high impact practices

High-Impact Practices Educate, Promote, Assess & Collaborate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity High-Impact Practices Educate, Promote, Assess & Collaborate Bernadette Muscat, Martin Shapiro, Debbie Young, Mike Pronovost, Arthur

  1. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity High-Impact Practices Educate, Promote, Assess & Collaborate Bernadette Muscat, Martin Shapiro, Debbie Young, Mike Pronovost, Arthur Montejano, Matthew Jendian, Andrea Vidaurri CAIFE Sponsor: Dr. Frank Lamas

  2. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Campus Strategic Priorities Academic Affairs Goal #1 Student Affairs Goal # 1 Ensure that Fresno State Create and design services and students have timely access to programs utilizing best courses and opportunities to practices to educate and participate in academic high empower students for success impact practices

  3. First-Year Experience

  4. Community Service

  5. Service Learning

  6. Study Abroad

  7. Global Learning

  8. Diversity


  10. E-portfolios

  11. Student Employment

  12. Research

  13. Supplemental Instruction

  14. Honors Programs

  15. Internships

  16. Project-Based Learning

  17. Employment Internships Honors FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Why Are HIPs Important? • Greater retention, persistence, and GPA • Particularly helpful to underserved students • Yet, underserved students are less likely to participate in high-impact practices • Greater appreciation for diversity • Students connect what they are learning to different settings • Can lead to life-changing experiences

  18. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Deep Approaches to Learning (Kuh, 2008)

  19. Fresno State Fresno State Pilot Stud Pilot Student ent Survey Survey (n = (n = 135) 135) • Was this experience meaningful? • Would you recommend this experience?

  20. Service Learning 30 25 Number of Responses 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly disagree somewhat neither agree somwhat agree Strongly agree disagree disagree nor disagree agree Meaningful Recommend

  21. Research 30 25 Number of Responses 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly disagree somewhat neither agree somwhat agree Strongly disagree disagree nor disagree agree agree Meaningful Recommended

  22. Internships 30 25 Number of Responses 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly disagree somewhat neither agree somwhat agree Strongly agree disagree disagree nor disagree agree Meaningful Recommended

  23. E-Portfolios 30 25 Number of Responses 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly disagree somewhat neither agree somwhat agree Strongly disagree disagree nor disagree agree agree Meaningful Recommended

  24. Study Abroad 30 25 Number of Responses 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly disagree somewhat neither agree somwhat agree Strongly disagree disagree nor disagree agree agree Meaningful Recommended

  25. Project-Based Leaning 30 25 Number of Responses 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly disagree somewhat neither agree somwhat agree Strongly agree disagree disagree nor disagree agree Meaningful Recommended

  26. Proportion Experiencing Aspects of Project- Based Learning.

  27. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Overall Goals for HIPS Educate Collaborate Assess Promote

  28. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Overall Goals for HIPS Promote • Website with student stories • Mentoring programs within each College • Resources for best practices

  29. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Overall Goals for HIPS Educate • HIPs Certification Program • Website with informative links • HIPs course designations

  30. High Impact Practices Certificate Program (10 hour) Improving Student Experiences Project-based learning is a course Project- Date: TBA assignment where students work for an Based Library room extended amount of time investigating a 2134 real-world problem within the context of Learning the course material. All instructors could incorporate diversity and global issues into their course. This could Diversity / Date: TBA include racism and discrimination, Library room inequalities, human rights, social justice, Global 2134 immigration, displayed people, power and oppression. Service-learning projects combine Service Date: TBA coursework with meaningful service Library room activities that benefit the university and Learning 2134 community. Supplemental Instruction is unique in that Supplementa Date: TBA it focuses on high-risk courses, rather than Library room traditional student-support programs l Instruction 2134 which focus on high-risk students. Involvement in undergraduate research Date: TBA provides hand-on experience, application Undergraduat Library room of course content, direct faculty e Research 2134 interaction and peer-to-peer collaboration and cooperation. Date: TBA Internships give students the opportunity Internships Library room for hands-on experience in work directly 2134 related to their major. First-year experience programs help First-Year Date: TBA students with the jarring transition from Library room high school to college. Experience 2134 Two-hour seminars Certification for attending five seminars: Required: Project-based learning and Diversity and Global Learning. Optional: Service Learning, Supplemental Instruction, Undergraduate research, Internships, First-year experience.

  31. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Overall Goals for HIPS • Work with OIE Assess • Yearly campus-wide survey • Quantity • Quality • Attitudes and value • Track student success • Assess faculty involvement

  32. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Overall Goals for HIPS • Create a central location for Collaborate faculty, administrators and students interested in HIPs • Connect people already doing HIPs

  33. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity HIPs Director • Housed in the Center for Faculty Excellence • Overall understanding of HIPS at Fresno State • Connects Academic and Student Affairs • Directs training • Facilitates knowledge-sharing between departments • Serves as liaison to student success committee • Streamline what already exists

  34. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Timeline and Deliverables (2017-2018) • Focus on promoting, educating, assessing and coordinating Project-Based Learning (PBL) • Retreat in Summer 2017 with faculty representatives from all Colleges to: • Plan for assessment of HIPs activities • Discuss course designations • Search for mentors • Create a steering committee

  35. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Timeline and Deliverables (AY 2017-2018) • Building collaborative partnerships and outreach between Divisions of Student and Academic Affairs • Establish a steering committee

  36. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Timeline and Deliverables (2017-2018) • Project-based Learning mentorship program • One per college • $500 per mentor per year • Inventory and database for project-based Learning • Who is doing it well? • How is it being done? • Where could it be done more? • High-impact practices website • Resources • Training • Student stories

  37. Internships Honors Employment FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Timeline and Deliverables (AY 2018-2019) • Project-based learning course designation • Student-matching program • Thematic GE program around HIPS and PBL HIPS Designated • Work with OIE to continue assessment and connect results to Tableau and student success • Assessment of where we are and where we need to go • What is the next HIP? • Continue building partnership between academic and student affairs

  38. Internships Honors FYE PBL Service Study Abroad E-Portfolios DISCOVERe Global Diversity Employment Budget 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Center Staff $87,729 $163,389 $169.002 Director 1 $64,635 $115,815 $120,000 Administrative Assistant (ASA II or ASC I) 2 $23,094 $47,574 $49,002 Operations $101,000 $101,000 $101,000 Professional Development $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 -Cal State HIP Conference Faculty Development Stipends 3 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 Operations $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 -Equipment, Technology, Office Supplies, Printing & Marketing TOTALS $188,729 $264,389 $270,002 1. Faculty release time. $5515 per 3 WTUs. 2017-2018: 18 WTUs total + $15,000 summer salary. 2. Salary Range: $2,114 - $3,840 M. Reported at upper salary cap. COLA calculated at 3%. 3. Faculty stipend. $500 for completing training. $2000 for applying concepts in course design. One faculty member per college for a total of 8.


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