ichthyology phishing as a science

Ichthyology: Phishing as a Science @tetrakazi Let's talk. Dear - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ichthyology: Phishing as a Science @tetrakazi Let's talk. Dear Sir, I would like to o ff er you a large sum of money... System 1 System 2 Fast Slow Instinctive Methodical Emotional Rational Gullible Skeptical Information Overload

  1. Ichthyology: Phishing as a Science @tetrakazi

  2. Let's talk.

  3. Dear Sir, I would like to o ff er you a large sum of money...

  4. System 1 System 2 Fast Slow Instinctive Methodical Emotional Rational Gullible Skeptical

  5. ⏱ Information Overload

  6. 💱 👿 🔒 Exploit Credential Action

  7. Hook Phishing site Trail out

  8. Plaintext or HTML

  9. 📲 2 FA

  10.  Science

  11. 🤸 What now?

  12. Know Have Are Authentication Factors

  13. Client certificates

  14. U 2 F

  15.  Single Sign On

  16. 💏 Panacea?

  17. So, phishing? • Forbidding phishing in red team exercises is sticking your head in the sand. 
 • Phishing training is ine ff ective, because you're likely to fall for phishing emails too. 
 • But there are technical solutions that prevent or mitigate many types of phishing - use them!

  18. Questions! @tetrakazi 


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