Guidance Note – 1 NTRL NATIONAL COMMISSIONING FRAMEWORK (KEY ELEMENTS) Purpose of and Objectives The NCF will define the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in the planning and allocations system for 16 – 19 provision (who does what), and will set out the key processes within the system (what happens and when). The NCF is intended to help the system provide the best outcomes possible for all young people to enable them to reach their potential and gain the skills needed for employment and rich fulfilling lives. NCF will ensure: • provision is made available for all young people to progress in learning, including delivery of the learner entitlements • the quality of provision at least meets minimum standards (e.g., of accreditation), and continues to improve • provision is commissioned within the framework of the national funding system • provision is affordable within national and regional budgets NCF Principles • The system operates in the interests of the learner • The system will take into account the needs of employers and employability • Involves providers as key partners • Funding ‐ based upon the national funding formula and applied at the level of the provider ‐ will follow the learner • Provide and encourage flexibility in aspects of the process, including how learner and economic needs and demand are defined and in what provision is commissioned • Decisions on provision based upon analysis of future needs and the requirements of the reformed curriculum • The system must be transparent and equitable • Commissioning should be impartial and provider neutral, securing high quality provision from the most appropriate quality assured providers • The system must deliver value for money • Accountability will be secured with minimum bureaucracy between partners • Budgetary control at each level, ensuring affordability. Roles of Key Players Local Authorities : as commissioners, LAs should be champions of young people in their area, focusing on achieving better outcomes 14 ‐ 19 Partnerships : provide area ‐ wide strategic assessment, owned and driven by key stakeholders and delivery partners and usually include the third sector Sub Regional Groups : provide essential coherence across travel to learn areas, where these cross LA borders Regional Planning Groups (RPGs) : set out the regional priorities and produce Regional Commissioning Statements to support local planning; scrutinise 16 ‐ 19 commissioning plans for the region to ensure they are coherent, can be funded within the regional budget and will deliver 14 ‐ 19 entitlement YPLA : will perform key national functions, supporting and enabling LAs to carry out their responsibilities
Children’s Trusts : take a strategic overview of provision for children and young people 0 ‐ 19, including commissioning of education and training provision for young people Government Offices : key role in supporting and challenging LA performance, and in offering a strategic perspective through the RPG Regional Development Agencies : involved in RPGs, likely as co ‐ chairs; will support alignment with regional skills and economic regeneration and development Department for Children, Schools and Families : sets the overall national policy and priorities for 16 ‐ 19 learning, agrees national funding allocation, sets national targets, reviews and agrees YPLA performance THE STAGES OF NCF AND TIM ELINE FOR 2011/12 ALLOCATIONS ANALYSING AND PLANNING – 2010 May onwards YPLA supplies data and analysis to local authorities May‐July Local authority uses data from YPLA and other local data (including intended destinations from Connexions) to provide analysis of likely local need. June/July Local authority, working with 14–19 partnerships and SRGs, reviews its 14–19 plan to identify local priorities and develop an interim local commissioning statement. Early dialogue with providers to discuss performance and future plans. July onwards Local authorities share early information on planning, in the form of an interim local commissioning, statement, with SRGs and RPGs. NATIONAL AND LOCAL COMMISSIONING STATEMENTS 2010 July ‐ October Work to develop local plans October/November Grant letter issued by DCSF YPLA issues national commissioning statement NATIONAL AND LOCAL COMMISSIONING STATEMENTS November YPLA provides local authorities with an initial funding position, based on 2010/11 allocations data RPG produces a regional commissioning statement, which includes: • data, intelligence and priorities provided by the RDA and NAS; • priority strategic issues for the region, drawn from the local commissioning statements; and • priorities and planning assumptions for the region, drawn from the national commissioning statement Local authorities confirm local commissioning statements Apprenticeship, independent specialist provider (ISP) and specialist provider places aggregated across the SRG Local authority open and competitive tendering needs agreed/aggregated across the SRG November/December YPLA confirms the national funding rate YPLA provides local authorities with an updated funding position October‐December Dialogue between lead commissioners and providers on allocations December Indicative distribution of funds from YPLA
FINALISING ALLOCATIONS – 2011 January Lead Commissioner establishes baseline position for each provider By February Local authorities complete local commissioning plans and agree with SRGs RPGs moderate reports from SRGs and submit proposed regional commissioning plans to YPLA February – March YPLA consider and agree regional commissioning plans March YPLA informs lead commissioners of each local authority’s funding position Lead commissioners inform providers of final allocations CONTRACTING AND FUNDING May – June Lead commissioner finalises local commissioning plan May – August Local authorities issue contracts to providers for signature August Payments to providers begin
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