health safety

Health & Safety Including Manual Handling Theory 1 Learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Health & Safety Including Manual Handling Theory 1 Learning Objectives By completing this module you will understand: t he Trusts commitment to delivering services safely and the legislation, policies and procedures that are in

  1. Health & Safety Including Manual Handling Theory 1

  2. Learning Objectives By completing this module you will understand: • t he Trust’s commitment to delivering services safely and the legislation, policies and procedures that are in place • the meanings of hazard, risk and risk assessment • common workplace hazards and how to recognise them • how risks can be managed through preventative and protective measures • how to work safely • the importance of reporting issues and how to do this • how to raise health and safety concerns • your own responsibilities in terms of health and safety 2

  3. The Health and Safety Team Chris Brass Trust Health & Safety Manager 01782 6 76430 Anna Causley Secretary 01782 6 76427 Ann Humphreys Manual Handling Advisor 01782 6 76018 Julie Knowles Health & Safety Advisor 01782 6 76475 Phil Rowlands Health & Safety Advisor 01782 6 71709 Dave Smith Health & Safety Advisor 01782 6 76429 The team support all UHNM sites

  4. Health & Safety Team Aim and Vision The H&S departmental aim and vision is to help prevent incidents and avoid injury/harm by: – Educating and training employees in Health and Safety (H&S) – Advising and assisting departments – Auditing departments and processes. In order to maintain a safe working environment for all staff, patients and visitors and promote a positive safety culture across the Trust.

  5. So why bother? The Trust has a moral and legal obligation along with a business need to keep: Patients Staff Visitors Safe and free so that from harm or tomorrow!

  6. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Statistics 2014/2015 Each year in the Health …and 2% of workers sustain a Work and Social Care sector, Related Injury… around 5% of workers suffer from illness they believe to be work Main injury kinds as reported by related … employers …leading to 5.7 million working days lost

  7. Who is responsible for Health and Safety? We all are!

  8. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 defines set responsibilities that each and everyone of us has to follow in order that we have a safe working environment to operate within. There are posters around the trust that tell you what you need to know and the various responsibilities that both managers and employees must do to comply with this act. Do you know where your nearest poster is?

  9. Management Responsibilities • Provide a safe working environment • Provide all equipment required including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (Gloves, aprons, facemasks etc.) • Provide relevant training • Risk assess working areas • Inform staff of changes to procedures and regulations Employee Responsibilities • Attend training and remain competent • Follow Trust and local policies and safe systems of work • Report unsafe practice/situations and near misses

  10. Hazards and Risks Hazards A hazard is anything that may cause harm, such as: Sharps (syringes), electricity, manual handling, contact with chemicals or biological agents, slips, trips and falls, working from ladders, an open drawer etc. Risk The risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by these and other hazards, together with an indication of how serious the harm could be.

  11. Risk is a part of everyday life and we sometimes cannot eliminate all risks. Within the Trust, work that involves hazards and risks are risk assessed in order to eradicate or minimise incidents occurring by implementing control methods. The main causes of injuries to workers in the Trust are as follows: Slips, trips and falls Sharps injury Musculoskeletal injuries Display Screen Equipment (DSE) related Injuries (Posture, eye strain, RSI etc.) Ask your line manager to show you your department risk assessments

  12. Slips, Trips & Falls Did you know ...? • Slips, trips and falls are one of the biggest cause of serious injuries to healthcare workers • Some result in broken bones or worse • Everyone is at risk but you are at greater risk if you are a care assistant, nurse, housekeeper, or porter due to the environment and hazards • Most accidents to patients and visitors are due to slips, trips and falls • Slips and trips can happen anywhere • You have a legal duty to look after yourself, your colleagues and your patients

  13. Definition of slips, trips and falls • When your foot (or lower leg) hits an object and your upper body continues moving, throwing you off balance. • Occurs when you are too far off your centre of balance. • When there is too little friction or traction between your feet (footwear) and the walking or working surface, and you lose your balance. Definition of STF Friction: The resistance encountered when an object (foot) is moved in contact with another (ground). Friction is necessary in order to walk without slipping. 13

  14. Other conditions increasing the risk of slips and trips Poor housekeeping Allowing clutter to accumulate in offices, corridors. Leaving patient notes or equipment in walkways. Cables and wires not stowed correctly or isolated around the office. Not maintaining clean, dry floors. Using improper cleaning methods Incorrectly trying to clean up a grease spill with water or leaving spills and other items such as food for others to deal with.

  15. Not using/incorrect usage of signage : Not putting out signage when slip or trip hazards exist or leaving the signage in place when the floor is dry. Staff are required to take care and avoid wet floors. Inattentive behaviour: Walking, distractions (e.g. using mobile phone, texting and talking and not watching where you’re going). Take care when exiting offices, corridors and lifts to avoid any collisions with other staff, patients and visitors . Taking shortcuts: Not using designated walkways or pathways; being in a hurry and rushing around. Be aware of traffic and use designated crossing points where available.

  16. Watch out for door stops! Door stops are situated in most corridors to stop the door from opening too far. To minimise the trip hazard only one is fitted. Ensure the door is opened the right way and sits in the door stop. If not, this could lead to a staff, visitor or patient fall! Door in the correct position Not in the correct position

  17. Steps and Ladders There may be times when you need to operate at height. Prior to commencing the task, ensure you are trained to do so and that you use the equipment provided (ladders/steps) correctly and that relevant risk assessments are read and followed. Before/during/after use checks: Before • Visual check to ensure all parts are not damaged, including undamaged stiles (the side pieces that the rungs are attached to) • Clean rungs (the tread area) • Ensure on a level surface During • Do not lean out of the surface area of the step After • Stow in a suitable area away from access routes • Report any faults (if any) and label up to prevent any further use

  18. How can you prevent slips, trips and falls? • Look where you are going at all times • Be aware of your surroundings • Footwear – I-Socks – Wear sensible footwear for the task – Check soles are in good condition Ice shoe grippers – If icy, consider wearing ice/snow grips or I-Socks • Good housekeeping • Correct use of equipment (ladders/steps) • Use of handrails when using staircases • Report/action any concerns such as spills or trip hazards to (housekeeping, managers)

  19. Sharps Injury Prevention Depending on your role, you may be subject to hazards such as needles, scissors, saws and scalpels (to name a few). These items are to be used with care in a manner that has been shown to you as part of your training and disposed of correctly in line with Trust procedures. • Use safety needles when available • Do not re-sheath needles • Use approved sharps bins for disposal • Do not wander around with un-sheathed needles • Maintain concentration, avoid distraction • Confirm no needles present when clearing patient tables • Do not over fill sharps bins or place fingers in • Adhere to policy IC18 (Blood Borne Pathogens) and HSE regulations Only correct procedures will help to eradicate incidents!

  20. What to do if you receive a sharps related injury If you suffer an injury from a sharp which may be contaminated: • Encourage the wound to gently bleed, ideally holding it under running water. • Wash the wound using running water and plenty of soap. • Don't scrub the wound whilst you are washing it. • Don't suck the wound. • Dry the wound and cover it with a waterproof plaster or dressing. • Seek medical advice from Team Prevent (Occupational Health Service) as effective prophylaxis (medicines to help fight infection) are available. • Report the injury on Datix (online incident reporting system)

  21. Manual handling Q. Who has the best technique when it comes to manual handling? A child will pick up, handle, carry and lower items correctly whilst maintaining correct principles in manual handling


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