hf sets in constructive type theory

HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark Interactive Theorem Proving, Nancy, August 24, 2016 saarland university computer science saarland university computer science A minimal computational axiomatization of HF

  1. HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark Interactive Theorem Proving, Nancy, August 24, 2016 saarland university computer science

  2. saarland university computer science A minimal computational axiomatization of HF sets with a unique model. Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 2 / 19

  3. saarland university computer science What are Hereditarily Finite sets? = all finite, well-founded sets whose elements are HF again Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 3 / 19

  4. saarland university computer science What are HF sets useful for? Świerczkowski (1994), Paulson (2015) Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 4 / 19

  5. saarland Previous Work university computer science hf ≈ N 1950 1975 2000 Ackermann (1937) Givant, Tarski (1977) Takahashi (1977) Previale (1994) Kirby (2009) Świerczkowski (1994) 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 ≈ 21 1 0 1 0 1 ⌈ 21 ⌉ = {⌈ 4 ⌉ , ⌈ 2 ⌉ , ⌈ 0 ⌉} Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 5 / 19

  6. saarland Previous Work university computer science a x x : HF y : HF i ∅ : HF { x }∪ y : HF a . x ���� x . y 1950 1975 2000 Ackermann (1937) Givant, Tarski (1977) Takahashi (1977) Previale (1994) Kirby (2009) Świerczkowski (1994) Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 5 / 19

  7. saarland Previous Work university computer science 1950 1975 intuitionistic 2000 Ackermann (1937) Givant, Tarski (1977) Takahashi (1977) Previale (1994) Kirby (2009) Świerczkowski (1994) Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 5 / 19

  8. saarland Previous Work university computer science membership not as primitive 1950 1975 2000 Ackermann (1937) Givant, Tarski (1977) Takahashi (1977) Previale (1994) Kirby (2009) Świerczkowski (1994) Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 5 / 19

  9. saarland university computer science A minimal computational axiomatization of HF sets with a unique model. Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 6 / 19

  10. saarland What is needed for HF sets? university computer science 1 Constants: hf, ∅ , a . x x ∈ y := x . y = y 2 A characterization of equality = ( cancellation ) x . x . y x . y x . y . z = y . x . z ( swap ) � = ∅ ( discreteness ) x . y x . y . z = y . z → x = y ∨ x . z = z ( membership ) � �� � x ∈ y . z → x = y ∨ x ∈ z 3 A strong induction principle ∀ p : hf → Type . p ∅ → ( ∀ x y . p x → p y → p ( x . y )) → ∀ x . p x Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 7 / 19

  11. saarland Working with the Induction Principle university computer science R : p ∅ → ( ∀ x y . p x → p y → p ( x . y )) → ∀ x . p x R p 0 p S ∅ ? = p 0 R p 0 p S ( a . x ) ? = p S ( R p 0 p S a ) ( R p 0 p S x ) None π 1 ∅ = Some a � π 1 ( a . x ) = Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 8 / 19

  12. saarland Working with the Induction Principle university computer science R : p ∅ → ( ∀ x y . p x → p y → p ( x . y )) → ∀ x . p x 1 Recursive Specification 1 Membership Specification ∅ ∪ y = y Σ u . ∀ z . z ∈ u ∪ = a . ( x ∪ y ) a . x y ↔ z ∈ x ∨ z ∈ y 2 Recursive Specification 2 Membership Specification Needed: extensionality z ∈ x ∪ y ↔ z ∈ x ∨ z ∈ y Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 8 / 19

  13. saarland What is not needed as primitives? university computer science 1 Membership x ∈ y := x . y = y 2 Recursion equations 3 Decidability of equality: dep. on extensionality 4 Extensionality: dep. on decidability of equality Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 9 / 19

  14. saarland Extensionality and Decidability Results university computer science dec ( x ∈ y ) dec ( y ∈ x ) Extensionality x ⊆ y → y ⊆ x → x = y dec ( y ⊆ x ) dec ( x ⊆ y ) Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 10 / 19

