highly leveraged into two oil and gas regions on the cusp

Highly leveraged into two oil and gas regions on the cusp of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Highly leveraged into two oil and gas regions on the cusp of game-changing drilling programmes Investor Presentation November 2012 www.pancon.com.au Disclaimer These materials are strictly confidential and are being supplied to you solely for

  1. Highly leveraged into two oil and gas regions on the cusp of game-changing drilling programmes Investor Presentation – November 2012 www.pancon.com.au

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  3. Overview Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL (“PCL”) is an ASX listed Oil & Gas Exploration Company Anomalous - best positioned of the few junior explorers left standing offshore East Africa, also holding a significant position offshore Namibia Early mover advantage has positioned PCL amongst much larger players – - BG Group, Origin, Apache, Tullow, PTTEP, Total, Anadarko, BP, HRT, Repsol etc Mbawa 1 Exploration Well – recent first ever offshore Kenya discovery Highly Leveraged into two oil and gas regions on the cusp of game-changing drilling programmes – East Africa (Kenya) and offshore Namibia (South West Africa) Experienced management team with long track record in Africa Multiple high-impact opportunities in growing African portfolio 3

  4. Corporate Snapshot Capital Structure Shareholder Split Shares on Issue 1,149 m Board & Mgmt Others 15% Options on Issue 1 4.50 m Market Cap. (at $0.086) $99 m 58% 27% Cash (September 2012) $39.2 m Debt Nil Institutional Enterprise Value $60m 1. 2.25m options (exercise price $0.1225, expiry Nov 2014), 2.25m options (exercise price $0.059, expiry Nov 2012) Date Key Event Share Price History Sep 2012 PCL announces first offshore Kenya gas discovery (Mbawa 1 – 52 net metres of gas pay) 120 $0.25 Sep 2012 PCL inclusion in S&P/ASX300 Index Daily Trading Volume (Millions of shares) Aug 2012 PCL announces completion of its A$50 million capital raising 100 $0.20 Jul 2012 PCL announces acquisition of additional 10% in Namibia Licence EL 0037 May 2012 PTTEP ups bid to US$1.92bn for Cove Energy (Recommended by Cove Directors) PCL Share Price (A$) 80 Mgmt & $0.15 May 2012 Tullow Oil PLC announces Kenya’s first oil discovery (far better than expected) Board 29% Apr 2012 PCL announces contract awarded for Kifaru 3D Seismic Survey on Kenya Block L6 in Q2 2012 60 Apr 2012 PCL announces A$45 million placement and A$5 million share purchase plan $0.10 Institutions 9% 40 Apr 2012 Shell ups bid to US$1.8bn for Cove Energy (Recommended by Cove Directors) Other 62% Feb 2012 Thailand's PTTEP overbids Shell With US$1.8bn for Cove Energy $0.05 Feb 2012 Shell bids US$1.6bn for Cove Energy (large East African acreage position) 20 Jan 2012 Completion of 3D & 2D seismic on L10A & L10B Dec 2011 PCL announces share placement to raise A$15m 0 $0.00 Ophir Energy announce intention to acquire Dominion Petroleum (substantial offshore Kenyan acreage Oct 2011 holding). Deal valued at US$186m Aug 2011 > Ten strong leads for follow up 3D and 2D on Block L10A & L10B announced 4

  5. Pancontinental’s Project Interests KENYA OFFSHORE Asset PCL% Sq Km Partner Operator Kenya L6 40% 3,134 FAR 60% FAR Kenya L8 15%* 5,115 Apache 50% Apache Origin 20% Tullow 15% Kenya L10A 15% 4,962 BG Group 40% BG Group PTTEP 25% Premier 20% Kenya L10B 15% 5,585 BG Group 45% BG Group PTTEP 15% Premier 25% * Tullow has an option to earn a further 5% interest from Pancontinental AUSTRALIA ONSHORE AUSTRALIA OFFSHORE / ONSHORE Asset PCL% Operator Asset PCL% Operator Canning Basin Strike EP 104 / R1 10% Carnarvon Basin Strike L15 12% EP424 38.5% EP 110 38.5% NAMIBIA OFFSHORE Asset PCL% Sq Km Partner Operator Namibia 95% 17,295 Paragon 5% Pancontinental EL 0037 5

  6. East Africa – Main Offshore O&G Players Offshore Kenya Apache, Tullow, Origin First offshore gas discovery Anadarko, Total Sept 2012 - Mbawa 1 - PCL 15% PTTEP (2 nd Well in 20 years) BG Group, Premier PTTEP Offshore Tanzania • Ophir, BG 10+ TCF gas Petrobras • Statoil, ExxonMobil 9+ TCF gas (oil potential) Ophir Petrobras Offshore Mozambique • ENI 70+ TCF gas BG Group, Ophir • Anadarko, PTTEP 60+ TCF gas ENI Statoil, Exxon Mobil Anadarko, Mitsui, Bharat, Videocon, ENH PTTEP Map refers to main oil & gas players offshore East Africa as at October 2012 (this is not a comprehensive list) 6

  7. Offshore Kenya – Interest in 4 Key Blocks Active in Kenya for over 10 years with an early mover Anadarko, Total, PTTEP L6 - 3,100 sq km advantage FAR Limited 60% Pancontinental 40% Working petroleum system L8 - 5,115 sq km offshore Kenya now proven Apache 50% Origin 20% Mbawa Discovery under Pancontinental 15%* evaluation Tullow 15% Continue to explore with oil L10A - 4,962 sq km as the main prize BG 50% PTTEP 20% Ophir, FAR Under Explored - only 3 Premier 20% Mbawa 1 Gas Discovery Pancontinental 15% wells offshore Kenya pre - 1985 (some with oil and gas L10B - 5,585 sq km shows), only 2 wells in the BG 50% last 20 years (including Premier 25% Pancontinental 15% Mbawa 1) PTTEP 15% PCL & JV partners to drill up to 4 wells in the coming 12- 18 months Anadarko / Total / PTTEP drilling 2 deepwater wells offshore Kenya commencing December 2012 * Tullow has an option to earn a further 5% interest from Pancontinental 7

  8. Offshore Kenya – Tana River Delta Lamu Basin / Tana River Delta Offshore Early Tertiary Depositional Setting Schematic Tana River pours sediment (sand and clay) into the offshore areas Maridadi Trough channels Lamu reservoir sands to south east Tembo trough channels reservoir sands to south Rising Mbawa Ridge restricts Carbonate (limestone) shelf depositional environment to L6 builds seaward from the coast the west and funnels Tana delta to the south Channel & turbidite sands L8 accumulate in trough areas, TANA RIVER DELTA sealed by overlying claystones Mombasa Channel & turbidite sands on Mbawa Ridge are elevated- (“inverted”) L10A & L0B 0 Km 2 ----------------- INVERSION ------------------ 0 Km 20 “MOMBASA HIGH” DAVIE-WALU BASEMENT RIDGE PEMBA- SIMBA RIDGE


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