Helen Drake Loughborough University (Politics, History and International Relations)
Student P E E R A DV I S O R S c u r r i c u l u m AND INTERNATIONALIZATION
the puzzle? why don’t more Politics, History and IR (PHIR) students go abroad?
size of the problem In 2009-10: UK out = 11, 723 UK in = 22, 650 Lboro out = 68 Lboro total = 11,500 PHIR out = 30 of 300 students (10%)
hypotheses UK anti-European LU poorly internationalised PHIR barriers to mobility peer mentoring = a solution
review of the literatures Internationalisation student mobility peer assisted learning (PAL)
the method peer advisor scheme set up scheme operationalised (field work) scheme evaluated (questionnaire + content analysis)
the findings I participation up (from 3 to 24) conversion rate up (40%) positive feedback
the findings II ‘they put me at ease’ ‘they helped me understand’ ‘they inspired me’
the (unexpected) findings III ‘thank you. I felt like I made a difference’ ‘satisfaction at spreading Erasmus’ ‘I personally feel good’ ‘I developed many skills’
in conclusion I PAL does lead to increased student mobility Mobility does permit internationalisation
in conclusion II PAL of mutual benefit for mentee and mentor PAL motivated by instrumentalism (individual good eg skills) PAL motivated by altruism (feels good; collective good)
in conclusion III – the limitations selection bias (peer mentors) small-scale study low response rates other factors?
thank you
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