i m working with a sofuware project now but i m having

Im working with a sofuware project now, but Im having trouble on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Im working with a sofuware project now, but Im having trouble on solving a recurring problem on my applicatjon. What can you suggest to me? You can use the design patuerns. They provide solutjons on recurring problems.

  1. I’m working with a sofuware project now, but I’m having trouble on solving a recurring problem on my applicatjon. What can you suggest to me? You can use the design patuerns. They provide solutjons on recurring problems. htups://www.videoblocks.com/video/cartoon-modern-colorful-offjce-animatjon-with-space-for-your-text-or-logo-cool-vector-typical-offjce-background-4k-business-and-work-concept-rlhq-m6einhmfv8k Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  2. Des esign gn Patu tuer erns ns  Designing with Patuerns  Creatjonal Patuerns  Structural Patuerns  Behavioral Patuerns

  3. Designing with Patu tuerns Design Patuerns Patuern name Problem Solutjon htups://cdn.lynda.com/course/782131/782131-636989687862782918-16x9.jpg Consequences Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  4. Designing with Patu tuerns Design Patuerns Creatjonal Structural Behavioral Assemble Assigning the Object creatjon objects and responsibilitjes mechanisms classes into between larger objects structures Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  5. Creatj tjonal Patu tuerns Creatjonal Patuerns Singleton Factory method Prototype Abstract factory Builder htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  6. Creatj tjonal Patu tuerns Singleton design patuern structure: Singleton htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/singleton Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  7. Creatj tjonal Patu tuerns Factory Method design patuern structure: Factory method htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/factory-method Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  8. Creatj tjonal Patu tuerns Prototype design patuern structure: A. Basic implementatjon: Prototype htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/prototype Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  9. Creatj tjonal Patu tuerns Prototype design patuern structure: B. Prototype registry implementatjon: Prototype htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/prototype Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  10. Creatj tjonal Patu tuerns Abstract Factory design patuern structure: Abstract factory htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/abstract-factory Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  11. Creatj tjonal Patu tuerns Builder design patuern structure: Builder htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/builder Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  12. Structural Patu tuerns Structural Patuerns Adapter Bridge Decorator Composite Facade Flyweight Proxy htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  13. Structural Patu tuerns Adapter design patuern structure: Adapter htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/adapter Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  14. Structural Patu tuerns Bridge design patuern structure: Bridge htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/bridge Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  15. Structural Patu tuerns Composite design patuern structure: Composite htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/composite Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  16. Structural Patu tuerns Structural design patuern structure: Decorator htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/decorator Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  17. Structural Patu tuerns Facade design patuern structure: Facade htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/facade Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  18. Structural Patu tuerns Flyweight design patuern structure: Flyweight htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/fmyweight Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  19. Structural Patu tuerns Proxy design patuern structure: Proxy htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/proxy Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  20. Behavioral Patu tuerns Behavioral Patuerns Iterator Observer Strategy htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  21. Behavioral Patu tuerns Iterator design patuern structure: Iterator htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/iterator Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  22. Behavioral Patu tuerns Observer design patuern structure: Observer htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/observer Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  23. Behavioral Patu tuerns Strategy design patuern structure: Strategy htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/catalog htups://refactoring.guru/design-patuerns/strategy Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  24. Actj tjvity Instructjon: Compare the scope of each category of the design patuerns and provide at least fjve (5) applicatjon benefjts for each. Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  25. Group Actj tjvity Instructjon: Complete the ChocolateBoiler class by turning it into a singleton. GRADING RUBRIC: Crit iteria 2 2 poin ints 3 poin 3 ints 4 4 poin ints 5 5 points Only one (1) Only a few of the Some of the group All group members are member of the group members are members are actjve in actjve in the group is actjve in actjve in the the presentatjon, presentatjon, Presentatjo tjon the presentatjon. presentatjon. showcasing a showcasing a (×2) 2) comprehensive comprehensive knowledge of their knowledge of their work. work. The output is The output is The output is The output is complete incomplete, and all incomplete, and complete, but some and shows the correct Correctjo tjon given answers are most of the answers answers are not answer for the given (×2) 2) incorrect. are not correct. correct. problem. TOTAL 20 20 POINTS Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9

  26. Group Actj tjvity Prope perty ty of f STI IT1814 Weeks 8-9


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