Ho How to Implem emen ent a a Legac acy y Chal Challenge a at Your ur In Institution Courtney Tsai, Director of Development, Planned Giving, George Washington University Sara Eigenberg, Deputy Director, Planned Giving & Endowments, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
OUR SHAR ARED ED GO GOAL… AL… • To raise A LOT of $$ in an EFFICIENT and COST EFFECTIVE way! • To build further LOYALTY within our donor base • TO BUILD LEADERSHIP
Gen ener eral D Definition on o of a Legacy Chal allenge The definition can/will be different for each organization, but in general a Legacy Challenge is : A matching gift program; that Focuses on raising planned gifts.
GW’ W’s Legacy C y Chal allen enge e DEF EFINED ED • A MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM : That utilizes a matching pool of unrestricted CASH to entice planned giving donors to document new planned gifts (Challenge focused exclusively on planned gifts) The planned giving donors are able to DIRECT THEIR MATCHING DOLLARS
USHMM’S L ’S Legacy cy Cha Challenges D DEFINED • A MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM focused on: o Raising NEW planned gifts for the Endowment o Raising NEW outright gifts for the Endowment o Identifying EXISTING planned gifts directed towards the Endowment o Identifying EXISTING, undirected planned gifts that we then had directed towards the Endowment
So Sounds G s Good, B But First, So Some “Insi side Baseball”… ”…
THE WI WIND-UP P . ... • Crunch some numbers focusing on ROI • Review and compile some information regarding what your program has already done • Sketch out what additional target audiences you want to reach • Create a short list of your ideal challenge donor(s) Get all your ducks in a row….make sure you have built the case before the…
PITC TCH…!! PRESENT YOUR CASE AND GET INTERNAL APPROVALS • Development Leadership • Treasurer/CFO buy-in; CEO buy-in; Board Approval?!
AND…. ….
You Go Got t t the O e OK… K… Now t to De Determine t the Ru e Rules
Th The Ru Rules Sh s Should Answer K r Key y Questions • What types of gifts will count for the program? Just planned gifts? Outright gifts directed towards an endowment? Both? • What matching % will be applied/what “cap” will be placed on the amount of matching funds allocated to a gift? • Will documented bequests and other planned gifts count at face value or discounted value for purposes of the match? • Can matching funds be directed to create new, named scholarships or other named funds? • What documentation will be sufficient for matching purposes? • How can the matching donor fulfill the match?
The G e GW L Legac acy C y Chal allen enge e Rules es • Match of 10% of the value of each new planned gift commitment, up to $10,000 per gift. The total matching funds available, to start, were $250,000. • Donors were able to direct the cash match to their area of interest at GW. Reason for Our Rules • Incentivize donors to provide us with details regarding their planned gifts; • Enable planned giving donors to make an immediate impact within their “area of passion” at GW even though funds from their own planned gift won’t be received for years; and • Allow many donors to participate.
Direct Funds t to Several P Purpos oses: MATCH $
USHMM L Legacy Cha Challenge R Rul ules • Match of 10% of each new or newly quantified outright or planned gift to a Museum Endowment fund (general or restricted), with a maximum match of $25,000 per gift. The total matching funds available were $1,000,000. • To qualify, donors had to direct their gifts to a Museum Endowment (general or restricted) and the match money was automatically to be designated for the Museum’s General Endowment Fund. Reason for Our Rules • Incentivize donors to provide us with details regarding their planned gifts; • Build our General Endowment as that was (and is) a main focus of our ongoing campaign. Having the matching funds go directly to our General Endowment also made tracking much easier. • Enable planned giving donors to feel as though their gift was leveraging further support for the Museum; and • Allow many donors to participate.
A Match % % and M Match Cap are N e Nec eces essar ary KEEP IN MIND: A one-one match for a Legacy Challenge will not work unless you have millions of dollars in your match pool GW and USHMM both used a 10% match • HOW IT WORKED…GW had a $10,000 cap SO: • A $10,000 planned gift qualifies for a $1,000 cash match • A $100,000 planned gift qualifies for a $10,000 cash match • A $1,000,000 planned gift also qualifies for a $10,000 cash match • HOW IT WORKED…USHMM had a $25,000 cap SO: A $10,000 planned gift qualifies for a $1,000 match • • A $250,000 planned gift qualifies for a $25,000 match • A $1,000,000 planned gift also qualifies for a $25,000 match 15
Finding t g the R Right M Match Donor or(s)…. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” –John Quincy Adams (Yes, this is John Quincy Adams…the internet is amazing….)
