hta resid ident senti time ment s t survey 2 2017 h highl

HTA Resid ident Senti time ment S t Survey 2 2017 H Highl hlig - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HTA Resid ident Senti time ment S t Survey 2 2017 H Highl hlig ight hts Prepared for Hawai i Tourism Authority July 2018 Davies Pacific Center 1250, 841 Bishop Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Telephone: 1-808-528-4050; Fax:

  1. HTA Resid ident Senti time ment S t Survey 2 2017 H Highl hlig ight hts Prepared for Hawai ‘ i Tourism Authority July 2018 Davies Pacific Center 1250, 841 Bishop Street, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813 Telephone: 1-808-528-4050; Fax: 1-808-538-6227 Field Dates: October 13, 2017 to January 16, 2018

  2. Research Objectives Resident sent ntiment nt toward Ha Hawai‘i’s tourism industry is vital to maintaining  sustainab ainable gr growt wth in in the ind ndus ustry and nd in in the state te’s economy my ove verall ll.  The he prim imary objectives of of the Re Resident Sen entiment Survey ey res esea earch ar are: To trac ack ke key resid ident attitu tudes es toward rd touris ism in in Ha Hawai‘ ai‘i ov over time me.   To identify perceived positive an To and ne negat ativ ive impa pacts ts of th the tourism industry on local on al resid idents.  To To identify fo for th the touri rism industry and and HTA, issu ssues or co conce cerns re regarding to tourism expr pres essed ed by by resid idents. General Impact of Hawai‘i Perceptions of Tourism Hawai‘i Tourism 2

  3. What’s the Big Idea? 1 1 Wit ith t the v vis isitor in industry well o on it its way t to it its s six ixth consecutive y year ar of record v vis isitor ar arriv ivals ( (i. i.e., during t the e time me t this s survey w was f fiel elded ed), some me indic in icators of Ha Hawai‘ ai‘i R Resident Se Sentiment h had ad wea eakened ed, b but n none t too deepl eeply. 2 Hav aving a a Voice in Tourism De m Developme pment , , Presenting N Native H Hawaiian C Culture A Authentically lly and nd Preserving ng N Nati tive H Hawaiian C n Cul ultu ture are t the e keys t to imp mproving R Residen ent t Senti time ment 3 Ove verall, ll, to i improve R Resident S Sentiment, p , place increased f in focus o on Destinat ination n Management, b beyo yond nd Destinat ination n Ma Mark rketing 3

  4. Sample Plan and Methodology Samp mple Pl Plan an OmniTrak use sed a reg egion-bas based strat atified sam ampli ling for the he stu tudy, the he same me appr pproach use sed in ear arli lier Resident Sentiment Survey effo forts co conduct cted by by Om OmniTrak. The he sam ampli ling plan lan divided the he State into to 12 su sub-reg egions with con onsiderat ation on to to pop opulat lation on pr propo portion, n, and allo allocat ated su sufficient sam ample le for each ar area to to ac achieve an an acceptabl able sam ampli ling erro ror. Within each region on, da data wa was collec ected ed ran andom omly ly. The he result lting sam ample le of res esiden ents ts wa was weighted pr propo portiona nate to to pop opulat lation on distribu bution on pe per the he lat latest State Census from the he State of Hawai ai‘i Depar artment of Business, s, Economic Develop lopment and To Tourism. The he tele lephon one sam ample le inclu ludes both lan landli line (52 52%) and nd cellu llula lar (48 48%) phones. Statew ewide sampli ling pro roduce ced a total of of n = 1,614 14 resp spondents as fo follows:  O ‘ ahu hu: 614  Haw awai ‘ i Isl Island:480 80  Maui County: 320 320 Kaua ‘ i: 200 200  Methodol olog ogy  A mixed met ethodolo logy wa was use sed for thi his survey, y, including a com ombi binat ation on of Compute ter Assisted Tele lephon one Interviews (CATI) and nd online surve veys. Just unde der two-thirds (62%) of the he resp spondents compl pleted the he surve vey via ia tele lephon one and nd the he remainder (38 38%) comple leted the he su survey on onlin ine.  All ll calls alls we were plac aced ed from Omn mniTrak’s ’s continuousl sly quali ality-con ontroll olled calli alling center in the he Da Davi vies Pac acific Center build lding in in Downtown Honolu olulu lu.  Field ld Date tes: October 13, 2017 17 to January 16 16, 201 018 4

