EllNORIO TEXAS MXRICtPAL Regional Service Through Unity... Meeting our Region' s Needs Today and Tomorrow TER..... DISTRICT w. . 111 I i lorrir: 11 PA,. i IL __, _ iiii: L ____.- 4 ,- 70, lWa1101: 1 1, ____._.., Ag Ws-. V: ie., ... i , i.,-- , iir 1eir ----- -. tam r} ' 4 s Y it es, 1 1a a of 1r ' 1; moi ' ri AI 11111...... E NTMWD BOARD MEETING i4,•'''''. 4'• x November 15, 2018
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America w ifs I pledge allegiance to the Flag insoi of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas State Flag Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
Rf0RTR TEXAS Arm-,... p...--..... uRcN Regional ServiceThrough Unity... Meeting our Region' s Needs Today and Tomorrow r..,_ WATER r O STRICT 67. 3 A4 4114siiii' 44- iikillilliilibui; ililidi t 11114 UPDATE ON BOIS D' ARC LAKE NTMWD Board Meeting November 15, 2018 Cesar Baptista
i i. ti arc;:;-:;:: M in• . X:} c 4 X11 i llily I 1 _ , BOIS D' ARC LAKE UPDATE AGENDA CMAR and Full Service Provider Update Cost Update November 15th Board items summary Comparison of projected cost to base budget of $ 1. 6B ROW Map GIS Demonstration Construction Pictures
i 0li1411j mrABOIS D' ARC LAKE UPDATE CMAR 1 — Dam, Reservoir & TSR CMAR 4 — FM897, County Roads, & Boat Ramps Cleaning up flood damage in embankment area Clean up at bridge area continues Continued mass excavation for spillway and ROW prep north and south of bridge tower County road and bridges ROW acquisition Terminal Storage Reservoir under design continues Riverby & Upper Mitigation Projects — CMAR S — Raw Water & Treated Water PLs Construction in Section 4 underway. Pipeline designs on- going Upper mitigation property acquisition RWPL pipe materials GMP on November continues agenda RWPL and TWPL design continues CMAR 3 — Leonard WTP, Raw Water PS & High Service Pc LWTP GMP approved in October RWPS GMP on November agenda HSPS design is on- going
i dll 1ni, 11* lar_ '- ....' z yi... 111# 1111 iill i 7./ r - . _ d BOIS D' ARC LAKE COST UPDATES Construction Quality Assurance, Program Administration& Reservoir Operations Facilities 39, 040, 000 Permitting, $ 49, 031, 474 CMAR 3& 4), $ 7, 250,000 Program Contingency, Conflicts Around Reservoir, 60, 000, 000 54, 647, 489 Roads( CMAR 4 ABR), 79, 199, 962 WTP& Pump Stations ( CMAR 3 Property Acquisition, GC),$ 419, 471, 636 136, 435, 263 Dam, Reservoir Clearing,& TSR CMAR 1- AW),$ 212,331, 123 CMAR 5- Garnet'- Pipelines{ CMAR 5- GC},$ 317, 734, 863 Mitigation { FSP RES}, 213482078 NTML 2018 Baseline Estimate Distribution - Total Budget: $ 1, 588, 624, 000 t1111111[
i Ir ,-- - lar '-- - logoallillailiiki— I!' 7 4- 7--- ' 931 7 71 r- rte...-, 1' :: I w . hr i01; 6/ 1( - 1. i LU! ili N., 1 _ , .. . BOIS D' ARC LAKE COST UPDATES - ITEMS ON NOVEMBER 15TH AGENDA Current Board Impact to Item Comment Request Base Estimate Additional Property Acquisition for Additional parcels to 1201< 120K Leonard WTP complete area Additional Legal Services with Lloyd 50K Power supply case Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend Additional Legal Services with Saunders, ROW legal services 50K Walsh & Beard Additional Property Acquisition for 12M 4201< Increased property values Reservoir Area Mitigation Change Order No. 1 454K 454K) Accept RES property option Partial GMP for pipeline GMP for RWPL Materials 88. 2M materials GMP for construction of the Raw Water Pump Station GMP 86. 1M 16. 8M RWPS TOTAL( s) 186. 1 16. 9M
w± 7 r 4,_.‘ 2._- Y „.. aAsx; ...-,- 5 ski'_ r. N. A du! ol 41.-... i BOIS D' ARC LAKE COST UPDATES Bois d' Arc Lake Program Financial Status Current Expenditures: $ 261, 228, 629 i _ Program Contingency: i I 81, 335, 000 i Current Board Authorized: i I 1, 149, 553, 599 i i i i Current Estimated Commitment: $ 1, 507, 289, 00d i i2018 Baseline Estimate: $ 1, 588, 624,000 14i L i i i i 200, 000, 000 $ 400,000,000 $ 600,000,000 $ 800,000,000 $ 1, 000,000, 000 $ 1, 200,000,000 $ 1, 400,000, 000 $ 1, 600, 000, 000 $ 1, 800, 000,000
11!. 11H. 1 - --' iliggalliii1111111411112- 1-.- •- - - 4'..".-.- ‘ 0". 11, A1PAII.... 11. k. , 1111-" 0ffi.. A. P1- rArl9314-- it:... 7; e . L=::= 7:,. .._ .- ,-, - ..... - 7.• .- .- L II. S.;:;' 7: 1.: 4Z1' dig II I liiii 1. 1 tifirill 1 BOIS D' ARC LAKE UPDATE Live GIS Demonstration of BDL Properties TT0110Pirlr •' :,-'
