hu human an amp p amp pla lanetar netary y he health lth

Hu Human an & P & Pla lanetar netary y He Health lth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pl Plant nt-center centered ed Di Diet for or Hu Human an & P & Pla lanetar netary y He Health lth Helga Angelina Whats a plant - ba based sed di diet et? ? Mostly or entirely of foods derived from plants and with

  1. Pl Plant nt-center centered ed Di Diet for or Hu Human an & P & Pla lanetar netary y He Health lth Helga Angelina

  2. What’s a plant - ba based sed di diet et? ? Mostly or entirely of foods derived from plants and with few or no animal products. 90% of your calories come from plants. Diets : Whole-food Plant-based Diet, The Ornish Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, The Bluezones Diet, Mediterranean Diet, Okinawan Diet, Flexitarian Diet

  3. 300 60% higher immune response! Immune Response (total IgG) 240 (after patients injected with pneumonia vaccines) 180 5 fv/day 2fv/day 120 60 0

  4. #40plan 0plants tsaweek eek

  5. Balanced Immune System Bad Microbes Good Microbes Imbalanced immune system Such as: Such as: Firmicutes Bacteroides fragilis Bifidobacterium E. Coli Lactobacillus Salmonella Saccharomyces Clostridium Butyricicoccus Difficile Staphylococcus

  6. “Many patients with COVID -19 showed gut dysbiosis with decreased probiotics, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium . Nutritional and gastrointestinal function should be assessed for all patients. Nutritional support and application of prebiotics or probiotics were suggested to regulate the balance of gut microbiota and reduce the risk of secondary infection due to bacterial translocation.”

  7. Lessons ssons fr from om Co Covid vid-19 19 Pandemic ndemic • 63% of agricultural lands are used for livestock • Meat-centric diet is one of the top 3 primary causes of climate change (18% greenhouse gas emissions) • 70% world’s fresh water go to livestock • 70% of antibiotics production in the world is used for livestock

  8. Hunza: The Longest Living Population Secret #1: You Are What You Eat The first and most critical secret of Hunza longevity and youthfulness is diet. “Life expectancy of an average Pakistani is 67 years. While in Hunza, t he life expectancy of the average Hunza is 120 years. Some have been known to live 1. Starchy vegetables: potato, carrot, radish, pumpkin 2. Leafy greens: spinach, lettuce quite a bit longer than that —up to almost 150.” 3. Fruits: apricot, peach, blackberry, cherry, pear, apple 4. Beans: green peas, long beans 5. Nuts: walnut, hazelnut, chestnut, and almond “Many Hunza women have children after the age of 60s. 6. Grains: barley , millet, buckwheat, whole wheat, mostly in a form of chapatti Being 60 in Hunza is equivalent to our 40.” 7. Very little animal protein: homemade milk & cheese, naturally-raised meat

  9. Carbon foot print by diet

  10. Plant-centered Diet

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