  15. saarland Extensionality and Decidability Results university computer science dec ( a . x ∈ b . y ) dec ( b . y ∈ a . x ) Extensionality a . x ⊆ b . y → b . y ⊆ a . x → a . x = b . y dec ( a . x ⊆ b . y ) dec ( b . y ⊆ a . x ) Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 10 / 19

  16. saarland university computer science A minimal computational axiomatization of HF sets with a unique model. uniqueness existence Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 11 / 19

  17. saarland A Tree Model for HF Sets university computer science a b . . . . . a . b = � = . . . . . c . c . . . . . . {a, b, c,} {b, a, c} ∅ HF sets = ∅ + a . x + equality + induction principle Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 12 / 19

  18. saarland A Tree Model for HF Sets university σ computer science a b . . �≈ . ≈ . . a . b . . . . . c . c . . . . . . ∅ {a, b, c,} {b, a, c} 1 An inductive type representing the tree structure: T := 0 | T . T 2 An equivalence relation ≈ : T → T → Prop 3 An idempotent normalizer σ : T → T s.t. s ≈ t ↔ σ s = σ t 4 Construct a subtype X of T only containing normalized trees. Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 12 / 19

  19. saarland Definition of ≈ university computer science Equivalence s . s . t ≈ s . t s . t . u ≈ t . s . u s ≈ s ′ t ≈ t ′ s ≈ t s ≈ t t ≈ u s . t ≈ s ′ . t ′ s ≈ s t ≈ s s ≈ u To show: ≈ satisfies the equality axioms of HFs, for example 1 s . s . t ≈ s . t 2 s . t . u ≈ t . u → s ≈ t ∨ s . u ≈ u Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 13 / 19

  20. saarland A Normalization Function university computer science Idea: Use sorted trees as normal form. Lexical Tree Order s < s ′ t < t ′ s . t < s ′ . t ′ s . t < s . t ′ 0 < s . t Define a sort function σ : T → T according to the above order satisfying 1 σ ( σ s ) = σ s 2 s ≈ t ↔ σ s = σ t ⇒ There exists a type { t | σ t = t } . Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 14 / 19

  21. saarland university computer science A minimal computational axiomatization of HF sets with a unique model. uniqueness existence Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 15 / 19

  22. saarland Are all HF structures the same? university computer science f : X → Y homomorphism: ? ↔ f ∅ = ∅ f ( a . x ) = ( f a ) . ( f x ) X Y ... ... Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 16 / 19

  23. saarland Are all HF structures the same? university computer science ↔ homomorphism + bijection + R a b R x y greatest bisimulation R ∅ ∅ R a . x b . y X Y ... ... 1 Totality ∀ x . Σ y . R x y . 2 Functionality R x y → R x y ′ → y = y ′ ◮ Simulation R x y → a ∈ x → ∃ b . b ∈ y ∧ R a b 3 f homomorphism ⇒ R x ( f x ) 4 All homomorphisms between HF structures are equivalent. 5 All HF structures are isomorphic. Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 16 / 19

  24. saarland university computer science A minimal computational axiomatization of HF sets with a unique model. Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 17 / 19

  25. saarland university computer science Axiomatization + Discreteness + Operations + Ordinals + Categoricity + Model Construction Everything is formalized in Coq. ∼ 2000 lines Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 18 / 19

  26. saarland university computer science Everything is formalized in Coq. similar to proofs in paper special-purpose tactic based on intro-elim rules Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 18 / 19

  27. saarland university computer science Everything is formalized in Coq. no inductive types except for the model construction Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 18 / 19

  28. saarland university computer science Everything is formalized in Coq. Where? - www.ps.uni-saarland.de/extras/hfs Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 18 / 19

  29. saarland Contribution university computer science First minimal, computationally complete axiomatization of HF sets Operationally complete axiomatization First proof of categoricity Further Work A recursor with equations Axiomatization of non-wellfounded sets Thank you for your attention! Where? - www.ps.uni-saarland.de/extras/hfs Gert Smolka and Kathrin Stark HF Sets in Constructive Type Theory ITP 2016 19 / 19

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