he clima limate e change hange ada dapt ptation ion

he Clima limate e Change hange Ada dapt ptation ion Project - PDF document

8/31/12 he Clima limate e Change hange Ada dapt ptation ion Project oject The on on Building uilding Clima limate e Res esilient ilient Far arming ming Communit ommunities ies in in Agus gusan an del del Nor Norte

  1. 8/31/12 ¡ ¡ he Clima limate e Change hange Ada dapt ptation ion Project oject The on on Building uilding Clima limate e Res esilient ilient Far arming ming Communit ommunities ies in in Agus gusan an del del Nor Norte e thr hrough ough Inno nnovativ ive e Ris isk k Trans ansfer er Mec echanis hanisms ms (CCAP , Philippines , hilippines) ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Lurraine Lur aine Bay aybay bay Villacor illacorta Green Gr een Jobs obs in in Asia ia Regional gional Conf onfer erence ence ILO ¡Philippines ¡MDG-­‑F ¡CCA ¡Project ¡Manager ¡(Former) ¡ Regional ¡Programmes ¡Consultant ¡ Surabaya, ¡Indonesia ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡on ¡Green ¡Jobs ¡& ¡Climate ¡Change ¡(Current) ¡ 29-­‑31 ¡Aug ¡2012 ¡ ILO ¡Regional ¡Office-­‑ ¡Asia ¡& ¡Pacific ¡ ¡ Bangkok, ¡Thailand ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ CCAP is Outcome 3.4 Demo Project under the MDG-­‑F ¡1656 ¡Joint ¡Programme ¡on ¡Strengthening ¡the ¡Philippines’ ¡ ¡ InsTtuTonal ¡Capacity ¡to ¡Adapt ¡to ¡Climate ¡Change ¡ ¡ ¡ -­‑ c i l b u ¡ p P i h ¡ d s n r a e ¡ n P t O r a G P -­‑ ¡ N ¡ e U t a ¡ ¡ v A i r P 1 ¡

  2. 8/31/12 ¡ Clima limate-r e-rela elated ed disas dis aster ers repr epres esent ent a a major major sour ource ce of of ris isks ks for or the he POOR OOR in in particular par icular, , the he FARMERS who ho ar are e dependent dependent on “good on good wea eather her” ” for or their heir sur urviv ival al and liv and livelihood! elihood! Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change is determined by : 1 -E -Economic conomic condit condition ion 2 -A -Availa ailabilit bility of of and and acces access to o financial inancial & pr product oductiv ive e res esour ources ces 2 ¡

  3. 8/31/12 ¡ Project oject Object Objectiv ives es 1 -D -Develop elop and and tes est financial inancial saf afet ety net nets for or clima limate e vulner ulnerable ble far arming ming popula populations ions, , es esp. . women omen 2 -T -To o de develop elop the he ca capacit pacities ies of of vulner ulnerable ble popula populations ions to o avail ail of of the he benef benefit its under under economic economic div diver ersif ifica ication ion and and a a democr democratiz ized ed go gover ernance nance system em Agus gusan an del del Nor Norte e CCAP Priority “w “wher here e water er flo lows” ” Areas allus allusion ion to o the he might mighty Agus gusan an Riv iver er 1 1 cit city, , 10 10 municipalit municipalities ies 167 bar 167 barangay angays, , 126 126 rur ural al 273,024 273,024 hect hectar ares es 314,027 popula 314,027 population ion 57 57 % % or or 31,913 31,913 hous households eholds liv live e belo below po pover erty line. line. Major ajorit ity ar are e far arming ming HHs HHs 7 7 banks banks wit ith h MF F funct unction ion oper operate e in in Agus gusan an del del Norte. Nor e. 3 ¡

  4. 8/31/12 ¡ Lac Lack k acces access to o cr credit edit Far armer mers in in Inf nfor orma mation ion Agus gusan an del del Generally obtain financing from Nor Norte... e... traders at very high interest Lac Lack k accept acceptable ble colla collater eral al Ha Have e uns unstable ble income income & cas cash h flo low Ha Have e lo low pay paying ing ca capacit pacity- - Lo Low availment ailment of of ins insur urance ance (cr crop op, , Lif Life/ e/Non-lif Non-life) e) Wit ith h limit limited ed bus busines iness kno knowledge ledge and and exper xperience ience …meas …measur ures es to pr provide ide acces access to “mar “market et-bas -based ed ins instrument uments” of often en fail ail as as they hey do do NO NOT ad addr dres ess the he COR ORE PROB OBLE LEM… the he POOR OOR jus just could could NO NOT af affor ord them! hem! 4 ¡

