house general government appropriations s ubcommittee

House General Government Appropriations S ubcommittee March 13, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

House General Government Appropriations S ubcommittee March 13, 2018 Treasury Broad Responsibilities Treasury has a wide range of responsibilities, including: S tate and local tax policy Economic and revenue forecasting

  1. House General Government Appropriations S ubcommittee March 13, 2018

  2. Treasury – Broad Responsibilities Treasury has a wide range of responsibilities, including:  S tate and local tax policy  Economic and revenue forecasting  Administration and collection of $24 billion in taxes and fees  Pension investment of approximately $65 billion in assets  Local government and school financial health  Higher education student financial assistance and savings plans  Managing the S tate’s balance sheet  Managing the S tate’s relationship with Wall S treet and the rating agencies  Processing more than 9 million tax returns 2

  3. Treasury Building Blocks and Values Establish standard methodologies for use in continuous improvement and process re-engineering proj ects.  Building blocks  Values 3

  4. Examples of Our S uccess Customer S ervice, Process Improvements and IT S tabilization: Tax Administration and Tax Policy 2015  Processing all individual income tax returns in year filed  Increasing number of Revenue Administrative Bulletins (RABs) and Letter Rulings  Began work to fix sales, use, & withholding tax (S UW) and stabilize S AP 2016  Reducing informal hearings time to less than 6 months  Establishing expanded role for Taxpayer Advocate  Reducing average audit time  Improving quality and clarity of all taxpayer correspondence 2017  Improving audit selection and achieving milestone with reduction to average days in audit  Processing all taxpayer correspondence in 8 weeks (except S UW)  S tabilizing S AP (capacity, accuracy and speed) 4

  5. Examples of Our S uccess Customer S ervice, Process Improvements and IT S tabilization: Local Government, Financial & Departmental S ervices and Administration 2015  Implementing streamlined unclaimed property audit procedures  Reorganizing the Tax Commission  Focusing on continuous improvement 2016  Began career pathway discussions with staff  Reducing new tax processing lock box costs by $8 million per year  S treamlining garnishment processes  Closed 638 of 786 Treasury IRS findings  Reduced principle residence exemption appeal times from average of 223 days to 40 days  Implemented The S tate Essential S ervices Assessment Act 2017  Developing Diversity Program  Improving Treasury’s reputation with stakeholders  Launching the new Vault (intranet)  Launching MI Communit y Financial Dashboard 5  Achieving clean S ocial S ecurity Administration audit

  6. The Future - Concerns  ust ainabilit y of t he Cult ural Change – Continuing the positive S changes and customer focus that have occurred over the past few years and ensuring they have a lasting affect within the department  Process Improvement s – Continuing a philosophy of internal process review and improvement  S AP S t abilizat ion and IT S t rat egy – Continue on our path of stabilization for our critical tax processing systems and continue our aggressive approach to legacy replacement  Local Government – Continuing to focus on improving the financial outlook for local communities and to successfully implement the new requirements placed on our department 6

  7. Treasury Best-Operated 2018 Proj ects Tax Processing Communications   Process S UW returns within tax year received Implement electronic newsletter for external stakeholders  Reduce S UW average answer speed < 5 minutes  Develop social media strategy  Implement new systems  Improve internal supervisor/ manager communications  Medical Marihuana Collections  Motor Fuel and Tobacco Tax (MFT)  Implement innovative e-services collection tools  Process clarifications list within 60 days  Provide Text Message Reminders Tax Compliance  Allow Credit Card Payments Through Interactive Voice Responses (IVRs)  Expand focused audits into additional business types  Allow Recurring Payments  Reduce average audit time and increase quality audits  Increase efficiencies within Offer In Compromise (OIC)  S tandardize procedures and implementations  Complete e-liens Continuous Improvement and Engagement Division (CIED) proj ect (2017) implementation  Audit processing complete in 8 weeks  Complete S AC 5-part strategic plan CIED proj ect (2017) S ystems implementation  Updated MOU agreements with remaining agencies  Improve S AP stabilization and productivity  Outreach to remaining agencies  Finalize legacy long term replacement plan  Implement department wide Data Governance plan 7

