Clinical Lecture Series “I don’t see them in my practice…” The et ethics s of servin ving g refugee ee and immigr igrant ant surviv vivor ors s of torture and trauma Laura a Garloc ock, , MSW Josh Hins nson, on, MSW, LCSW Septemb ember er 21, 1, 2015 U N C G l o b a l Tr a n s m i g r a t i o n R e f u g e e M e n t a l H e a l t h & W e l l n e s s I n i t i a t i v e
OBJECTIVES • The refugee gee experie erience nce in North Carolina na • What is a refugee? • Trauma in the refugee experience. • An eviden ence ce-based ased refugee gee mental al health th screen ening ng instru trumen ment • Refugee Health Screener – 15 • Strateg egie ies for mental al health th providers ers to work effecti ectively y with h interpret preter ers. Princip iples in in profess ssion ional codes of et ethics cs pertain ining ng to providin ding g services ices • to re refugees gees in need of menta tal health th service ices.
REFUGEE MENTAL HEALTH Prevalence Greater levels of psychological disturbance (Fazel, Wheeler, & Danesh, 2005; Porter & Haslam, 2005) Half of all refugees have mental health concerns (Brundtland, 2013; Rousseau, 1995) PTSD 10-40% Major Depression 5-15% (RHTAC, 2011) Anxiety and stress-related disorders Chronic physical illnesses, mental illnesses, and substance abuse (Palinkas et al., 2003) Prevalence rates of torture range from 5-35% (Baker, 1992) 40% of refugees in the United States need mental health services but cannot access them (Ehntholt &Yule, 2006) Failure to involve trained interpreters can disrupt services to refugees (Miller, Martell, Pazdirek, Caruth, & Lopez, 2005; Bischoff et al., 2003) Impact: Higher healthcare costs, persistent and severe mental illness, and worse acculturation outcomes (Priebe et al., 2011; Pumariega, Rothe, & Pumariega, 2005)
UNC Global Transmigration Refugee Mental Health And Wellness Initiative
RESEARCH PROCESS Referral Schedule Screening Intake Treatment Rescreening
THE TRIPLE TRAUMA PARADIGM trauma in flight trauma from trauma in country of new country origin Trauma Narrative
SETTING THE CONTEXT WHO HO can n admi minist ister er the RHS HS-15? 5? Self-admi dmini nist stered red Health h work rkers (medica cal assistants sistants, nurses, ses, doctors, nurse se practi titione oners, , social work rkers), , resettl ttleme ment nt case work rkers WHE HEN should uld the RHS HS-15 5 be admini nist stere ered? At the same time me as ot other r health h scree eeni nings ngs or inta takes es to reduc uce sti tigma ma Timing ng may differ r based on the group, up, screen ening flow, time constraint straints s or ot other r consi sidera derati tions ns. .
SETTING THE CONTEXT Introduc oductio ion During program intake or other case management meeting Emphasize that screening will involve questions about how they are doing both in their body AND in their mind. Timing ming Before administering the RHS-15, remind the individual/group that each person aged ed 14 4 and over er will be asked the questions about sadness, worries, body aches and pain, and other symptoms that may be bothersome to them. Normal alize ze Lets the individual/group know that many refugees have a hard time because of the difficult things they have been through, and because it is very stressful to come to a new country.
SETTING THE CONTEXT The case worker explains … “ Some e refu fugees gees have mind nd and body y symptoms ms becau cause se of f difficult cult things they have been en throu rough gh, , and because cause it is very y stress essful ful to come e to a new w countr try. . The questi tions ons we are aski king ng help us find d people ple who are e having g a hard time e and d who might need ed extra ra suppo pport. t. The answ swer ers s are not ot shared ed with anyone one else e without ut your permis missi sion. on. ”
RHS-15 INSTRUCTIONS Read instruct tructions ions out t loud: : “How much in the last month have the symptoms below been bothersome to you?” Point nt to the numb mbers/i /ima mage ges s for the scale Create a vi visual al aid that shows ws patients ents the differenc ence e in the amoun unt. .
SYMPTOMS “How much in the last month have the symptoms below been bothersome to you?” 1. Muscle 1. cle, , bone, , joint nt pains ns 2. Feeling ng down, , sad, or blue most of the time 3. Too o much think nking ng or too many y though ughts 4. Feeling ng helples less 5. Suddenl nly y scared for no reason 6. Faintne ness ss, , dizzine ness, ss, or weakness ess 7. Nervousn ousness ss or shakiness ss inside 8. Feeling restless, can’t sit still 9. Crying g easily
TRAUMA SYMPTOMS The following symptoms may be related to traumatic experiences during migration. How much in the past month have you: 10. Had the experienc ence e of reliving ng the trauma; a; acting ng or feeling ng as if it were happeni pening ng again? n? 11. 1. Been having ng PHYSI SICAL AL reactions ons (for r examp mple, le, break out in a s sweat, heart beats fast) ) when remind nded d of the trauma? a? 12. Felt emot otion onall lly y numb mb (for r examp mple, le, feel sad but can’t cry, unable to have loving ng feeling ngs) s)? 13 13. Been jump mpier, , more easily y startled ed (for r examp mple, le, when n someon one wa walks s up behind nd you) u)?
COPING 14. Gener erall ally y over er your r life, e, do you feel el that at you are: e: Ab Able le to handle e (cope pe with th) ) anything hing that t come mes s your way ..............................................0 Ab Able le to handle e (cope pe with th) ) most st things ngs that t come me your r way ...............................................1 Ab Able le to handle e (cope pe with th) ) some me things ngs, but not ot able e to cope e with th ot other er things ngs.....................2 Un Unabl ble e to cope e with th most st things ngs.........................................................................3 Un Unabl ble e to cope e with th anyth thing ng ......................................4
REASSURANCE THAT THIS WILL WORK Ask sking ing these se que questi stion ons s can ident ntif ify y someon one wh who needs s suppor pport t and help get et them connec nected ed to care. e. Scree eening ning is s th the e veh ehicle cle th that t connect nects s someone one to a more e comprehe prehensiv nsive e evalua luation ion and d suppor port. . The e res esett ettle lement ment agency ency tea eam is s th the e link to that conne nect cts s the client nt to this resour urce ce.
CONSIDERATIONS Will ask sking ng about ut sy symptoms ms of an f anxiety, , depress ession ion or PTSD re-trigger rigger so someone ne making ng it diffic icul ult t to get et through ugh the exam? What are avai vailable lable reso sour urces ces sh should d so someone ne need immediat iate care? e? Wha hat ha happen ens s if som f someo eone ne disc sclo loses ses somet ethin ing g that is painful nful for me to hear? Wha hat othe her res esour urces ces are e the here e for me me?
HOW TO REFER TO REFUGEE WELLNESS Offer er Ref efugee ugee Wel ellne ness coun unseli seling ng ser ervic ices es to the e clie ient Suggested script on referral form If clie ients s consen sent, t, fax ref efer erra ral l form rm to 919-962 962- 755 557, 7, atten ention ion: : Josh h Hin inson Cal all Lau aura a Gar arloc ock: : (9 (919) 9) 334-00 0072 72 ext. 4013
RESEARCH PROCESS Referral Schedule Screening Intake Treatment Rescreening
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