horizon 2020 societal challenge 5 climate action

Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5:Climate action, Environment, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5:Climate action, Environment, Resources efficiency & Raw materials Calls 2020 2 October 2019, Infomiddag Corinne van Voorden, Adviseur Internationale Innovatie Climate, Water, Circular Economy

  1. Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5:Climate action, Environment, Resources efficiency & Raw materials – Calls 2020 2 October 2019, Infomiddag Corinne van Voorden, Adviseur Internationale Innovatie Climate, Water, Circular Economy Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) Corinne.vanvoorden@rvo.nl / 0650939714

  2. Excellent Science Industrial Leaderschip Societal Challenges Excellent Science Industrial Leaderschip Societal Challenges Health LEIT Food ICT, nano, biotech, space Energy Transport SME instrument Climate Inclusive societies Access to Risk Finance Security Fast Track to Future & Emerging Innovation Technologies Horizon 2020 Research Horizon 2020 Infrastructures 2

  3. Calls in 2020 Call: Building a low carbon, climate resilient future: climate action in support of the Paris Agreement 14 topics budget: 189 million euro deadline: 13 feb 2020 Call: Greening the economy in line with the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) 16 topics budget: 187 million euro deadline: 13 feb 2020 Call: Competitive, Low Carbon and Circular Industries (Cross-cutting workprogramme) 3 topics budget: 58 million euro deadline: 5 feb 2020 4

  4. Example of topic description Why? LC-CLA-13-2020: Climate Resilience of European coastal cities and settlements Specific challenge : What about? ..design and implementation of long term adaptation planning and cost-effective measures.. Focus? Scope : Who? • Improve integrated spatial planning, management and adaptation of coastal cities and settlements • Scientific insight, tools, methodologies, innovative solutions to assist cities in developing resilience plans and adaptation pathways at spatial and temporal scales • Assessment and mapping of coastal exposure and vulnerability to sea-level rise • Ecosystem based approaches along with traditional engineering approaches as part of a broader strategy; comparison of impacts / assist decision-making For what • Pilot studies frontrunner, follower cities ? Expected impact : • Systemic collection of potential adaptation measures.. , assessment of coastal ecosystem services, adaptation costs and benefits • Improved decision-making • Strengthened coastal adaptation network • Improved integrated spatial management and adaptation of Europe’s coastlines • Implementation of various Directives Type project, • Underpin Integrated Coastal Zone Management budget? Type of action : Research and Innovation Action (RIA) , +/_10 mln. euro 5

  5. More information on topics Information provided by European Commision during infoday Brussel in september 2019 RVO wegwijzer Workprogramme Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency & Raw Materials Workprogramme Cross-cutting activities 6

  6. Tips for success

  7. THE KEY TO SUCCESS: Ask the EC to fund your research Help the EU to solve its problems!

  8. Consider EU policy priorities and specify impact 9

  9. Co-operation between different actors for impact • Involve the end-user •Involve SME’s • Multidisciplinairy / multi-stakeholder / cross sectoral “involvement of social sciences and humanities (SSH) disciplines such as psychology, behavioural science, economics, law, anthropology, sociology, architecture or design studies” “systemic approach” “open innovation” “responsible research and innovation” 10

  10. Build on existing project results European fora like Climate Adapt, ThinkNature, Oppla, European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform share practices Project databases: EASME datahub CORDIS 11

  11. Build an innovative consortium Own netwerk • Brokerage / matchmaking events • upcoming: water knowledge europe, 28,29 oktober 2019 ➢ Horizon 2020 project databases (CORDIS, EASME datahub) • Link to existing EU networks/organisations • https://euwijzer.waterenklimaat.nl/spelers-in-europa/ Partner search tool NCP Care • Enterprise Europe Network • National Contact Points – Contact us! • 12

  12. Support Adviseurs / National Contact Points (NCPs) Evaluation process Define strategy Write Orientation Build WAIT Prepare Implement proposal consortium Horizon contract IMPACT … project 3-6 6-60 6 <5 <3 months months months Call deadline Legal & Input Spar Explore about financial for new WP advice proposal WP Share Discuss Final best 1-pager review pratices John.Heynen@rvo.nl, 0615897671 Corinne.vanvoorden@rvo.nl, 0650939714

  13. Thank you!


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