Maximization Revenue bidders I seller in F Vin bidder i's value Revenntaximizing truthful auction Vin Fp independently alll Thin If regular Vct Vickrey is anion then ten maximizing to any single parameter setting Hey bidder 2itens selling single over VIE set price of 1 FEED i PETE Efaw 42 set 2 2 pi
for both items E of 3 I PrN fa 24 Pr buys 3 I Ey Eber i Vs revenue antheneer Ii a E p 2 t't Eben EtEE Z 2 ps P v.EE o 2 Bundle F E EH 3 C p bundle 2 I O
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i case best possible anethi Single item F hwj f2utmuLqD asks again is regular THI F Suppose than reserve price important is more competition anchor revenue of Vickrey n32 exp If Corollary got anacn rug IEEE nth gap noptancemnbidT A In Fan
Am Thinners In NF Enix n it do nothing Htm untrue 3revfA Tichy nbiddus.TL s.nImCEh
Mech Mechanisms ms for profit ma maxi ximi mization Research divided into three strands: Bayesian: Agents values assumed to come from publicly known prior distributions. Goal: to do well in expectation Prior-independent There is a prior, but auctioneer doesn’t know it. Goal: to do well in expectation. Tk Cv un tf Prior-free A What if we don’t want to assume a prior? Want to do well in worst case
Prio ior-fr free Key questions: How do we design mechanisms for profit maximization that work well without priors? How do we evaluate these mechanisms?
Ex Example: Digi gital Goods Auc Auction do for digital goods does VCG what Given Unlimited number of copies of identical items for sale n bidders, bidder i has private value v i for obtaining one item (and no additional value for more than one) Goal: Design truthful auction to maximize profit
Ma Maximi mizing Profit: A Comp mpetitive Ana Analysis Framewor ork Goal: truthful profit maximizing basic auction There is no auction that is best on every input. How do we evaluate auctions?
Ma Maximi mizing Profit: A Comp mpetitive Ana Analysis Framewor ork Goal: truthful profit maximizing basic auction There is no auction that is best on every input. How do we evaluate auctions? Competitive analysis Compare auction profit to “profit benchmark” OPT(v).
Pr Profit Be Bench chmark for Digital Go Goods Auction Definition: A truthful auction is c-competitive if for all v its profit is at least OPT(v)/c Define OPT(v) = optimal fixed price revenue Example: v= (3, 2, 2, 1, 1) OPT(v)= 6
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