hope among ruins hope among ruins

hope among ruins hope among ruins [A Study Through Nehemiah] [A Study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

S E R M O N N O T E S APRIL 7, 2013 QU QUEST ESTION ONS S FOR FOR DI DISC SCUSSI USSION & DI DISC SCOV OVER ERY Observe and Do Obser e and Do 1. What does it mean to enter into a curse and an oath before God (v. 29)?

  1. S E R M O N N O T E S APRIL 7, 2013 QU QUEST ESTION ONS S FOR FOR DI DISC SCUSSI USSION & DI DISC SCOV OVER ERY Observe and Do Obser e and Do 1. What does it mean to “enter into a curse and an oath” before God (v. 29)? Nehemiah 10:1-39 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: Introducti : Every Christian sermon must proclaim the good news of what God has done, is doing, and will do in the person and work of 2. Why did the people of Israel make such a big deal about avoiding His Son, Jesus Christ … or it can hardly be called a Christian sermon. intermarriage with foreigners (v. 30)? As Kevin DeYoung says, “any gospel which says only what you must do and never announces what Christ has done is no gospel at all.” That said, the Bible is filled with “gospel therefores,” expected responses to God’s gracious provision in Christ. What happens when a community becomes gripped by God’s grace? 3. In order to effectively bear witness to the gospel and glorify God, the church must be distinct and different from the world around 01. 01. it. In what ways is your life distinct? In what ways are you no different from the world? Where would you desire to grow? 4. What does it mean to find our identity in Christ? How do we do that? How does that offer comfort and joy in this unstable and sin -cursed world? 02. 02. 5. One of the commitments of this grace-inspired people is: “we will not neglect the house of our God” (v. 39). How are you investing your time, gifts and finances to care for God’s church? 03. 03. 6. The book of Nehemiah continues to reveal how God cares for His people, despite their unfaithfulness and rebellion. What is your story of God’s faithfulness and grace? hope among ruins hope among ruins [A Study Through Nehemiah] [A Study Through Nehemiah]

  2. Nehemiah 10:1-39 Nehemiah 10:1 39 Ob Observe and Do d D

  3. “Not using the word covenant Not using the word covenant preserves the distinctiveness of the preserves the distinctiveness of the commitment God makes to them, ,

  4. a commitment that is not conditioned a commitment that is not conditioned by them or conditional on their by them or conditional on their response but that issues from God’s p grace.” John Goldingay g g y

  5. 01 Wh G d 01. When God enables his people to bl hi l grasp His grace, they become gravely Hi th b l serious about obedience serious about obedience.

  6. 02 Wh G d 02. When God revives his people, they i hi l h recommit to be distinct and different, it t b di ti t d diff t for the benefit of a watching world for the benefit of a watching world.

  7. 03 Wh G d 03. When God provides for his people, id f hi l th i they invest their treasures in the t th i t i th house of God house of God.

  8. “Both Scripture and personal Both Scripture and personal testimony teach us that there is no testimony teach us that there is no single formula for the kids of g problems that call for sanctification.” David Powlison

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