1_. 1- 1214!, 4. 1111. 1111111111111111111111111111111141111.. . . . .—---:. := 1!!!'' r-- 3.: 7-,-- 714._ 7 _•,:=',-. 711..--- 11- 71r10, 77511111- 1111- V-.. 77- 7,--- - 11, 7. 11111: 1 ,....! 7,,,, 0- 7.. 7.,.. 7_::._ . z ' - ., _ _ - 7 1;; 1- 7—'`.:— fo• 7. , i d! dr411( i BOIS D' ARC LAKE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CMAR 1 — Archer Western A0P. - • --- i.. x.,•-,____, „ _.,.., -. 7, ,;;;,.-! s- r-.. ,, o. r.„.... 7 I". ...,- 4' or-_.-.- r4 r , " ,... w' re. ,,,,, N. , 4M. 1. 1.- - If– 1-• ,- 34 ... 7-- t. ----. 47) miiile 7:•--...__.;__ ----____ -.- r, ...- ,_ 11411111gWij" jillr —'' 4. -... . 1 .-,..• sc, r- OP 1- w, _. , t 11. eire.:-- ....,_,• • - ..... 4."..-. . . -;. -, ii• 4._ '..' 4 ' - Archer Western– Cleaning up intake structure foundation CMAR 1– Archer Western– Preparing dam footprint for continued CMAR 1– excavation, earthwork construction after rain days. g011110111,-
I 1. 11. 1111111111114141111. 110 Iar-'- -.. w -, _ 1— II.. fi 1111411" ' r e z_..,.. moi'.,,+, r.... -; - - rx: ::-' 1R_ 7M- X jCi _•_• y _ Ja. Y , Y .. p11i i11 411011w- i 11 dIF01/ 1 _ BOIS D' ARC LAKE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CMAR 1 - Archer Western a y. y pipWo. CMAR 1— Archer Western— Contractor dumping spoil materials upstream L - ,' T" 0-1. * of dam. CMAR 1 — Archer Western— TPWD, FNI and NTMWD coordinating to begin preparing fishery ponds in reservoir footprint.
I Imeindillillealiallielvi . rIar '- -.. w r y- u.. z_ 4----- li7 r tr- rte... 1; li 1. Valeil g 1 _ , BOIS D' ARC LAKE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS Mitigation FSP - RES rimil. yr- gm ffilir4illigillilri: y ti a-• 411. II 1 3 T.% im I i,,_. A i • s.,, - - 411 r e_ ._,„ 7 iiiiimo, 0141. y F. 1%,,;. -- 14 '% kr •' NI NI 114 Mitigation FSP- RES- Sail investigation in section 1. Mitigation FSP- RES - Rye seed sowing in soil stabilization plant nursery.
i immiiiiriliellillikalet. . w 1...".'-'-.. . : 1- 1.'' 1. r r. sem... z 1i11l1 i . t --- • 411111 11! It' ll° i . .•'. \ BOIS D' ARC LAKE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS Mitigation FSP - RES 1- 1 444. er"\:' An • , y s a - lam 10........ ' x• 4 Subsoiling in Section 4 prior to tree planting
I nighamm. mgromilieNOINTarrnr. r." i. ti arc;: :;:: M' n• hr 1171 -, 12011 d I i 1 BOIS D' ARC LAKE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CMAR 3 — Garney Construction 1 1, R yy Y Y _ Fy ; 1 T y wtIa _ Pr Ill'' 4 r r 4 r r. , r ' ___ _ _ vh. iirpr, ,..______.---- r e . 1 CMAR 3— Garney— work at trailer complex continues. Crews working on CMAR 3— Garney— 10" waterline for West Leonard WSC continues along decks. HWY 78. ALAI oioiose,
I 1 111. 111111. 1611111111kalefthe- r- .., -_- 7,-,- 7', 7111111A11- 11011• 11- 1111111111111. 111. 11111. 11.--- . Arl.... A-._: 1- Ii. II 7.,_. L-_ r.-:. 17' 11:,:. 4( .,__:_ IPIj. - 1, 114r- 7. irl,"' 7'!.. r."." 1 LW:=, 4,: r.-- II. dig 111 I/ VI. 40411- BOIS d' ARC LAKE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CMAR 3 — Garney Construction 41111111111 11. CMAR 3,— Gamey- equipment mobilization after GNU) Z NTP,
i er.- ..- r u. i7 r : rte..., 12, - 3, x;::- 4.- =========.=.- z- 1_,.. -._..-- rj 11 F11111 1° BOIS D' ARC LAKE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CMAR 4 — Austin Bridge and Road i Of i' 14 111 MO 11 1' 1......- : F l''''- 1 - 4. 1111FY '' -• . ori rfF # 0,- f = F• K Y f - p if` .- Austin Bridge and Road - Hodges and Sons crews working on site CMAR 4- OVIAR 4- Austin Bridge and Road- Dirtwork and grading near south bridge 27 structure abutment. abutment. el . { . µ tel
I 4,-----.. ..-- i.,. 1r= u rtir sem... II. A III 1; 16. I I: t\ i' --- . Edell i - : g BOIS D' ARC LAKE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CMAR 4 – Austin Bridge and Road ill111 lig. 1• Er V- CMAR 4- Austin Bridge and Road- Grading and culvert work on pavement section south of bridge.
1 11. 11. 11111111111111011111111. 411411r 111. 1- 1ftirrr 71r. rtilFigt, leMilinli. 114.:=== .- litihr.".. M19: 1" Uffi:". 1= 14- iftipii- i . Ag010111. BOIS D' ARC LAKE UPDATE QUESTIONS?