having your email list work for you

HAVING YOUR EMAIL LIST WORK FOR YOU # mpnon Mar Younkin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HAVING YOUR EMAIL LIST WORK FOR YOU # mpnon Mar Younkin @areeetinthekithen Kirsten Oliphant @kikimojo WHAT WELL COVER Wh ou need a nesletter A reakdon o Mars nesletter A reakdon

  1. HAVING YOUR EMAIL LIST WORK FOR YOU # mpn�on Mar� Younkin @�are�eetinthekit�hen Kirsten Oliphant @kikimojo

  2. WHAT WE’LL COVER ▶ Wh� �ou need a ne�sletter ▶ A �reakdo�n o� Mar�’s ne�sletter ▶ A �reakdo�n o� Kirsten’s ne�sletter ▶ Tips & �est pra�ti�es ▶ Q & A

  3. WHY YOU NEED A NEWSLETTER ▶ Conne�t personall� �ith �our readers ��s on �our �e�site or so�ial media� ▶ Ha�e the a�ilit� to sell a produ�t ▶ Gro� �our �an/reader �ase ▶ Promote �our �e�site and spe�i�i� �ontent

  4. WHY YOU NEED A NEWSLETTER ▶ Ha�e a permanent �onne�tion to �our people ▶ One to man� �ut �eels one to one ▶ Mu�h �etter ROI �or sales

  5. NEWSLETTER-WRITING PROCESS ▶ Find �hat �orks �or YOU ▶ Don’t rein�ent it ea�h �eek

  6. THE LITTLE THINGS ▶ Lo�o & ta�line ▶ Date ▶ Greetin� ▶ Brie� update on our li�e ▶ Need a smile/lau�h/�rin ▶ 3 re�ipe teasers ▶ Weekl� meal plan ▶ What I’m readin�/�at�hin�/doin� ▶ Final thou�hts to share ▶ Quote & �losin�

  7. THE LITTLE THINGS NEWSLETTER http://�are�eetinthekit�hen.�om/the-little-thin�s/

  8. THE QUICK FIX ▶ Rather than a ne�sletter st�le, more o� a resour�e st�le ▶ Greetin� ��onte�t� ▶ Resour�es & links �other people’s AND mine� ▶ Featured Communit� Mem�er ▶ Question o� the �eek ▶ PS

  9. THE QUICK FIX ▶ I keep a runnin� link list in E�ernote ▶ Use a mi� o� �old, headin�s, and line �reaks �or �isual interest.

  10. TIPS AND BEST PRACTICES ▶ Proo�read ▶ Che�k links ��li�k throu�h them ALL�

  11. TIPS AND BEST PRACTICES ▶ Su�s�ri�e to �our list e�er� �e� months to see �hat the pro�ess is like and �ind mistakes ▶ Read on mo�ile and desktop



  14. TIPS & BEST PRACTICES ▶ Pa� attention to �our dash�oard ▶ Don’t just send emails and �or�et a�out them ▶ Kno� �hat’s �orkin� and �hat links are �ein� �li�ked

  15. TIPS & BEST PRACTICES ▶ Don’t underestimate the po�er o� su�je�t lines ▶ Pla� �ith �isual like len�th, emojis, all �aps ▶ Perhaps the �est is somethin� that sparks �uriosit�


  17. TO SUM UP… ▶ Treat email like a �i� deal. It is. ▶ Make a plan that has purpose. ▶ Create a �ork�lo� to sa�e time. ▶ Pa� attention to �hat’s �orkin�. ▶ E�periment to �ind the �est �it �or �ou and �our audien�e.

  18. Q & A ▶ Ask us an�thin�! Mar� Younkin @�are�eetinthekit�hen Kirsten @kikimojo http://�reatei��ritin�.�om/Media�ine


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