highlights from the pepfar uganda science summit 2020

Highlights from the PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit 2020 Dr. Lisa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Highlights from the PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit 2020 Dr. Lisa Mills Assoc. Director for Science CDC Uganda PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit Translating Research into Programs for 2020 and Beyond Was held January 13-14, 2020 in Kampala Uganda

  1. Highlights from the PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit 2020 Dr. Lisa Mills Assoc. Director for Science CDC Uganda PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit Translating Research into Programs for 2020 and Beyond Was held January 13-14, 2020 in Kampala Uganda This summary presented January 28, 2020 to PEPFAR Stakeholders

  2. Objectives • To disseminate recent and ongoing HIV- and TB- related research from Uganda (PEPFAR-funded and non-PEPFAR funded) • To discuss implications for national program and other planning (e.g. PEPFAR COP2020, Global Fund) PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit January 2020

  3. Presenters, Attendees and Materials • Presentations: 83 scientific talks from 33 Ugandan organizations • Attendees : >250 attendees from >40 Ugandan organizations • Meeting was an internal learning session • Presenters and discussants encouraged to share unpublished/prelim. data • Presenters determined whether their presentation materials could be shared publically after Summit or not • All Shareable Materials now publically available: https://ug.usembassy.gov/pepfar-science-summit-2020/ PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit January 2020

  4. Format • Themed sessions led by US government and Ugandan cochairs • multiple high-impact 5 minute presentations (‘5 minute magic’) per themed session • guided discussion and open Q&A • Template highlighting three areas below, one slide for each area • modelled on CROI oral abstract sessions • Additional poster sessions over lunch for MOH Public Health Fellowship projects • Materials shared with PEPFAR TWG cochairs and integrated into COP2020 planning

  5. Session 1: Epidemiology and Socio-behavioral Research PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit Translating Research into Programs for 2020 and Beyond January 13-14, 2020 Kampala Uganda

  6. Session 2: Prevention and Community Engagement PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit Translating Research into Programs for 2020 and Beyond January 13-14, 2020 Kampala Uganda

  7. Session 3: HIV Care and Treatment PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit Translating Research into Programs for 2020 and Beyond January 13-14, 2020 Kampala Uganda

  8. Session 4: TB, OIs and Mortality, and NCDs PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit Translating Research into Programs for 2020 and Beyond January 13-14, 2020 Kampala Uganda

  9. Session 5: Health Systems and Economics PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit Translating Research into Programs for 2020 and Beyond January 13-14, 2020 Kampala Uganda

  10. Overall Summit Positive Feedback • Very well-organized summit, needs to be continued • Very clear and elaborate presentations • Make it an annual event, should be organized the same way as today • Focus on TB greatly appreciated • Share presentations for further lobbying during upcoming PEPFAR and GF writing processes • This event needs to be institutionalized for learning and helping with improving programming • Good meeting for researchers to identify gaps and tested delivery strategies which can be adopted PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit January 2020

  11. Overall Summit Constructive Criticism ORGANIZATION Next time work with MOH and UAC for institutionalization and sustainability • Information to Executive Directors sometimes does not trickle down, better to inform the Directors of Research who • can easily pass on the information FORMAT Make summit run for 3 days such that presentations do not go beyond 4PM • Reduce on number of presentations to allow for enough time for discussions • More time for presenters or having 2 tracks (concurrent sessions) to allow for more discussions • More poster presentations required • Consider making posters into oral presentations or scheduling specific poster sessions (not informal over lunch) • PARTICIPATION AND SHARING WITH THE PUBLIC Participants should include front line health workers • Need to do capacity building for organizations which do not do science • Attendance by IPS/CSO was very minimal needs to be increased next time • Would be good to broadcast it live, could also consider inviting public • Need to print a journal with presentations to be shared • PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit January 2020

  12. Next Steps • Ensure materials and key findings inform national program including COP20 planning process, PEPFAR TWGs and others • Repeat annually or even sooner • Larger attendance • More preparation time and clearer process for submissions/acceptance • Consider addition of programmatic successes theme area (rather than purely research findings only) • Session co-chairs to provide summary of key findings and action points for national programming for their session, to compile into summary slideset PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit January 2020

  13. Acknow ledgments and Further Information • Presenters • Attendees • PEPFAR Uganda for making the event possible • For further information Dr. Lisa Mills – UGADS@cdc.gov • https://ug.usembassy.gov/pepfar-science-summit-2020/ • Includes presentation slides, posters, agenda, presentation tracker, summary slides with summit feedback and final report PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit January 2020

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