  5. 8/31/12 ¡ Int ntegrated ed Financial Financial Pac acka kage ge NOT NO Financing Financing as as Us Usual ual: : LGU GU, , Coop oop & Rur ural al Bank ank Models odels ^ ^ ¡ 0.83% 0.83% 2.3% 2.3% 1% 1% l Bundled undled wit ith h Non- Non- l Lo Low int inter eres est Financial ser Financial ervices ices l Non-colla Non-collater eraliz alized ed - - Clima limate e Change hange & l Les Less document document requir equirement ements Envir ironment onment Brief iefings ings l Simplif implified ied pr proces ocessing ing - - Financial Financial Lit Liter erac acy l Product oduction-c ion-cycle le res espons ponsiv ive e - - Ag Agri ri/Ent nter erpr pris ise e Tec ech h releas eleasing ing Suppor upport (FFS FFS)) l Coop/ oop/RB: : Savings ings - - Market Info/Assistance component component l Ins nsur urance ance - - Health, Credit/Life - - Crop op (Tradit aditional ional & WI WIBI) ¡ NOT NO Ins nsur urance ance as as Us Usual ual: Wea eather her-I -Inde ndex x bas based ed Ins nsur urance ance ^ ^ (WI WIBI) Pac acka kage ge : : Rice ice and and Cor orn- n- Lo Low and and Exces cess Rainf ainfall all 3.04% Rice ice orn n 6.18% Cor 3.04% ¡ 6.18% ¡ l Affor orda dable ble pr premiums emiums l Bundled undled wit ith h l Fas aster er pay pay-out -outs suppor upport ser ervices ices: : -No -No field ield as asses essment ments - WIBI literacy of of dama damages ges - Techno Training: -No -No need need for or filing iling of of claims laims Recommended Agri Tech pay pay-out -out aut automa omatic ic upon upon & Pest Control (FFS-IPM) br breac each h of of inde index x 5 ¡

  6. 8/31/12 ¡ ¡ Financing + Ins Financing nsur urance ance + + Ris isk k Reduct eduction ion - - Ear arly War arning ning & Dis isas aster er Prepar eparednes edness ¡ l Wea eather her Ins nstrument uments/ EWD WDs ins installed alled l Municipal/ unicipal/Bar arangay angays wit ith h oper operational ional EWS WS plans plans and and trained ained monit monitor ors ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- l Local Local AWS WS Ref efer erence ence Stations ions l Bac ack-up k-up Stations ions and and EWD WDs ¡ Immedia mmediate e Benef enefit its - - Valida alidated ed Res esult ults CCAP CCA-Support Programme (CCAP Follow-Through- Cycle 2 & 3) 6 ¡

  7. 8/31/12 ¡ ¡ Immedia mmediate e Benef enefit its - - Valida alidated ed Res esult ults CCAP CCA-Support Programme (CCAP Follow-Through- Cycle 2 & 3) ¡ Immedia mmediate e Benef enefit its - - Valida alidated ed Res esult ults CCAP CCA-Support Programme (CCAP Follow-Through- Cycle 2 & 3) Php1.2M ¡ 7 ¡

  8. 8/31/12 ¡ Addit ditional ional income income from om div diver ersif ified ied sour ources ces – – Gr Green een Jobs obs ¡ Wor ork k in in the he Or Organic ganic Fer ertiliz ilizer er l Product oduction ion Plant lants Wor ork k in in Hauling Hauling & truc ucking king for or l was aste e collect collection ion / Or Organic ganic Fer ertiliz ilizer er pr product oduction ion Local Local la labour bour - - rur ural al pr prot otect ectiv ive e l struct uctur ures es/water er management mana gement facilit acilities ies l Fabr brica ication ion of of Wea eather her/Ear arly l War arning ning de devices ices (EWD WDs) EWD WD Monit onitor oring/ ing/ Maint aintenance enance l Les Lessons ons Lear Learnt nt ¡ Development elopment: : Understanding target groups’ characteristic and and needs needs l for or financial inancial and and non-f non-financial inancial ser ervices ices thr hrough ough rele elevant ant anal analysis is inc. inc. V&A, , FV FVCA & MR, , ar are e cr crit itical ical in in the he des design ign of of div diver ersif ified, ied, af affor orda dable ble and and sus ustaina ainable ble pac packa kages ges Pac acka kage ge Component omponents/Fea eatur ures es : Bundling financial services with non-financial services l makes the package more attractive to the poor while increasing their opportunities to maximize outputs and diversify their productive activities. Group Gr oup solidar olidarit ity as as colla collater eral al subs ubstit itut ute e – – allo allows l availment ailment and and acces access by by as asset et-poor -poor communit communities ies 8 ¡


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