  8. Treasury Budget FY18

  9. Total FY18 Treasury Gross Appropriation ($ in Millions) PILT, $27.4 , 2% One-Time, $16.4 , 1% Grants, $134.7 , 7% Operations, $284.0 , 15% Debt Service, $107.6 , 6% Total Gross Revenue Sharing - Distribution to Appropriation Locals, $1,266.2 , 69% $1,836.3 (84% Payments) 9 Operations Revenue Sharing - Distribution to Locals Debt Service Grants PILT One-Time

  10. FY18 Operations Appropriations Funding Type ($ in Millions) Total Operations $284.0 General Fund, $62.2 , 22% State Restricted Funds, $221.8 , 78% 10 State Restricted Funds General Fund

  11. New Programs Over the long-term, Treasury has been able to keep base spending flat, as increases reflect new statutory and program requirements. 2015 2017  Financial Independence Teams  Free E-file, One-time  S tate Building Authority - Transfer  IT S ubj ect Matter Experts  Data Governance S taff  Wrongful Imprisonment Payments  S cholarships & Grants IT Proj ect  S chool Millage Reimbursement  International Fuel Tax Agreement  Total - $8.6 Million  Technical Resolutions Unit 2018  Office of Tax Plan Implementation  Driver Responsibility Fees  Medical Marihuana Administration & Excise Tax  Fraud Prevention S ervices  Tax Processing Customer Contact  Credit Card Payment Program  City Income Tax Administration - Expansion  Financial Review Commission – Director  Lien Fees Increase in Authorization  MBT Legislative Changes – IT, One-time  Dual Enrollment  Personal Property Tax Reform, One-time  Information Technology, One-time  Total - $13.6 Million  S upport for Locals, Other Post-Employment Benefits 2016   MI Thrive Financial Review Commission  Personal Property Tax/ Essential S ervices Assessment  Tax Increment Financing  City Income Tax Administration – Initial Authorization  Total - $14.9 Million  Dual Enrollment 11  Michigan Treasury Online Proj ect, Portion One-Time  Total - $15.5 Million

  12. Treasury FY19 Funding Requests

  13. FY16, FY17, FY18 and FY19 Operations Comparison 320 (in Millions) Operations Increase of 3.41% $2.84 300 $3.50 $0.00 $0.60 $2.31 $6.13 $14.94 $7.25 280 260 Millions 240 220 200 $276.77 $287.59 $287.26 $268.2 180 2016 2017 2018 2019 $283.20 Operations $289.57 Operations $284.02 Operations $293.71 Operations Operations New Programs and Funding One-Time Funding

  14. FY19 Funding Requests MI Thrive $214,300 and 1.0 FTE  P A 46 of 2017 allows incremental sales and income tax capture on transformational brownfield proj ects approved by the MEDC  Treasury will provide calculation and verification of the sales and income tax generated and provide data to the MEDC Support for Locals, Other Post-Employment Benefits $464,000 and 2.0 FTEs  P A 202 of 2017 requires pension and health care plan reviews for local units of government  Treasury will provide monitoring, evaluation, and technical assistance to local units to meet the requirements of this act 14

  15. FY19 Funding Requests $5,450,000 AND 10.0 FTEs (DTMB) Information Technology  DTMB staff to provide day to day support of Treasury systems and proj ects.  This staff will assist with legacy system replacement and improved technology delivery.  Goals for new staff:  Reduction in Red Proj ects  Increased focus on customer service enhancements  S trategic reduction in overall systems utilized by Treasury  Reduction in the need for change requests to existing proj ects  Introduce S AP business tax private cloud hosted infrastructure platform.  It is mandated that we move to a cloud solution. This will increase the cost of hosting but the private cloud was $1.6 million less than the state alternative.  Proj ect includes the replacement of all end of life servers currently supporting our S AP business taxes and includes no cost upgrades going forward.  Unisys mainframe escalating hosting costs need to be offset during legacy replacement strategy implementation.  As more state agencies move off of the Unisys mainframe, Treasury will be required to pay the full cost of this system.  This will result in cost increases for Treasury of about 103% over the next 3 years.  Funding Breakdown:  $2,250,000 S taffing  $2,800,000 Cloud Hosting 15  $400,000 Unisys Mainframe Costs

  16. FY19 Funding Request Breakdown FY19 Funding IT and Non-IT 678,300, 11% Total Funding Request $6,128,300 IT Funding Non-IT Funding 5,450,000, 89% 16

  17. 17 Appendix – IT Legacy Replacement Proj ects


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