Auctions / Ebay  Peer-to-Peer  Money and goods exchange (nothing to do with the network)  Not Peer-to-Peer  The platform itself (Auctions, Accounts, Information transfer) and its Information Management Skype  Peer-to-Peer  Lookup, User Interaction, Data Exchange  Not Peer-to-Peer  Login, Account Management Many Peer-to-Peer systems are not purely Peer-to-Peer. ILab2 4

  5. Some terms from Graph Theory v 1  Graph G=(V,E) v 2 v 3 v 4  Vertex set V = {v 1 , v 2 , …v n } v 5 v 6  We usally say nodes. Graph G Vertex set V  n = |V| e 3 e 4 e 6  Edge set E = {e 1 , e 2 , …e m } e 2 e 5 e 7 e 2 e 1  We usually say links.  Edge set E m = |E|  Can have attributes like distance, etc. ILab2 5

  6. Some terms from Graph Theory Distance d(i,j)  2 distance v 1  d(v1,v6)=5 Shortest path between nodes v i and v j 1 4 1 1 2 2 Diameter D of G   Longest distance in graph G v 6 3 diameter(G)=5 Degree   Node degree = number of edges adjacent to node  Degree of a graph = max. node degree v 5 A graph is connected if there is a path from any node in  degree (v 5 ) = 3 the graph to any other node in the graph. A graph is k-connected if any k-1 nodes can be  removed without causing the resulting subgraph to become disconnected. ILab2 6

  7. Peer-to-Peer network Peers Underlay Underlay  Provides connectivity between all peers in the Peer-to-Peer network (overlay). Peers V = {v 1 , v 2 , …v n }  Peers are the nodes of the graph G.  Peers may have a name (identities are usually necessary).  The set of edges E needs to be created by the Peer-to-Peer algorithms.  The graph needs to be connected.  The structure should be good for the purpose of the Peer-to-Peer system. ILab2 7

  8. P2P network is not static – Peers join and leave Node joins   Needs to be added to the network join ?  Usually via some node in the network already known (rendezvous point, list/cache of nodes) Node leaves   Important to keep the leave ? graph connected  Better not rely on a single node that could leave anytime disconnected when this node fails or leaves. How to organize such a  network? 2-connected --  e.g. k-connected graph each node can be removed without disconnecting the graph ILab2 8

  9. Application Requirements Peers Multicast from the white game server to its peers. Is this a good graph for fast delivery?  No, a balanced tree allows O(logn) diameter. Underlay Application Peer-to-Peer networks are usually created for an application or application  scenario.  Filesharing  File Distribution  Instant Messaging and Voice-over-IP  Multicast  Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming  Anonymous communication and services  … The application is the purpose of the Peer-to-Peer network.  The application and its requirements determine if a given graph is a good or a  bad choice. ILab2 9

  10. Operational aspects  Find someone to  get something  use a service  interact  interact for a cooperative service or goal  maintain network  Find something (item, data, information, etc.) to  get it  set it  Interact with other nodes to cooperatively  provide a service  share resources  run an algorithm  … ILab2 10

  11. Network Architectures and Services, Georg Carle Faculty of Informatics Technische Universität München, Germany iLab² Network Coordinate Systems Dirk Haage Chair for Network Architectures and Services Department of Computer Science Technische Universität München

  12. Main Goal: Localization of Node ILab2 12

  13. Main Goal: Localization of Node  Choosing of servers  Load balancing between hosting location  Choose nearest instance of a service (anycast)  Locate nearest peers in P2P networks  Content delivery networks  Online games (gameserver)  Resource placement in distributed systems  TO  Optimization of application layer multicast trees  … ILab2 13

  14. What it isn’t  Provide location-based services  Local advertisements  Extend/reduce service for local/non-local users (e.g. IPTV often restricted to country boundaries)  Find friends, coworkers, …  Google Latitude  …  For this, you use GeoIP or similar approaches  GPS, Cellular Positioning, Triangulation, etc. ILab2 14

  15. Network coordinates  Latencies between nodes as a metric for distance  Round trip time • Simplest measurement at all (ping) • Most accurate (only one clock involved) • Similar to real distance (propagation speed nearly constant)  How to get?  Simple approach: Measurements between all pairs of nodes  O(n²)  Does not scale (cannot be used for large networks)  Rely on actual traffic  hybrid measurement  Normally no traffic to all nodes available • Active measurements (even worse scaling)  You want to know the distance to a node without having to communicate with it in the first place ILab2 15

  16. Network coordinates (II)  Measure the distances to some neighbors  Neighbors might be known hosts, not near hosts  Calculate a artificial coordinate in a metric space  Metric space = distance between nodes can be calculated  E.g. Euclidean n-space  Approximate the latency  Distance between nodes in the coordinate system is approximation to the latency  Abstract definition:  Embed network graph into a metric space  Metric embedding/ graph embedding ILab2 16

  17. Example Internet Euclidean space (2D) (x1,y1) A RTT(A,D) A (x4,y4) D D d(B,A) RTT(D,B) RTT(D,C) (x2,y2) C C B B (x3,y3) RTT(B,C) Measured distance Estimated distance       d ( B , A ) ( x , y ), ( x , y ) x x , y y 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 ILab2 17

  18. Network coordinates (III)  Advantages  Small overhead • Only requires small number of measurements • No additional traffic (application traffic = measurement traffic) • Piggy-back the coordinate information  Each host can calculate the distance to every other host • Only requires the coordinates  Design goals  Accuracy: small error for RTT estimations  Scalability: large-scale networks, small overhead, no bottlenecks  Flexibility: adapt coordinates to network changes  Stability: no drift, oscillation of coordinates  Robustness: small impact of error by malicious nodes, nodes with high errors ILab2 18

  19. Triangle inequality  Intuition: direct latency between 2 nodes should be smaller than any indirection   d ( a , b ) d ( b , c ) d ( a , c )  Triangle inequality violations (TIV) inherent to Internet routing structure  Selective/ private peering  Hot potato routing  Link metric ≠ latency  Asymmetric links (e.g. DSL, UMTS)  TIVs are common  >85% of all host pairs part of a TIV  For 20-35% exists a path that is at least 20% shorter (Traces: King, Azureus) ILab2 19

  20. Triangle inequality (II)  Possible spaces for embedding are metric  Distance function satisfies triangle inequality  Embedding can not be exact  Number and weight of TIVs limits embedding quality A A 26ms 22ms 19ms 17ms Embedding B C B C 38ms 53ms ILab2 20

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