Ideal LE l LEADERS/Prospects for or Y You our Lea Lead M Match • Donor(s) who love public recognition • Donor(s) who “want their gift to have a big impact” • Donor(s) who haven’t yet made their big outright or planned gift • Donor(s) who have proven “easy” to work with • Donor(s) who have connections in the community (e.g. alumni group, their hometown, or beyond). Donors who can serve as LEADERS!!
Reac aching t g the C e Chal allenge e Goal oal
Mark arketi ting P Plan an an and P Piece ces It is KEY to come up with attractive collateral material for your legacy challenge such as: A Legacy Challenge “One-Pager” describing the program • Buckslips describing the Challenge that can be placed out at events or in outgoing mail • • USHMM included buckslips in thank-yous to our Membership & Collections donors • Different types of ads that can be used in your organizational magazines, newsletters, e- newsletters, blogs, Facebook pages... • Please reference sample pieces included with your handouts *Endeavor to make use of any and all EXISTING institutional pieces to advertise the Legacy Challenge*
Legacy Challe lenge G Gift C Con onfirmatio ion Fo Form USHMM • Created our “Confirmation of Deferred Commitment Form” to serve our Endowment Campaign efforts • Form allows donors to both QUANTIFY their planned gifts and DIRECT those gifts to our General Endowment. GW • Created a special Gift Confirmation form to serve their Legacy Challenge. • Form allows donors to QUANTIFY and EXPRESS DONOR DIRECTION and INTENT , but is not Endowment specific. KEYS POINTS TO REMEMBER • These forms are NOT binding; donors can of course still change their estate plans at any time • These forms should be SIMPLE and EASY TO UNDERSTAND
Targeted Letter to to P Pros ospec ects • This can help you reach out to your donor base • Can also enable you to reach out more broadly • Does your match donor have networks you could contact? • Will they write a letter/sign a letter on your behalf to their friends? Other Marketing Ideas • Would your match donor host an event? • Can your match donor speak at events already being held?
SO… O….HOW’ W’D W WE DO? O?!
GW L Leg egac acy C y Challen allenge R e Return on L Lead ead D Donor Inves estmen ent 12000000 10000000 8000000 6000000 4000000 2000000 0 Matching Funds Min. Raised to Actual Amount use all matching Raised funds $336,094 $3,360,940 $12,395,068
GW L Leg egacy cy C Challenge S Sur urvey R Resu esults ts • ALL respondents said they learned of the Legacy Challenge via their Development Contact and/or the personal letter • 70% said they learned of the Legacy Challenge via their Development Contact • 30% said they learned of the Legacy Challenge via the personal letter • 60% said the Legacy Challenge influenced their decision to document their planned gift a “great deal” or “somewhat” • 3 respondents said they would be somewhat interested in participating as a lead donor for matching funds for a future Legacy Challenge
USHM HMM L Legacy C y Challen enge R Results FIRST LEGACY CHALLENGE RESULTS (April 30, 2012--April 30, 2013) • 102 qualifying gifts totaling $26,633,673 • Donors from 25 states represented • Gift vehicles included bequests, CGAs, Retirement Plan designations, life insurance policies, CRTs... • Smallest gift was $1,000 and the largest qualifying gift was $13,000,000 SECOND LEGACY CHALLENGE RESULTS (April 30, 2014—April 30, 2015) • 106 qualifying gifts totaling $65,347,674 • Donors from 26 states represented • Gift vehicles included bequests, CGAs, Retirement Plan designations, life insurance policies, CRTs... • Smallest gift was $1,000 and the largest qualifying gift was $22,000,000 MOST RECENT CHALLENGE RESULTS (February 15, 2017--February 15, 2018) • 139 qualifying gifts totaling $37,415,505 • Donors from 23 states represented • Gift vehicles included bequests, CGAs, Retirement Plan designations, life insurance policies, CRTs... • Smallest gift was $1,000 and the largest qualifying gift was $20,000,000
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