i2rs service topology

I2RS Service Topology Draft-hares-i2rs-service-topo-dm-05 I2RS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

I2RS Service Topology Draft-hares-i2rs-service-topo-dm-05 I2RS Service Topology Model Why discuss today? Completes the generic topology model I2RS Service Model Aligns with L3SM? Recent Design Team draft yang model

  1. I2RS Service Topology Draft-hares-i2rs-service-topo-dm-05

  2. I2RS Service Topology Model • Why discuss today? – Completes the generic topology model – I2RS Service Model Aligns with L3SM? – Recent Design Team draft yang model • draft-hares-i2rs-service-topo-03.xml • Question – is this model ready to adopt

  3. I2RS Service Model module: i2rs-service-topologies Config set of flags: augment /nw:network/nw:network-types: L3VPN, L2VPN, EVPN, +--rw service-topologies-types Seamless MPLS, Etree augment /nw:network: +--rw service-topology-attributes Network topology ID +--rw name? string (generic topologies) +--rw composite-flag identity-ref +--rw c-service-topo-id nw:network-id Sequential number +--rw c-service-id-number uint32; rather than id in all +--rw c-node-count uint32 layers of topologies +--rw composite-flag_status identity-ref +--rw supports-td-attributes Node Actual set of flags Supports cnt L3VPN with L2vpn Top-down attributes (E.g. L3SM)

  4. I2RS Generic Model “service” X1 X2 X3 “L3” Y1 Y2 “Optical” Z1 Z2 Z3

  5. Different Service Topologies S:1 1 “service” S:n X1 Service ID X2 Flags: L3VPN, L2VPN X3 Config + actual L3VPN L2VPN X5 X5 Z3 X2 X4 X1 2 3 “L3” X2 Y1 4 Y5 Y4 Y3 n network ID “Optical” nw:network-id Z1 Z2 5 Z3

  6. Different Service Topologies S:1 1 “service” S:n X1 Service ID X2 Cfg Flags: L3VPN, L2VPN X3 Actual: L2VPN S:3 S:2 L3VPN L3VPN X5 X5 VPN3 Z3 VPN2 X2 X4 X1 2 3 “L3” X2 Y1 4 Y5 Y4 Y3 n network ID “Optical” nw:network-id Z1 Z2 5 Z3

  7. Different Service Topologies vpc-id L3SM X1 Cloud service X2 X3 S:1 1 S:n “Composite X1 service” Service ID X2 Cfg Flags: L3VPN, L2VPN X3 Actual: L2VPN S:3 S:2 L3VPN L3VPN X5 X5 VPN3 Z3 VPN2 X2 X4 X1

  8. Network Structure replicates Config set of Name of service module: i2rs-service-topologies.... flags: node L3VPN, L2VPN, augment /nw:network/nw:node EVPN, etc. +--rw node-service-attributes +--rw c-svc-node-name? inet:domain-name +--rw c-svc-node-flag* identityref; Node-id sequential Rather than id in all +--rw c-service-node-id uint32 topologies +--rw c-node-svc_status* identityref; Actual topology types +--rw c-node-supports-td-attributes (L3VPN, L2VPN) Top-level attributes (e.g. L3SM) supported

  9. Replicated in Link and Termination-Point attributes augment /nw:network/nt:link: Link-id +--rw service-link-attributes Actual topology types +--rw c-svc-link-name? string (L3VPN, L2VPN) +--rw link-id uint32; Metric for link +--rw svc-link-type identityref +--rw c-svc-link-metric? uint32 +--rw c-svc-link-attribute identity* Attributes of link +--rw c-svc-link-td-supports-attributes* identityref What top-down Attributes supported – L3SM attributes

  10. Replicated in Link and Termination-Point attributes /nw:network/nw:node/nt:termination-point: +--rw service-termination-point-attributes +--rw tp-svc-id +--rw (supporting-termination-point)[sv-tp-type] +--:(svc-tp-type-service) | +--rw service-network-id leafref | +--rw service-node-id leafref | +--rw service-tp-id leafref +--:(sv-tp-type-inet) // IP | +--rw ip-address inet:ip-address +--:(svc-tp-type-unnum) // Unnumbered +--rw unnumbered-id? uint32 Should [sv-tp-type] be required and IP and Unnumbered be optional?

  11. Comparison with L3SM • Top level L3SM – VPN services • Cloud access, multicast, mpls, transport – Sites • Templates, start/stop service, location, site diversity, management, VPN policy, maximum routes, security, service (In/Out BW, QoS), routing protocols site access – Site templates • I2RS Service Topology – Bottom up – Created from yang topologies L2VPN, L3VPN

  12. Discussion Questions • Any technical Problems preventing adoption? – Where does Service-Function chaining fit in this model? – Where Source-Based network topologies Networks fit? – Where do NV03 network topologies fit? • Is this a good starting point?


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