h r h princess maha chakri s irindhorn s initiative on

H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri S irindhorns initiative on quality of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri S irindhorns initiative on quality of life development and education of children Kraisid Tontisirin Advisor to HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorns projects Chairman of Nutrition Development Foundation

  1. H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri S irindhorn’s initiative on quality of life development and education of children Kraisid Tontisirin • Advisor to HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s projects • Chairman of Nutrition Development Foundation • Professor emeritus, Mahidol University Presentation at the Child and youth conference: opportunity beyond frontiers, Chulalongkorn U 30 June 2015

  2. Inspiration of H.R.H

  3. Initiative for quality of life (QL) development in children in remote and poor areas started in1980 * School as the entry point * Emphasis on QL of children and youth * Start first with food and nutrition * Holistic approach, eventually Environmental Agriculture conservation Food Cultural conservation Nutrition Occupation Health Education &coop * Learning by doing/ practicing * Extend to community * S takeholders participation Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University

  4. • Agriculture/ • Promotion Food Nutrition Health • Food supply/ • Protection • Service • Treatment Nutrition is a link between food and health, regarding the fulfillment of energy, protein and micronutrient requirements and non-nutrients from food in human life course Ultimate Goals Good Nutrition & Well-being for All -6- Kraisid Tontisirin Mahidol University

  5. Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  6. Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  7. Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University

  8. Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  9. Activities in schools of H.R.H. initiative * Agriculture for school lunch * School lunch service * Sanitation and hygiene * Controlling of iodine deficiency * Evaluation of nutrition and health status with remedial actions * Occupational training and school cooperative * Conservation of local culture and environment * Royal scholarships since 1988 * Royal mobile medical services during royal visit Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  10. Nutrition in school * Monitor weight and height regularly with remedial actions based on growth (Wt and Ht) * Food services-school lunch (& milk) * Iodine def. controlling…iodized salt & water * Deworming if necessary * Basic sanitation and hygiene * School gardens * Nutrition education * Promotion of physical activity and exercise * Positive school environment for healthy diets Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  11. Schools and education centers under H.R.H. initiative in 2014 * Total of 825 schools and education center involved, in 54 provinces * All 196 Border Police Patrol schools covered * Total of 121,087 students enrolled * 1,600 students received scholarship for continued education at higher levels Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  12. From school to community Sustainability of QL in school and community Joint effort with community School hool as cent nter er for QL dev evel elopm opment nt Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  13. Development actions in community * Mat aterna nal and and chi hild d heal health Antenatal cares Safe service delivery Infant and young child feeding and cares including growth monitoring and promotion * Pres escho hool ol dev devel elopm pment c cent enter * Elder derly c car ares * Inc ncome gener generating ng trai aining * Hom ome and c e and com ommuni nity gar garden dens Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  14. Area-based development * Kusumal District, S akolnakorn * Boa Kua District, Nan * Chalermprakiat District, Nan * Omgoit District, Chiangmai Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University

  15. International collaboration with H.R.H initiative in 10 countries, 96 schools Country Starting year No. schools participated * Lao 1990 16 * Myanmar 1995 48 * Cambodia 2001 4 * Vietnam 2006 3 * Mongolia 2007 5 * Bhutan 2007 6 * Bangladesh 2010 2 * Indonesia 2011 7 * Timor-Leste 2014 2 * The Philippines 2015 3 * Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University

  16. International collaboration with H.R.H initiative in 10 countries, 96 schools Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University

  17. H.R.H.’s ways of working * Loving kindness and compassion * Work hard & perseverance * Always learn as a lifelong learner * I ntegration of knowledge to actions * Follow up, support and continued improvement of work * Outcomes and impacts based for well-being of mankind * With a lot of humor Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University

  18. H.R.H’s 4 learning principles 1. สุ : Listen and read well 2. จิ : Think and being observant 3. ปุ : Ask questions to know more 4. ลิ :Taking note either on paper or digitally so we ourselves and other will retain that knowledge Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University

  19. H.R.H’s working principles * Sufficien ency econom onomy * Simp implic licit ity * Ben Benefi fit to to pe people * Sta Start t smal all for for lear earning & & scale e up subs bseque equent ntly * Sustain inabilit ility Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University

  20. On the auspicious occasion of H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s 5 th cycle birthday anniversary 2 nd April 2015, Thailand has been cerebrating throughout the year 2015 Please join together our well wishes for a very good health, happiness and long life to H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University

  21. เนื่องในปีมหามงคลที่สมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารีเจริญพระชนมายุครบ๕รอบ วันที่ ๒ เมษายน ๒๕๕๘ ขอให้ทุกคนร่วมเฉลิมพระเกียรติ โดยการเจริญรอยตาม พระยุคลบาทและ น้อมนํา พระจริยวัตรในการทรงงาน มาปฏิบัติให้เกิด ประโยชน์แพร่หลายมากขึ้นสืบไป ... Thank you for your attention Kraisid Tont isirin, Mahidol University


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