  5. Impact of Hawai‘i Tourism – Mixed Results Slight Relatively Notable Slight decrease steady increase decrease Perception o of Tourism h sm has brought Perceived i impac act Perceived i impac act o of tourism i m indust stry i in of tou of ourism on on You more b ben enefits t than an tourism o on the S e Stat ate Haw awai ‘ i i - Favor orab ability and You our F Family* proble oblems 100% 10 80% 8 60% 6 10=High 40% 4 1=Low 20% 2 0% 0 2017 Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2017 Fall Top Box (9-10) 42% 41% 38% 36% 18% 21% 21% 22% Mid-Range (6-8) 43% 45% 47% 44% 30% 30% 41% 39% Bottom Tier (1-5) 14% 12% 14% 18% 29% 26% 37% 36% DK 1% 2% 0% 1% 23% 23% 1% 3% Base 1,650 1,614 1,650 1,614 1,650 1,614 1,650 1,614 MEAN 7.90 7.95 7.80 7.59 6.50 6.86 6.50 6.48 Q. Using g a 1 10-poi oint scale w where 1 10 means E Ext xtremely P Pos ositive a and 1 1 means E Ext xtremely Negative, Q. Using g a 1 10-poi oint scale w where 1 10 means E Ext xtremely Fa Favor orable and 1 1 means N Not ot Fa Favor orable a at how w wo would y you r rate t the o overall i impact t tourism has on…The State a as a a wh whole le/You a and Your Family? All, ll, p ple lease g give m me your o opinion o of tourism a as a an industry i in H Hawa wai‘i. Q. Using g a 1 10-poi oint scale w where 1 10 means C Com ompletely A Agree and 1 1 means D Do o Not ot A Agree a at All, *Note: Don’t Kn Know w (DK) K) category f for this q question i includes for “ “Don’t k know” and “ “No impact”. how w much d do you a agree o or disagree t that…...? 5

  6. Impact of of Tou ourism on on You ou and You our F Family - Ove verall 70% % saying tourism has been “mostly positive” for you and your family 60% 58% 60% 56% 50% 50% 45% 44% 44% 43% 42% 42% 41% 41% 41% 40% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yr 1988 Yr 1999 Yr 2001 Yr 2002 Yr 2005 Yr 2006 Yr 2007 Yr 2009 Yr 2010 Yr 2012 Yr 2014 Yr 2015 Yr 2017 Yr 2017 Spring Fall In order t to track t the da data ( (change i in rating s scale) fr from 2 2009 o on, a a rating o of 7 f 7-10 w 0 was u used ed t to approxima mate t e the p perce cent nt t that felt p positively a about t this s statement. Q2b. Using a a 10-point nt s scale w e wher ere 1 e 10 means ns E Extreme emely P Positive a e and 1 1 means ns E Extremel emely N Negative, e, h how w woul uld y you r rate t e the ov overall i impact t tou ourism has on on…You and Y You our f family? 6

  7. Impact of of Tou ourism on on You ou and You our F Family - By I Isla land 100% 10 80% 8 60% 6 10=High 40% 4 1=Low 20% 2 0% 0 Hawai‘i Maui OVERALL O‘ahu Hawai‘i Maui Kaua‘i OVERALL County O‘ahu Island Kaua‘i 2017 County 2017 2017 Island 2017 Fall 2017 Fall 2017 2017 2017 Fall Spring Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Fall Spring Spring Spring Top Box (9-10) 18% 21% 16% 21% 20% 20% 27% 19% 17% 18% Mid-Range (6-8) 30% 30% 32% 29% 22% 34% 28% 32% 33% 27% Bottom Tier (1-5) 29% 26% 30% 25% 32% 26% 21% 29% 30% 31% No Impact 22% 21% 21% 23% 25% 18% 25% 19% 19% 21% DK/Rf 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2% 0% 3% Base 1,650 1,614 600 614 450 480 400 320 200 200 MEAN 6.50 6.86 6.40 6.92 6.60 6.77 7.20 6.75 6.50 6.54 Q2b. Using a a 10-point nt s scale w e wher ere 1 e 10 means ns E Extreme emely P Positive a e and 1 1 means ns E Extremel emely N Negative, e, h how w woul uld y you r rate t e the overall i ov impact t tou ourism has on on…You and Y You our f family? 7

  8. Tourism has Brought more Benefits than Problems 8

  9. Pr Problem ems C Creat eated ed by Tour uris ism in in Hawai ai ‘ i (According to resid idents s sayin ying Ha Hawai ai ‘ i tourism crea eates mo more problems than ben enefits) Traffic problems 57% OVERCROWDING (NET) 56% 56% HIGH PRICES/HIGHER COST OF LIVING (NET) 56% 56% DAMAGE TO THE ENVIRONMENT (NET) 44% 4% CRIME (NET) 26% 26% Health concerns, viruses, potential for epidemics 21% 21 Loss of cultural/community sensitivity 14% 14 Locals don't benefit from Tourism money 3% 3% Tourism/Tourists are given priority 2% 2% Creates low paying jobs, no advancement 2% 2% Too dependent on tourism 2% 2% Tourist safety an issue 2% 2% Other 5% 5% ou think nk tourism h Q5a. I In you our op opinion, w what p prob oblems d do y o you has c creat ated i in Hawai ai ‘ i? i? 9


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